DIVERCITY kick-off
Presentation of Aalborg University contractor

Salford University March 5-6 2000

Prof Per Christiansson
Aalborg University, Denmark

DIVERCITY - Distributed Virtual Workspace for Enhancing Communication within the Construction Industry.


This project aims to improve the process of building design and construction by enabling the user groups to operate both more efficiently and with better interaction. The project addresses the three key building construction phases: Client-Briefing, which requires detailed interaction with the client; Design Review, which requires detailed input from multidisciplinary teams of architects, engineers, and designers; and Construction, whose function is to fabricate and/or refurbish the building/s. The objective of the project is to produce a prototype virtual workspace that will enable the three key phases to be visualised and manipulated, thus enabling better design and planning, by enabling greater interaction and input by all stakeholders. This will result in improved productivity and design; lower building costs with reduced waste, and improved safety both in the final building and also the construction process.

DIVERCITY Objectives

  • Creation of a client-briefing workspace which allows interaction and communication of design ideas between the client and the architect.
  • Creation of an interactive design review workspace which allows multi-disciplinary design reviews involving different stakeholders of a construction project
  • Creation of a virtual construction workspace which can assess the constructability of a building.
  • Specification and development of a software framework for integrating the above three workspaces and sharing them over networks to support collaboration between geographically distributed project team members.
  • Trials and evaluation of the shared virtual design and build workspace in real work situations combining different representatives of construction companies
  • Dissemination of the project and its outcomes which includes a support network for best practices in the construction sector

DIVERCITY Workpackages

Workpackage number: 1 —
Workpackage number: 2 —
Workpackage number: 3 —
Workpackage number: 4 —
Workpackage number: 5 —
Workpackage number: 6 —
Workpackage number: 7 —
Workpackage number: 8 —
User Requirements, Tests and Validation
Client Briefing Workspace Module
Design Review Module
Construction Workspace Module
System Design and Integration
Exploitation and Dissemination
Project Management

Aalborg University
Dept. of Building Technology and Structural Engineering
Sohngaardsholmsvej 57
DK-9000 Aalborg
Tel: +45 9635 8080/8545 (Per Christiansson)
Fax: +45 9814 8243

[home] Per Christiansson Last update 2000.02.06
(2000.02.06) [2000.02.06]