Net University LU 26.4.2001


  • What ICT resources do the students need and how shall they acquire it?

  • ICT changes constantly and thus requires continuous update;

  • From paper to digital information containers with all versions stored (project group work, learning material storage, evaluations, 'applications', ..)

  • Long term courses introduces extra administration;

  • the Cost for update and operation of ICT resources are most often under-estimated (course administration, learning material adminitstration, system/network/domains/applications adminstration).

  • Teachers must be continuously updated on new ICT tools and their influences on pedagogics;

  • Involve end users actively from the requirements phase and onwards (design, implementation, tests, and re-design);

  • Remenber that we are in an intense phase of creative design and implementation of distributed learning environments (for the next two decades).