Source VRML code to the chair.

#VRML V2.0 utf8
PROTO TwoColorTable [ field SFColor legColor  .8 .4 .7
                      field SFColor topColor .6 .6 .1 ]
  Transform {
    children [
      Transform {   # table top
       translation 0 0.6 0
          Shape {
            appearance Appearance {
              material Material { diffuseColor IS topColor }
            geometry Box { size 1.2 0.2 1.2 }

      Transform {   # first table leg
       translation -.5 0 -.5
          DEF Leg Shape {
            appearance Appearance {
              material Material { diffuseColor IS legColor }
            geometry Cylinder { height 1 radius .1 }
      Transform {   # another table leg
       translation .5 0 -.5
        children USE Leg
      Transform {   # another table leg
       translation -.5 0 .5
        children USE Leg
      Transform {   # another table leg
       translation .5 0 .5
        children USE Leg
    ] # End of root Transform's children
  } # End of root Transform
} # End of prototype

# The prototype is now defined. Although it contains a 
# number of nodes, only the legColor and topColor fields 
# are public. Instead of using the default legColor and 
# topColor, this instance of the table has red legs and 
# a green top:

TwoColorTable {
  legColor 1 0 0 topColor 0 1 0
NavigationInfo { type "EXAMINE" }      # Use the Examine viewer