Net University LU 26.4.2001


  • New properties and functionality (multimedia content, responsiveness, easy feed-back, easy to navigate and search, no cost to duplicate);

  • Integration of learning material with the learning space/rooms (virtual worlds, theory/praxis interplay, experiments and simulations, virtual laboratories and instruments, 'intelligent' dialogue with 'agents');

  • Easier to adopt to different student needs, learning styles, and learning situation (meta containers, user models, and module descriptions needed);

  • Support different learning situations (collaboration, intense studies, consultation, experiments, presentations, creative design, project work, problem formulation and solution,..);

  • Unlimited access to learning material (also older versions);

  • Course learning material (courses) will be studied outside regular curricula;

  • The virtual university library(ies) have an important role in providing course literature and long term storage of learning material delivered by departments and authors.
    MIT to put course materials online for free by Tom Krazit, IDG News Service\Boston Bureau, April 04, 2001, 11:18
    "The project -- MITOpenCourseWare -- will create static Web pages containing the entirety of a typical MIT course. That includes lecture notes, course outlines, syllabi, reading lists, and assignments. The project is expected to eventually provide material for up to 2,000 courses in every discipline studied at MIT, which is in Cambridge."