sem7 IKT og Videnrepræsentationer. Sem2 2010

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Exercises results 'IKT og Videnrepræsentationer ' (CSTBI)

Exercises. 2010 [Exercises Results]

Exercise A Students pre-knowledge
Exercise B Conceptual Modeling Methods
Exercise C Hypertext and Semantic Web
Exercise D Databases
Exercise E Linking Virtual and Physical buildings
Exercise F Knowledge management in practice
Some typical questions for at the examination

Exercises shall be carried through and may also be part of the semester project.

The four hour lecture/exercise followes the scheme

  • 1.5 hour lecture
  • 1.5 hour exercise in group
  • 1 hour exercise results presentation and follow discussions. The exercise results are presented on the following lecture typically one week later.
Here you can find some of the exercise work results

A Rich Picture of part of the building process world.

Exercise A on Students pre-knowledge.

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[exercise work results]

Exercise B on Conceptual Modeling Methods.

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Choose a part of the world and start to develop conceptual models that model choosen functional systems.

  1. Define the overall function(s) of the system under consideration. Use initial needs and wishes expressed by for example a the client. If you cannot use experiences from old or ongoing projects you can choose to model you own project work process.

  2. Try to give names on the system and it's subsystems.

  3. Choose the system and subsystems you intend to model, design, and implement.

  4. Start the modeling work by drawing rich picture conceptual models starting on top level.

  5. Draw a process model using IDEF0 diagrams.

  6. Sketch on a E-R diagram for part of the world where adequate

  7. Discuss what possible UML diagrams can be constructed during implementation.

Skectch the first half of a system development that shall use the Contextual Design methodology. Give examples on participators, activities, documentation, and process steps. Choose a system development task by yourself.

[exercise work results]

Exercise C on Hypertext and Semantic Web.

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Use the tutorials in, /4/, the W3 schools. HTML Tutorial.

Dagens øvelse (1)

  • Arbejd enkeltvis eller gå sammen to og to.
  • brug evt. lignende tutorials, f.eks.,
  • anvend en simpel tekst editor som f.eks notepad
  • når I senere når til ”produktionsfasen” kan I anvende en WYSIWYG-editor efter eget valg, f.eks:
    • Coffee Cup
    • ute html
    • Sothink
    • m. fl.

Dagens øvelse (2)
Arbejd videre med html

  • prøv styre sidens layout med tabeller eller frames
  • prøv at arbejde med Cascading Style Sheets, CSS
  • arbejd med forskellige måder at vise billedserier og vurder hvad der vil egne sig bedst til jeres behov, skriv begrundelsen ned
  • røv at lave passwordbeskyttelse af dele af siderne

In connection with lecture "7. SEMANTIC WEB" you shall study how XML and related technologies can be used to store, validate and present data.


  1. Filerne ex_e.xml, ex_e.xsd og ex_e.xslt gemmes lokalt på harddisken (vær opmærksom på filendelserne: .xml, .xsd, .xslt.)
  2. Via en tekst editor (fx WordPad da denne beholder formateringen) dannes et overblik over ex_.xml filen og der tilføjes en etage (storey) med min 2 spaces til bygning 1.
    Gem XML filen i et nyt navn.
  3. Valider den nye XML fil med XML Skemaet ex_e.xsd via validatoren [or]

[exercise work results]

Exercise D on Databases.

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In connection with lectures "5-7. RELATIONAL DATABASES" you shall design a small database and make it accessbile from the Internet (in your case from a local server on your student dommain).

Design and test a relational database that based on a fictive building project can coordinate and store involved companies, persons, the person's competencies and documents related to a building project.
[You may also use the results from previous exercises or part of your semester project to make a conceptual design of the relational database.] The database should contain three-five related tables (e.g. companies-employees-competencies etc.)
Implement the database using MySQL or Microsoft Access.

Make a database available (the one above or one downloaded from rhe lectures) from a web-browser. Use MySQL, Apache server, and PHP scripting.

[exercise work results]

Exercise E on Linking Virtual and Physical buildings.

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[exercise work results]

Exercise F on Knowledge management in practice.

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As mentioned in the course material, knowledge is one of the important strategic resources of an organisation. Knowledge, in many cases tacit, has been identified as intellectual asset that may improve competencies of organisations.

You are in the course now well prepared to formulate a vision for the future improved knowledge management, KM, within the company, with special focus on the user environment and underlying models.

Your task is to describe for the company management how the future company KM routines can be improved with focus on the daily working situation of the employees. We call the new ICT supported UE, Improved User Environment for Knowledge Sharing - USE.

Describe shortly your company and in a few words the 2 or more initial focus areas USE will support. E.g. craftsman support at the building site, training of new employees, project management, capture and transfer of new working routines, and customer relations and needs.

What company, team and personal needs will USE satisfy? How can current practice be improved? Use your own fantasy to illustrate the current mode of practice of your company.

What persons/roles/actors are active in the USE focus areas? What information/knowledge do they exchange? Where, in what physical and virtual rooms do the exchange take place and when?

Which communication artifacts may be used? Describe the human computer interaction in terms of information formats, control and communication channels of USE. Give one example (short story) to exemplify your vision.

Shortly describe the organizational context in which USE is implemented.

As usual document and present your results of discussions.

[exercise work results]

Typical examination questions

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Systems development overview
  • what do we mean by knowedge representation/data model? Give some examples of computer stored knowledge representations/data models and describe their properties and possible application domains.
  • Why do we build digital building process/product models?
  • Why do system developments often fail?
  • How do you mean we could support user involvement in innovative and creative building design?
  • What is an ontology?
  • Sketch how evaluations of a system for knowledge management could be planned during its design and development. Comment on different evaluations paradigms. Elaborate on the '8 Golden Rules in HCI Design'
  • How do the end user profile influence the HCI design?
Conceptual Modelling
  • Why do we need top make conceptual models of our applications that we want to store in the computer systems as digital models?
  • Give examples on conceptual modeling methods and the corresponding application systems they are well suited to model.
  • Sketch work models (according to the Contextual Design method) for the internal structure and information flow on use of system for knowledge managemen on an office intranet.
  • Describe the basic elements in the Contextual Design method.
  • Describe how Contextual Design may relate to the Rational Unified Process using UML (Unified Modelling Language)?
Modelig analyses and simulation
  • Give examples on simulations and why they are done during building design
  • Discuss requirements on a building and the processes they relate to and how requirements can be checked through simulations and analyses.
Building Smart and IDM
  • What do IDM, MVD, and IFD stand for? How can they support the building industry nationally and internationally?
Hypertext and Semantic Web
  • What is html? Give examples on use and build-up of html-pages
  • What is XML, XSL and XML schema? What can they be used to?
  • How can XML formatted data support application interoperability on WWW?
  • What is the Semantic Web?
Relational Databases
  • What characterizes a relational database?
  • What conceptual models do well support relational database data modeling?
  • What is Structured Query Language, SQL. Explain the 'select', 'from', and 'where' clauses.
  • Explain how a database can be accessed from the Internet via a web browser (PHP server side scripting).
Linkng Virtual and Physical Buildings
  • Give examples on some benefits we will obtain by linking virtual models with real objects in construction
  • How and when can virtual building models and physical buildings be linked?
Knowledge Management in Practice
  • How would you charaterize the ongoing knoeldge management paradigmshift?
  • How would describe a Knowledge Management System? Are there dedicated systems for knowledge Managenemt?
  • How can ICT change management of knowledge within and between companies? Sketch an example.
  • Sketch a scenario where computerised knowledge management would be beneficial.
  • What could characterize a model of the user to be implemented in a ICT system.
  • Mention four important benefits using Intelligent Building Installations.
  • Mention some intelligent building properties.
  • Give some examples on services we can implement in an office intranet.

Per Christiansson
Kjeld Svidt