Conecptual modelling Languages

Conceptual modelling can be done in many ways. As a
  • free sketch or
    • Rich Picture
    • Mind Map
    • Synopsis

  • functional/process modelling or
    • IDEF0 (Data flow models. Functional models from Structured Analysis and Design Technique, SADT, function/activity decomposotion)
    • Yourdon Data Flow Diagram.

  • directed towards form/product/structure/geometric modelling or
    • IDEF1/X (Information models, entity-relation-attribute)
    • E-R models (Entity-Relationship)
    • NIAM (Nijsen's Information Analysis Model), 1977
      (entity and atributes are nested)
    • EXPRESS (-G)

  • as a combination of process and product modelling
    • UML, Unified Modelling Language.
    • Contextual Design