Distributed Virtual Workspace for enhancing Communication within the Construction Industry - DIVERCITY. EU IST-1999-13365 project (april 2000 - September 2002).

DIVERCITY function, form, content and behaviour must be well defined. On which domains and on which level will DIVERCITY contain knowledge about the building product under design, application programs and external information sources? How much of the building model and level of semantics does DIVERCITY contain?.

A collaborative VR design system should
  • Provide effective collaborative VB access;
  • Be able to reference complete (also redundant) models of VBs and building processes;
  • Integrate existing applications to the VW in a uniform and user adapted manner.

Inhabited by
  • Persons and artifacts (Process Manager, transaction managers, communication artefacts, information container managers);
  • Subspaces used in different building process contexts for negotiation , collaborative work, co-ordination (resources allocation, project set-up, constraints deinitions, space states), and external access spaces (window to market, vendors, other project nodes).
Computer loadings
  • Limited direct 3D model manipulation (tesselation to minimize graphic calculations);
  • Structural optimization of distributed digital model containers augmented in scattered workspaces.

The Divercity Framework

The DIVERCITY framework integrates analyses and simulation programs to a building product model stored in IFC (Industry Foundation Classes) format.


©Per Christiansson, 5.1.2003 (20.9.2001) [22.5.2001]