Collaboration using the web

Video conferencing over Internet using whiteboard (KBS-Media Lab, Lund University, 1996).

See also example from the 'Basic WWW for secretaries and teachers' course 1999 at [local]

According to Melanie Hills, 1997, "Intranet as Groupware".
Groupware does the following things
  • Helps two or more people work together
  • Lets them share knowledge and expertise
  • Automates their activities
  • Helps create an orgnizational memory
  • Bridges geography and time
.......... "Wath kinds of things do people do when they work by themsleves?
  • Think
  • Learn
  • Brainstorm
  • Write
  • Design
  • Create
  • Analyze
  • Decide
People do the same kind of things in groups, with the addition of three more things they do in meetings.
  • Share
  • Discuss
  • Present"

Further reading

Per Christiansson 1999.03.29 (1998.04.06) [1998.04.06]