CIB Africa 5.20001 Per Christiansson


The R&D team in the EU DIVERCITY project (IST project No: IST-1999-13365, is composed of building industry representatives from Denmark (COWI), Finland (Equator), and France (SPIE), system developers from England (University of Salford), Italy (CRS4), Finland (VTT), and France (CSTB, CS SI), and researchers from Denmark (Aalborg University), England (University of Salford), Finland (VTT), and France (CSTB, CS SI, CRS4).
  • The collaboration between industry participants and researchers has proven to be very valuable and necessary to form a creative design and development environment where new ICT tools are introduced

  • The building industry has expressed great interest fro the DIVERCITY system.

  • DIVERCITY is a framework and infrastructure for modularised integration of applications in a distributed collaboration environment.

  • We now (spring 2001) marry the artefact models and scenario descriptions with the functional system components giving input to the incremental user interface design.