Net University LU 26.4.2001


  • Peer-to-peer societies will start grow now;

  • Collaboration support in distributed project work is difficult;

  • Student learning materials shall be available in different physical and virtual rooms (requires adminstration and domain access handling);

  • Bandwidth requirements must be fulfilled (QoS);

  • Both synchrounous and asynchrounous communication with other student and teachers as well as computer stored models (learning material) available;

  • Different form of interaction (e.g. presentation, design, brainstorm, negotiation, consultation, discussion, decisions, documentation, sketching) and communication content (speech, sound, images, music, video, whisper, body language, 3D objects, control information) must be supported;

  • Appropriate communication devices must be supported (e.g. displays, glasses, haptic devices, positioning devices). Haptics is the science of applying touch (tactile) sensation and control to interaction with computer applications;

  • Appropriate control and access mechanisms must be provided (function and form of ICT tools for search, navigation, time browsing, annotation, information storing and access, space connection and overlap, x-ray and see through, model and application sharing and handling etc.);

  • Adapted access to user applications and information containers;