sem7 Virtual Building, sem7 2005

[home] [education] [semester 7] Last update 2005.11.03 (2005.10.31) [2005.10.10]

IT i Civilingeniørspeciale i Byggeledelse/IT in Building Management.

Mini-project/Exercises. 2005

Exercise A on your scenario of the future ICT supported building process
Exercise B on conceptual modelling of your semester 7 project
Exercise C on on database design and web access
Exercise D on knowledge representations
Exercise E on meta structuring of information using XML and RDF
Exercise F on new services in digital cities and intelligent buildings

The students come from semester 6 of the civil engineering program. (You can also take a look at the exercise sem7 2004 notes, exercise sem7 2003 notes, exercise sem7 2002 notes, exercise sem7 2001 notes, exercise sem7 2000 notes, exercise sem7 1999 notes)

Exercises shall be carried through and may also be part of a mini project.

The exercises may if possible be related to your semester project.

The four hour lecture/exercise follows the scheme

  • 1 hour lecture
  • 1 hour exercise in group
  • 2 hours exercise results presentation and follow discussions
Here you can find some of the exercise work results

Exercise A on your scenario of the future ICT supported building process

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Write and illustrate one or more scenarios on how you wish the building industry could benefit from use of ICT tools. You could e.g. focus on one or more of the following domains - experience capture and knowledge transfer, collaboration, virtual buildings, end product (building) quality.

A scenario is an analysis of challenges and future possibilities for development. The scenario will help us to communicate and gain insights in future developments. It should be as objective as possible taking into account evaluations and analyses of viable future ICT developments and organisational and work environment changes. The scenarios are stories and do not talk about specific technologies in depth but try to develop a story about what people must do in order to complete their task or goals.

A building future scenario could well be developed by a group of people with insight and experience in different areas such as engineering, architecture, building operation and ICT experts.

[exercise work results]

Exercise B on conceptual modelling of your semester 7 project

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In connection with lecture "2. CONCEPTUAL MODELLING" you shall start to develop conceptual models at high abstraction level of your semester 7 project.

  1. Define the overall function(s) of the system under consideration. Use initial needs and wishes expressed by the client

  2. Try to give names on the system and it's subsystems.

  3. Choose the system and subsystems you intend to model, design, and implement.

  4. Start the modeling work by drawing rich picture conceptual models starting on top level.

  5. Draw a top level process model using IDEF0 diagram.

  6. Sketch a Work Flow diagram for a system use case. Use Contextual Design methodology.

  7. Sketch a Sequence Model for the same Use Case. Use Contextual Design methodology.

  8. Sketch a User Environment for the use case (involving one or more users). For example as screen dump(s) from the hypothetical system. Protoype ver 0.1

  9. Evaluate the system prototype version 0.1 with the user.

    During continuous evaluation and discussions with end user, the user needs and requirements are specified in more detail. UML models that are partly derived from the Contextual design models can support the software design and implementation.

  10. Discuss what possible UML diagrams can be constructed during implementation.

[exercise work results]

Exercise C on database design and web access

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In connection with lectures "4-5. WEB AND DATABASES" you shall use and analyse exisiting projectebs as well as design a database and explain/try-out how it can be accessed from the Internet.

Part 1 (see further explanations here)
  • Based on different roles, try and test the project web system Byggeweb. (each group member has a role (contractor, architect, client, engineer etc.)).
  • Describe the flow of documents and compare with the database developed in part 1.
  • Reflect on (write 1/2 A4 page) how this technology, models, and information containers [project webs] could be used in building projects, to support company costumer relations and company knowledge management.
    Sketch on a needs and requirements specification for a company project web.
  • Finally present your solutions to other groups.

Part 2
  • Design a relational database that based on a fictive building project can coordinate and store involved companies, persons, the person's competencies and documents related to the building project.
    [You may also use the results from semester 6 exercise, previous exercises or part of your semester project to make a conceptual design of a relational database (by your project company or end-customers).]
  • The database should contain five or more related tables (e.g. companies-employees-competencies etc.)
  • Implement the database using Microsoft Access.
  • Test database access using the in built possibilities to make forms in Access.
  • Document your design and database queries.
  • Explain/try-out how the SQL calls can be transferred to the database (in two or more html/ASP-files to access the database via a Internet Information Server (IIS) or Personal Web Server (PWS) from a web-browser).

[exercise work results]

Exercise D on Knowledge representations

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Describe what representations you find appropriate to use in connection with systems that support
  1. Virtual Building models
  2. Document handling
  3. Experience Capture
  4. Meeting notes
  5. your own suggestions....
[exercise work results]

Exercise E on meta structuring of information using XML and RDF

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In connection with lecture "7. KNOWLEDGE REPRESENTATIONS (XML,HTML)" you shall study how XML and related technologies can be used to store, validate and present data.

Part 1

  1. Filerne ex_e.xml, ex_e.xsd og ex_e.xslt gemmes lokalt på harddisken (vær opmærksom på filendelserne: .xml, .xsd, .xslt.)
  2. Via en tekst editor (fx WordPad da denne beholder formateringen) dannes et overblik over ex_.xml filen og der tilføjes en etage (storey) med min 2 spaces til bygning 1.
    Gem XML filen i et nyt navn.
  3. Valider den nye XML fil med XML Skemaet ex_e.xsd via validatoren
  4. Via editoren foretages følgende ændringer i ex_e.xsd:
    • Værdi i SpaceType skal være "entrance" i stedet for "communication".
    • Der kan maks. være 2 etager i en bygning.
  5. Valider XML filen og foretag nødvendige ændringer i XML filen.
  6. XML dataene skal nu formateres til HTML via et stylesheet.
    Indsæt i 2. linie af XML filen følgende: <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="ex_e.xslt"?> og åben XML filen i en browser.
  7. Lav ændringer i ex_e.xslt filen, fx. ændring af farver, skrifttyper og formateringer.
  8. Dokumenter øvelsen via udsnit af koden samt skærmdumps.

Part 2

  1. Hent og installer editoren RDFedt
  2. Opbyg vha. RDFedt en RDF beskrivelse om en fiktiv webressource (fx, der baseres på Dublin Core Element Set 1.1
    Der skal indgå minimum 3 metadataelementer
  3. Valider RDF beskrivelsen med W3C's RDF Validator
  4. Dokumenter resultatet via skræmdumps og korte kommentarer til hvad der sker i koden
  5. Hvordan mener I at denne teknologi kan anvendes i byggebranchen. Drag fx sammenligninger med de projektweb systemer, der blev demonstreret i øvelse C
  6. Hvilke processer i en virksomhed kan understøttes af teknologierne.

[exercise work results]

Exercise F on new services in digital cities and intelligent buildings

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You shall in this exercise take the role of client advisor in the intelligent building domain. The client will build a new office hotel. You should produce information to support the client in his formulation of (new types) ICT supported services and how these can be designed, implemented and used.

  • list those intelligent building type of services you will present to the client
  • describe how some of these services could be implemented in the intelligent building
  • present a tentative requirements list on IB supported functions and services in the planned office.
  • also describe how a IB design team could be composed

[exercise work results]

Questions Examples from lecture notes

World Models and Systems

  • Give some examples on digital models we can build for the building process.
  • Why do we build digital building process/product models?
  • What is a digital Virtual Building model?
  • Give some examples on services we can implement in an office intranet.
  • How can digital models help us communicate with product/component manufacturer?
  • What is IT?

Conceptual Modelling

  • Why do we need top make conceptual models of our applications that we want to store in the computer systems as digital models?
  • Draw a functional model graph of the following application - selection and ordering of windows for an office building with special regard to the communication with the window producer.
  • Give examples on conceptual modelling methods and the corresponding knowledge representation they are well suited to model.
  • You have a several cupboards with drawings and documents in your office. How will you 'store' and access these on your company intranet? Sketch a conceptual artifact model and user environment of a personal information container.
  • ((Sketch work models (according to the Contextual Design method) for the internal structure and information flow on use of system for drawing and document handling on an office intranet.))


  • Explain the first three levels of relational database normalisation.
  • What is Structured Query Language, SQL. Explain the 'select', 'from', and 'where' clauses.
  • Explain the mechanism behind accessing a database through ODBC (Open Database Connectivity) from a web browser.

Knowledge Representations

  • How can we represent knowledge in computers?
  • Give some examples of computer stored knowledge representations and describe their properties and possible application domains.
  • What do you mean characterizes a knowledge based system?

The Semantic Web

  • What is XML, XSL and XML schema?
  • How can XML formatted data support application interoperability on WWW?
  • What is the Semantic Web?

The Digital City and Intelligent Buildings

  • Sketch an example on an intelligent building installation and services based on LON, Local Operating Network,
  • Mention four important benefits using Intelligent Building Installations.
  • Which competences (and why) would you involve in design, build-up and operation/maintenance of the intelligent building installations, IBI?
  • Which types of services can be introduced in the digital city information networks?
  • Discuss capacity and other properties of different networking technologies that can be used in the digital city.
  • Which competences (and why) would you involve in design, build-up, and operation/maintenance of the digital city?

Per Christiansson