sem7 Virtual Buildings. IT in Building Management.

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IT i Civilingeniørspeciale i Byggeledelse/IT in Building Management. Spring 2000.


Delivered material
  • Wille C, Koller C, 1999, "ASP Active Server Pages". IDG Forlag, Valby. (312 pp.) in the list below must be purchased by the students.

    • Phiri T, 1999, "Information Technology in Construction Design". Thomas Telford Ltd, London. (227 p.). (Extracts):
      Historic background reading 'Systems software. Application software' (pp. 12-18), 'Time and project management activities' (pp. 27-33), 'Data manipulation and mathematical analysis' (pp. 47-51), CAD/CAM/CAE and multi-media' (pp. 52-59). Case studies: 'Anthony Hunt Associates, Structural and Civil Engineers' (pp. 87 - 91), 'Battle McCarthy, Consulting Engineers' (pp. 97-100), 'BDP Ltd, Architects, Engineers and Surveyors' (pp. 101-108), 'DEGW, Architects, Space Planning and Management Consultancy' (pp. 122-127), 'Price & myers, Consulting Structural and Civil Engineers' (pp. 177-180), 'Richard Rogers Partnership, Architects' (pp. 189-194), 'SOM, Architects' (pp.195-201).
      'Conclusions and future developments' (pp. 203-211). (TOTAL extract 75 pp.)

    • Appendix A: "Resa till Los Angeles och San Francisco, 3-14.11 1982" (pp. 39 - 59) from
      Christiansson P, "Datorstödd projektering. CAD i tillämpning". G13:1983. Byggforskingsrådet Stockholm. (59 pp.).

    • Christiansson P, 1984, "Datorstödd projektering, Cad. Besök vid företag och Universitet USA hösten 1983." TVBK-3019, Lunds Tekniska Högskola. (29 pp.)

    • Christiansson P, 1999, " SERFIN2 - Skadeförebyggande Erfarenhetsåterföring för Fastighetsförvaltare på Internet. ". (pdf-version) KBS-Media Lab, Lunds Universitet.

    • Junge R, 1998, "Product ModellingTechnology - the Foundation of Industry Foundation Classes". ECPM'98, Product and Process Modelling in the Building Industry. Clowes Group, England (pp. 259-266).

    • Haas W, 1998, "The Exchange of 3D CAD Building Models Using STEP AP225 - Scope, Functionality and Industrial Practice". ECPM'98, Product and Process Modelling in the Building Industry. Clowes Group, England (pp. 229-237).

    • Björk, B-C., Löwnertz, K. and Kiviniemi, A., 1997, "ISO DIS 13567 - The Proposed International Standard for Structuring Layers in Computer Aided Building Design". Electronic Journal of Information Technology in Construction, ITcon, Vol. 2 (pp. 33-55). ['The first priority was thus to decide which information categories should be used for determining the allocation of graphical elements to layers. The syntax, i.e. coding scheme for layer names, was considered a secondary issue.' A proposed ISO ]
      Tarandi Väino, 1998, "Neutral Intelligent CAD Communication. Information exchange in construction based upon a minimal schema". Royal Institute of Technology, KTH. Dissertation (194 pp.) pp. 54-59 (Product Model Developments, STEP)

    • Estlander Lars, 1997, "Designteori för plan-, bygg- och förvaltningssektorn". TRITA-ARK-Forskningsrapport 1997:10. ISSN 1400-2930. ISRN KTH/ARK/FR-97:10-SE. (161 pp.) pp. 19-23, 85-91 , BSAB, EPIC etc.

    • Karlshøj, Jan, 1994, "Principper og metoder for opstilling af datamodeller til byggetekniske anvendelser". Afdelningen for Bærende Konstruktioner, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet. serie R, No 315. (295 pp.) pp. 150-162 Klassifikationssystemer.

    • Christiansson P, Herrera A, 1987, "Kunskapsbaserade system/expertsystem. Värdering av några existerande verktyg" / "Knowledge Based Systems/Expert systems. Evauation of some existing tools". NBS-DATA seminarium, Oslo, 24-25 september 1987. (15 pp).

    • Christiansson, P, "The Formalization process in Global Knowledge Handling". Research Directions for Artificial Intelligence in Design. (eds) J.S. Gero and F. Sudweeks. Key Centre of Design Computing, University of Sydney.(the Fourth Workshop on Research Directions for Artificial Intelligence in Design. University of Twente. Enschede, The Netherlands. January 6 1995). (pp 23-34).

    • Christiansson P, 1989, " Advanced Material and Vendor Information system - AMVI". Automation in Construction , Vol 2, nb 2, , July,1993), Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (pp 109-121).

    • Modin Jörgen, 1994, "KBS-Class: A neural network tool for automatic content recognition of building texts". Constructiuon Management and Economics. Special issue on Information Technology in Construction. 1995.

    • Johnson, M., 1999, "XML for the absolute beginner".

    • Prolog examples from the lecture notes.

    • Wille C, Koller C, 1999, "ASP Active Server Pages". IDG Forlag, Valby. (312 pp.) (

    • Anumba, C J, Cutting_Decelle A F, Dufau J, Mommessin M, Bouchlaghem NB M, 1998, "Integration of Product and Process Models as a Keystone of Concurrent Enginering in Construction: the ProMICE Project". ECPM'98, Product and Process Modelling in the Building Industry. Clowes Group, England (pp. 9-19).

    • Karlshøj, Jan, 1994, "Principper og metoder for opstilling af datamodeller til byggetekniske anvendelser". Afdelningen for Bærende Konstruktioner, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet. serie R, No 315. (295 pp.) pp. 57-71 (Systemsanalysmetoder).

  • Prof. Per Christiansson