Knowledge communication

Informal information gets formal in different domains (worlds).

(Teleen Steven L, 1996), Director, IntraNet Solutions Amdahl Corporation, talks about
  • Formal Information (officialy sanctioned and commisioned information of the enterprise)
  • Project/group information (intended for use within a specific group to communicate and share ideas, coordinate activites, etc.)
  • Informal information (notes, memoranda, white papers, individual presentations, etc. not necessarily stored on personal home pages)
Teleen Steven L, 1996, "Intranet Organization:Strategies for Managing Change".

Examples on different type of information and services residing in company Intranets, and Company Knowledge Nodes.
  • Company Policy
  • Company handbooks
  • Customer and product databases
  • Travel accounting form
  • Employee home pages
  • Project home pages
  • FAQs (Frequenltly Asked Questions)
  • Feed Back forms
  • Presentations
  • Learning material

  • Personal information (also from company databases)
  • Support information to different company personal categories (sales, design, O&M, etc..)
    Communication, coordination support
  • email
  • discussion groups
  • work flow support
  • videoconferencing
  • application sharing
  • work space sharing
  • information push and pull
  • on line/off line
  • etc.
  • Resources availability and booking
  • Company personal competenses
  • Decision support systems
  • Calculation programs
  • etc.

More to read:
Wessberg Victoria, 1997, "Intranätanvändningen inom amerikanska företag". Sveriges Tekniska Attachéer, USA 9713 (49 pp).

©Per Christiansson 13.4 1998 [13.4 1998]