Map and file structure

Design a map and file structure that will last!
  • you should be able to insert new maps and files without destroying the structure
  • maintain application logical grouping. It is though very convenient to keep the images grouped physically together (easier to find when you build your application)
  • you can present your material according to different scenarios and themes dependent on who is the receiver of your material
  • Document (map) your structure (prefarably in the hyper document)
  • Use one style throughout the pages (simple is beautiful)

  • Avoid more than 3 level depth on linkages in your hyper documents
  • Make your pages navigable (avoid people 'getting lost in hyperspace'). The mental image build up in the reader should conform with the actual structure. Try to navigate it with visitors eyes
  • Navigation palette design etc. is important (navigation metaphores)
  • Always present the reader with an overview first.
  • Think about what type of reader(s) (defining 'user models') you expect. Pretend you are the reader.
  • Meet the readers need for level of interaction, knowledge domain interest and need for output completeness
  • Consider receiving feed-back from the readers

  • Date when the page was published and changed (I use 1998.02.08 (1998.02.02 ) [1998.01.24] for latest change, previous change and published).
  • Responsible person (publisher)
  • Use transparent images but not always.
  • External links in separte target windows.
  • Use 'TOP name links' in long pages (which you really should avoid)
  • Respect the copyright. Always ask for permission to use material and state source.

©Per Christiansson 1999.03.20 (1999.01.30) [1998.02.26]