W78 Vancouver. Per Christiansson June 1,1999

Virtual Building Concept

  • Not one non-redundant model, but overlapping representations of building products and processes
      Redundant - (1a)" exceeding what is necessary or normal" (Merriam Webster1993)

  • multimedia interfaces with realistic access to underlying models

  • efficient utilization of personal competencies through computer supported team collaboration

  • efficient, interactive building documentation

  • increased possibilities for project experience capture and re-use

  • introduction of intelligent and responsive buildings in practice

The main enabling information technologies are

  • efficient access tools to physical computer networks

  • standards/protocols for services on the Internet

  • emerging object oriented distributed global operating systems

  • multimedia (this includes virtual reality) interfaces in networked environments

  • use of mixed and extended knowledge representations in networked environments

  • reliable, cost effective and high capacity information storage devices.