sem7 Intelligent Buildings and the Digital City. Master of IT. 2001/2002

[home] [education] [Master IT Build] Last update 2002.01.17 (2001.10.11) [2001.10.11]

Intelligent Buildings and the Digital City.

  • To mediate knowledge on how IT can enhance methods, systems, and techniques for use, operation and maintenance, and administration of buildings as well as environmental effects of IT introduction
  • To mediate understanding of systems and services in digital cities.
  • This 2 module SE (study unit) course is placed during semester 5 of the Aalborg University open Master of IT education.
  • Services and systems in the intelligent and responsive building. User services systems, and administrative system.Building operation & maintenance support systems.
  • Computer aided facility management.
  • Information networks in the intelligent building. User services interaction.
  • Intelligent building design. Home automation. Design and maintenance of intelligent building systems. Intelligent installations. Embedded systems and communication protocols. Relations between Intelligent buildings and the digital city.
  • Present and new services and systems in the digital cities. Citizen networks. Environmental city planning feedback. Access to environmental data and as built information. Geographic information systems. Properties of existing and future Metropolitan Area Networks. Transport and supply systems optimization. Recycling process support.
  • Computer representations of the digital city. Administration of the digital city.
  • Application examples.
  • .....
    'Delivered' material

  • "Intelligente Bygnings Installationer med LONWORKS". LonUser Group Denmark. El-Fagets Uddannelsesnævn, Copenhagen. 1999. (259 pp)

  • Christiansson P, 2000, "Knowledge Representations and information Flow in the Intelligent Building". 'TProceedings of he Eighth International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering. ICCCBE-VIII 2000 (eds: Fruchter R, Pena-Mora F, Roddis K)', ISBN 0-7844-0513-1. American Society of Civil Engineers, Reston, Virginia, USA. (Stanford University, USA. August 14-17, 2000). (pp. 604-611).

  • Falk W, 1997, "Intelligente Bygnings Installationer". Særtryk af Electra 10/oktober 1997. (8 sid.)

  • Falk, W, 2001, "Aktuel status for bygningsautomation". Danvak Magasinet 11-2001 (pp. 12-15).

  • Theil Hansen H, Vestergaard T, 2001, "Passive kølelofter og automation". Danvak Magasinet 11-2001 (pp. 16-18).

  • Svanborg J, Fricke H, 1999, "Intelligent projektering af ukendte pladsbehov". VVS/VVB 1, 1999. (pp. 22-23)

  • "Nordjysk Bredbånd. Det Digitale Nordjylland. Fyrtårnscentret, Aalborg. Juni 2001. (31 pp.)

  • Clark D, 1999, "High-Speed Data Races Home". Scientific American. October 1999, (pp. 72-77).
  • Medin M, Rolls J, 1999, "The Internet via Cable". Scientific American. October 1999, (pp. 80-81).
  • Hawley G, 1999, "DSL: Broadband by Phone". Scientific American. October 1999, (pp. 82-83).
  • Shumate Paul Jr., 1999, "The Broadest Braodband". Scientific American. October 1999, (pp. 84-85).
  • Norcross R., 1999, "Satellites: The Strategic High Ground". Scientific American. October 1999, (pp. 86-87).
  • Skoro J., 1999, "LMDS: Broadband Wireless Access". Scientific American. October 1999, (pp. 88-89).

    Further reading
  1. Christiansson P, 1998, " Den digitala staden". (Underlag för utarbetande av kravspecifikation för upphandling av tjänster för utveckling av ett enhetligt lokalt nätverk för digital kommunikation i Landskrona. (25 pp.).
  2. "Intelligent Buildings". Automation in Construction. Volume 6, Number 5,6. September 1997. (pp. 380-548).
  3. sid 219, "Towards Integrated Modelling of Intelligent Building System". Gomes, Barros, Costa (Lisbon, Beja, UNINOVA Portugal).
    "Product and Process Modelling in the Building Industry - ECPPM '98". editor Robert Amor. Clowes Group, Beccles, Suffolk, England. BRE, Watford, England. (580 pp.)
  4. 1998. "The City of Tomorrow and Culural Heritage - Trender inom stadsplanering". STATT 1998:05, Bonn, London, Milano, Paris, Los Angeles och Tokyo.
  5. City of Bits. Surf Site. Established after Prof William Mitchell wrote the book "City of Bits", 1995. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. ('Den Digitala Staden', Norstedts Förlag, Stockholm, 1997, 188 pp.).
  6. Netborger, Kommundata Danmark. [1.8.2000].
  7. Brøns D, Hansen F, 2001, "Fælles Bredbånd er bedre bredbånd". PC World Nr.8, 2001 (p. 38-43)
  8. Det Digitala Danmark.

  9. Falk W, 2002, "LON er blevet voksen ". Elektra januar 2002, nr. 01/02 (pp. 5-6)
  10. Bech-Pedersen M, 2002, "Lidt om Digital Home. Track fra LonWorld 2001". Elektra januar 2002, nr. 01/02 (pp. 7)
  11. Bech-Poulsen K, 2002, "Verdens største LON-projkekt". Elektra januar 2002, nr. 01/02 (pp. 7)
  12. Bonde M, 2002, "LOB vinder indpas i behandlingssektoren". Elektra januar 2002, nr. 01/02 (pp. 8).
  13. Sansgaard E, 2002, "Nye i.LON produkter fra Echelon". Elektra januar 2002, nr. 01/02 (pp.10).

  14. Lonuser group Denmark

  15. More references. slides/intell_building.html

IBD sem5 2001

Course Layout: Introductory lecture are given Saturday October 13, 2001, 1030-1200

1 Introduction . Per Christiansson. [Saturday October 13, 2001, 1030-1200].

Per Christiansson