The LON House

Cient requirements on the Network.
  • Good functionality on final solution
  • Optimization from environmental constraints
  • Flexible solutions
  • Efficient system control and operation
  • Efficient system maintenance
  • Short learning curve
  • Value for money (profitable investment)

Roles in the system design and implementation. See also (Bonde, 1999)
  • The designer of the node and installation product
    • functionality in the node/product
    • Application programming of the Neuron
  • The consulting engineer
    • System analyses and function descriptions
    • Planning and inspection
  • The electrical installer and integrator
    • Detail design, installation and monitoring
    • Addressing and logical couplings
    • start-up and test
    • documentation and O&M of the database

  • Opertation&maintenance, diagnostics, repair, ....

    Per Christiansson 2.121999 [2.121998]