The SWEBU project

KBS-Media Lab
Lund University

Last update [1997.10.09]/(1995.05.29)

Swedish Building Research on the World Wide Web, SWEBU


Modern IT may today be used to build up systems that make information easily globally available with user adopted interfaces. At the same time new tools can be designed to supply the systems with information and the administrative handling of it. The project aims at:


SWEBU will


Besides applying front end research in practice the embryo for a research knowledge node will be created to enhance communication between interested parties and provide knowledge filtering. Also a physically distributed knowledge source will be created where much of the knowledge augmentation takes place near the originators.


The following areas will be studied: Interviews with users will form the basis for the system development. Continous interaction with users through a demonstrator will be done. Reference and support is given through the K3-project.


The results will be documented in three ways
  1. through the system itself
  2. as a research report
  3. as a layman report of the development procedure

Engborg Uno, Christiansson Per, Stjernfeldt Fredrik, 1997, "SWEBU. Svensk byggforskning på World Wide Web (Swedish Building Research on the World Wide Web) - De globala nätverkens möjligheter i byggforskningen". KBS-Media Lab. Lunds Universitet. (92 pp).

Project set-up:

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