Aalborg University and DIVERCITY

The IT in Civil Engineering group has during two years build up resrach and eduaction drawing from Prof Per Christianssons experinces and international networks.

The DIVERCITY project forms an essential part of the activities within IT in the Building process at Aalborg University.

  • is clearly in line with the the IT in Civil Engieneering program
  • results will support ongoing research and vice versa
  • the results will hopefully be used in the educational activities (e.g. project works)
  • the results will be an efficient vehicle for industry collaboration

  • client - design/construction/maintenance team collaboration (adaptive environment)
  • use this project team as one case?
  • collaboration on partly redundant building models (Virtual Building shared workspace)
  • component deliveries from external building process suppliers
  • temporal db issues (temporal SQL?)
  • cheap 'glasses' (mixed reality) (low cost solutions)

  • importat to involve clients during DIVERCITY
  • crucial with continous focus process and reqiurements specification during DIVERCITY.

©Per Christiansson, 1.2.2000