Student View on Learning Material

Learners demand on communication is on
  • efficient navigation in the learning material (available on Internet and sometimes CD)
  • distributed group communication (messaging, direct communication, and documentation of communication)
  • possibility to flexible project web access (possibly protected)
  • bandwidth (strongly influences group collaboration), QoS

The coarse material accessible from the education web consists of
  • education and courses descriptions
  • weekend seminar contents (if applicable for the education)
  • lecture notes
  • books and paper references
  • papers and other course material
  • exercises
  • self assessment tools
  • evaluation forms

The project webs typically contains
  • project group member presentations,
  • project descriptions,
  • continuos project documentation and collaboration material,
  • time plans and schedules,
  • links and references to project resources and results,
  • exercises results,
  • and communication documentation (chats, emails etc.)

©Per Christiansson, 6.2000