'Livsland Uddannelse 1999'

Prof Per Christiansson
IT in Civil Engineering

Friday August 27 1999, Aalborg University, Fibigerstræde 11, Room 3
10.45 - 12.00

"IT i projektering og processtyrning/ IT in design and building process control"

The complex project organisation of the building industry together with higher international involvement will take great advantage of the future advanced IT tools.

  • The actual products will themselves contain embedded and co-ordinated IT support.
  • The building process will be more integrated, though often through redundant product/process models.
  • We will through realistic simulations be able to get a much better support when we make important decisions in the very early requirements formulation phase of the design process
  • multimedia and virtual reality porperties of the interfaces to the computer resources will improve our way to communicate and collaborate less constrained by time and geographic position.

Aalborg University
Dept. of Building Technology and Structural Engineering
Sohngaardsholmsvej 57
DK-9000 Aalborg
Tel: +45 9635 8080/8545 (Per Christiansson)
Fax: +45 9814 8243
email: pc@civil.auc.dk

[home] Per Christiansson Last update 1999.08.26
(1999.08.26) [1999.08.26]