
Last update 1999.05.10 (1999.02.02 ) [1998.12.09]

References and links are listed below. The list will expand during the course.

Look also at KBS-Media Lab Links, the Denmark Building IT site, DKBIT, or the Meta site exercice in this course

Semester 6 'It in the Building Process' course references.


Christiansson, P, 1996, "Så förädlas kunskap i globala nätverk". Byggforskning 6/96, Stockholm. (sid. 18-20). (paper copy to groups).

Christiansson, P, 1996, "Informationsteknologi för byggbranschen: Visioner och nuläge". Husbyggaren, nr. 7-8, november 1996, Stockholm. (sid. 8-12). (paper copies to groups).

Gralla P, 1997, "Internet. Lära med bilder. Res visuellt genom Internets inre". Prentice Hall, New York. (178 sid.). (139 DkK inkl. moms)
see also

"Search Engines on the Internet". Experimental Techniques, Jan/Feb 1998 (pp. 34-38). Including Internet directories for engineering. (paper copies to the groups).

HTML references;

Databases. Modelling

Christiansson, 1996, "Konceptuell modellering". http://delphi.kstr.lth,se/kbs/reports/hm-kompendium/konceptuellmodellering.html

Mose Ole, 1997, "Access - praktisk databasdesign". IDG Bøger 1997, Carl Jocobsens Vej 25, 2500 Valby. (36 199 100, 36 199 199 fax). (119 pp.) (69:- DkK).

Building Management

"Cirkulære om kvalitetssikring af byggeabejder". Byggestyrelsens cirkulære 12 november 1986. Byggedata. (2 pages.). (Distributed at lecture).

"Lov nr. 216 af 8.6.1966 om licitation m.v." (page 46 and page 272). (Distributed at lecture).

Bejder, 1995, "Achieving Quality Management in Construction". (Extract). Submitted by the CONQUEST Research Group, December 1995. (57 pages) (Distributed i 4 copies).

Extract from Bejder 1995 (6 pages). (Distributed at lecture).

Bejder, 1995, "Achieving Quality Management in Construction". (Extract). Submitted by the CONQUEST Research Group, December 1995. (57 pages). (Distributed in 4 copies at lecture).

Extract from Bejder 1995 (6 pages). (Distributed at lecture).

Byggmödereferad. PlanEnergi. NordJyllad. 11-12-1994. (12 pages). (Distributed at lecture).

"Forsøgsprojekt på Aalborg Universitet. Del 2. Objektorienteret projektering". November 1998. (62 pp.)

Christiansson, 1993, "Multiteknologi. Möjligheter och begränsingar i teknisk fastighetsförvaltning. Demonatration och erfarenheter från Delphi projektet". (9 pp.).

Christiansson P, 1998, "Den digitala staden - Landskrona."

Per Christiansson