Exercise 1

Last update 2007.02.06 (2006.02.07 ) [2002.05.15]

A: "Det digitale byggeri", background and current state

Make a list of the most important references related to the danish project "Det digitale byggeri".

- Background for the project

- Current version of major reports from the sub projects of the digital foundation as well as the four client requirements.

Start from http://www.detdigitalebyggeri.dk/historik List the title, author, publishing year and make a few notes about the main content and conclusions as your own introduction to the programme. Save the document for later use in your project.

B: Meta Sites, find and structure relevant information sources for your project

Assume that you are a future project team making a complete project similar to the semester 6 project.
Search the web for material that can support you in the start-up of your project work. Classify the 'sites' you find regarding what domain they cover, what level of information they contain (superficial - deep) and how complete you believe the information provided is (see example below).
Start to make a reference list of documents relevant for your project.

Save the results in a document which you later will include in your project report and ProjectWeb.

Make a structured list of information sources relevant for the project (make your own categories).


" http://virtbib.aub.auc.dk/ , AUBs Virtuelle Biblioteker
" http://www.ldc.lu.se/~lthvbibl/, Lund University, Civil Engineering School Library.......

Search engines
" http://www.google.com/ Google.
" .....

" http://www.bygviden.dk
" http://www.byggtjanst.se, Svensk Byggtjänst
" .....

" http://home.sprynet.com/sprynet/shig/europee.htm#DM
" .....

Indoor Climate
" ........

Kjeld Svidt