The CULFUT Project

KBS-Media Lab
Lund University

[projects] Last update 1995.11.08

Young Generation Designing the Future - CULFUT


The CULFUT, Cultura Futurus, project aims at Designing the Future through Increasing the Cultural Consciousness. The aim is to; and especially to;


There are a significant amount of questions that cannot be tackled in the CULFUT project. But some important issues are raised which have great relevance in the new reality we are forming.

We are now in the beginning of a significant paradigm shift where we apply the Art of Communication suceeding the art of writing and art of printing. The project will vividely contribute to the understanding of this paradigm shift and the importance of the young generation driving forces.


The project is at the front end when it comes to handle the paramount global change process. We count on a massive amount oof everyday people connected to the Internet and the World Wide Web, WWW, in the near future.

A globally established discussion surface is created which is triggered by the CIRCUIT 'news paper' which canalize, filters and make avialable the emerging Rave/Techno culture. A good example is created on how multimedia information can be made available and published.


The KBS-Media Lab computer based demonstrator method is used to generate, communicate, evaluate and implement ideas. A team of specialists is involved in the work; Graphic Design, Information Technology, and Multimedia and knowledge communication.

An electronic paper is established together with a communiaction area on an Apple WWW-server platform.


The results is available and documented on CIRCUIT web-server and as the functionality itself of the server. The project is virtually unlimited in time.

Project set-up: