Meta sites

Last update 2003.04.02 (2001.01.30 ) [1998.02.01]

EXERCISE: Meta Sites

Assume that you are a future project team making a complete project similar to the semester 6 project.

Read the delivered chapter 4 "Ingeniørfagligheden i lyset af IT-udviklingen".


  1. Search the web for material that can support you in the start-up of your project work. Classify the 'sites' you find regarding what domain they cover, what level of information they contain (superficial - deep) and how complete you believe the information provided is. You can find search machines at DKBIT, http://dkbit.civil.auc.dk/.

    Save the results in a document which you later will include in your ProjectWeb.

  2. Discuss in the group what IT tools you think you will need to support your project work, for example ommunication/collaboration tools, project work/results documentation etc.

    Save the discussion the ProjectWeb log book (a word document). That is make date marked notes to support your project work.

Make a structured list of information sources relevant for the project (make your own categories).


Search engines



Indoor Climate


Per Christiansson