Project Process Node - Project Web

It is advisable to create a project web (PW) that to a greater or lesser degree will
  • continously store the design process and project outcome at different time points. (You can use this part during presentation of project)
  • serve as a communication support during the project work (this part may well be transformed to a product maintenance working area after product completion).
  1. Start to discuss within the project group how a Project Web (PW) could support the project work (information handling and communication). Pretend you work in a real project in the industry.
  2. Define what part(s) of the building process the PW will support (document handling during design, communication within design group and client, public accessible information about project progress [including 'projekt vejledere'], etc.
  3. Make a conceptual model (sketch) over the PW taking into account the left coloumn parameters in the figure above.
  4. Take a decision on what parts of the sketched PW that shall be implemented. (Use the Resource-Ambition-Time triangle).
  5. Specifiy which data you will be handling in the project (client requirements, project meeting notes, drawings, time plans, 3D building sketch models, site photos, catalogues, ...)
  6. Specify PW functionality and underlying models (product, process, user,...)
  7. Define the PW development team (give the group members main responsibilities, rotate if possible).
  8. List and choose the ICT tools you need to develop, test and use the PW
  9. Sketch user environment(s), in this case web-browser user interface (form and function), for the specified functionality. (Version 1 of the UE on paper).
  10. Structure the PW information containers with regard to type of content (project wise) and format (.jpg, .dwg, .avi, .doc, .pdf, .moc, .wrl, ...).
  11. Make the PW version 1 (v1)
  12. Test and evaluate the PW v1. Make a role play.
  13. Refine user environment and underlying container structure
  14. Use the PW in your project work
  15. Test and evaluate the PW at the end of the project and store the findings/experiences in the PW (use at project presentation at end of semester).

Per Christiansson 5.1.2003 (5.1.2003) [5.1.2003]