Teacher View on Learning Material

The distributed IT-supported learning environment poses new challenges to teachers in developing new courses re-engineering old.
  • New working methods are introduced,
  • new routines for course maintenance,
  • changes in learning methods and pedagogics,
  • and development of efficient collaboration within and between universities.

Relations between Education Nodes (EN) and Course Nodes (CN)
  • It is tempting to create a web of learning material that continuously is improved based on updates of only low level information chunks
  • possible to trace the development of courses and that learning material should be dated to reflect what students learned at a certain time
  • It is important that each 'knowledge node' in an educational network has a responsible 'publisher'. This may often lead to local storage of referenced material not produced at the publisher site.
  • (Curiously enough we have experienced many young students not to feel comfortable with using WWW based (computer stored) documents as a main source of course material and a source to valuable information and further references.)

©Per Christiansson, 6.2000