
Purpose, outcome and possibly documentation should be defined for different type of meetings with respect to participants, time constraints and meeting environment.

Through ICT introduction we phase new challenges and possibilities for creative design of enhanced collaboration environments;
  • How can we visualise mobile personal room for other meeting participants ?
  • To what degree should we use mixed reality in collaboration?
  • How can personal or project agents assist us in synchronous and asynchronous communication?
  • What new worlds with until now unfamiliar properties can we create (e.g. real time space overlay, controlled communication spaces, responsive and intelligent artefacts)?
  • What are the relations between collaborators and their placement in the mixed reality work space (e.g. possible optional placements, space connections, sketching in a common volume)?
  • How can contexts and collaboration tools easily be changed causing shifts in operation modes with completely new functions (e.g. move my eyes to another place or person, anti gravity tools, many users handling the same tool in parallel, tools for personal or team views to work space, tools to hand over a complete environment/context)?
  • How can virtual products be handled (e.g. hand over objects, see through products, life cycle studies, time property access, and simulations)?
  • How can we define control mechanisms for opening and closing communication channels?
  • What properties would we like to assign new types of (distributed) information containers and documents?

From "Experiences from Using Internet Based Collaboration Tools". Per Christiansson presentation at 'Konference om Arkitekturforskning og IT'. Arkitektskolen i Aarhus 27.-29. april 2001.

©Per Christiansson, 17.4.2001 [17.4.2001]