Per Christiansson april 2001


    • Important to plan the collaborative work on documents with regard to choice of atomic level at different work stages to avoid re-examining whole documents/chapters;

    • Establish versioning routines for documents and program source codes;

    • Establish routines for long term back-up and document maintenance (both physical and logical);

    • If you base your work on using digital information containers they must be easily accessible both physically (near to Internet/intranet access points via wireless connection or fixed points) and logically (network domain access);

    • Permanent wall display units in meeting and lecture rooms are of great advantage;

    • Be aware that most people are not familiar with paperless way of working;

    • Provide easy instructions for use of communication tools (remote and local control of cameras in video conferencing, setting up of desk-top groupware);

    • Distant video/sound connection over Internet, e.g. over a CuSeeMe reflector is only adequate using very low image update;

    • Very good social connections may be achieved through remote connections though wishes for better eye and body language contact is reported;

    • Shared applications work very well both for collaborative production work and creative sketching;

    • Possibilities to continuously document the decision/collaboration process should be better;

    • Creative work often requires physical round table contact.

Per Christiansson 4.2001 (2.2001) [9.1999]