
Last update 2003.04.01 (2003.04.01 ) [2003.04.01]

  1. Christiansson, P, 1996, "Så förädlas kunskap i globala nätverk". Byggforskning 6/96, Stockholm. (sid. 18-20). (paper copy to groups).

  2. Christiansson, P, 1996, "Informationsteknologi för byggbranschen: Visioner och nuläge". Husbyggaren, nr. 7-8, november 1996, Stockholm. (sid. 8-12). (paper copies to groups).

  3. Christiansson P, 1999, " Properties of the Virtual Building". 8th International Conference on Durability of Building Materials and Components. Information Technology in Construction. (ed. M. A. Lacasse, D. J. Vanier). NRC Research Press, Ottawa, 1999. ISBN: 0-660-17743-9. (pp. 2909-2919). (May 30 - June 3, 1999 Vancouver, Canada.)
    KEYWORDS: Virtual building, modelling, multimedia, meta classification, temporal data.

  4. Guide til webudvikling,

  5. Hartvig, Susanne C.: Vejledning i evaluering af projektweb. Rapport, Byg-DTU R-002 2001 ISSN 1396-4011 ( (local copy)

  6. Web Tools. Images. Citu Lund University.

  7. Web and graphics.

  8. Web Graphics & Presentation: Web Color.

  9. Web Graphics & Presentation: Optimizing Graphics.

  10. Christiansson P, 1999, " Experiences from Design and Use of IT Supported Distributed Learning Environment". Civil Engineering Learning Technology in Cardiff. (edited by R M Lloyd & C J Moore). Thomas Telford Ltd. London.. ISBN: 0-7277-2839-3. (pp. 29-42).
    3rd AECEF International Symposium (Association of Civil Engineering Faculties with participation of civil engineering faculties from non-European countries). CELTic 1999. 8-10 September 1999, Cardiff.
    KEYWORDS: Distributed learning, problem based learning, multimedia interface, authoring tools, world wide web, education, modelling, collaborative work.

  11. Ottosen P S, 1997, "Aalborg Universitets driftsdatabse". Særtryk fra Abb NYT Nr. 6 December 1997. (3 pp.) (One per group)

  12. Christiansson P, 1993, "Multiteknologi. Möjligheter och begränsningar i teknisk fastighetsförvaltning. Demonstration och erfarenheter från Delphi projektet"/"Multi Technology. Possibilities and Limitations in Technical Building Maintenance. Demonstrations and experiences from the Delphi Project". NBS-Data - NBS Förvaltning semium 'Informationsteknologi och fastighetsförvaltning. Förväntningar - realiteter - perspektiv'. Lund 11-12 mars. (Nordiska Byggforskningsorganens samarbetsgrupp). (pp 9). NTNF/SINTEF seminarium Oslo 23-24 sept. 1993. SINTEF STF62 S93013 (pp 7-15).

  13. Christiansson P, 1998, "Den digitala staden - Landskrona. "

  14. Karlshøj J, 2003, "IFC, a forthcoming standard for the exchange of product model data in the AEC-industry" and "Product models in practice - based on the IFC pilot project in connection to DR's new headquarter in Ørestad" (PowerPoint presentation)

  15. Spile Søren, 2003, "Adoption of product models in the industry" (PoerPoint presentation)

  16. Christiansson P, 2001, "Experiences from Using Internet Based Collaboration Tools". 'Konference om Arkitekturforskning og IT'. Proceedings Conference on Architectural Research and Information Technology. Nordic Association for Architectural Research. Arkitektskolen i Aarhus 27.-29. april 2001. (pp. 103-112).
    KEYWORDS: Virtual reality, collaborative work, ICT tools, design, intelligent buildings, knowledge transfer.

  17. Frederiksen Helle, 2000, "Databasedesign med Access 2000". IDG Forlag, Valby. (103 pp.). ('Centrale databasebegreber sid. 6-11, 'Normalisering' sid. 60-63). ('Analyse' sid. 36-38, 'Dataanalyse' sid. 51-56). ('SQL-forespørgsler'' sid. 24-28).

  18. Jens Ove Skjærbæk Jens Ove,2001, "Forandringsledelse og intranet hos COWI" (PowerPoint presentation)

Per Christiansson