sem7 Virtual Buildings. IT in Building Management.

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IT i Civilingeniørspeciale i Byggeledelse/IT in Building Management. Spring 2002.


Delivered material
  • Phiri T, 1999, "Information Technology in Construction Design". Thomas Telford Ltd, London. (227 p.). (Extracts):

    Historic background reading 'Systems software. Application software' (pp. 12-18), 'Time and project management activities' (pp. 27-33), 'Data manipulation and mathematical analysis' (pp. 47-51), CAD/CAM/CAE and multi-media' (pp. 52-67). Case studies: 'Anthony Hunt Associates, Structural and Civil Engineers' (pp. 87 - 91), 'Battle McCarthy, Consulting Engineers' (pp. 97-100), 'BDP Ltd, Architects, Engineers and Surveyors' (pp. 101-108), 'DEGW, Architects, Space Planning and Management Consultancy' (pp. 122-127), 'Price & myers, Consulting Structural and Civil Engineers' (pp. 177-180),'Reiach & Hall, Architects' (pp. 181-184), 'Richard Rogers Partnership, Architects' (pp. 189-194), 'SOM, Architects' (pp.195-201).

    'Conclusions and future developments' (pp. 203-211). (TOTAL extract 88 pp.)

  • Skjærbæk Jens Ove, 2000, "Forandringsledelse og intranet hos COWI" [extract from the semester 6 course].

  • Christiansson P, Svidt K, Skjærbæk J O, Aaholm R, 2001, "User requirements modelling in design of collaborative virtual reality design systems". International Conference on Construction Information Technology. Mpumalanga, Soth Africa, 30 May - 1 June 2001. (pp. 40/1 - 40/12)

  • Christiansson, P, 2001, "Capture of user requirements and structuring of collaborative VR environments". AVR II & CONVR 2001. Conference on Applied Virtual Reality in Engineering & Construction Applications of Virtual Reality. Gothenburg October 4-5, 2001. (17 pp.)

  • Langt gangsprojektet (Master thesis Building Management) "Anvendelse af metadata i byggeprocessen" (Use of Meta Data in the Building Process). Jakob Brøndsted, Kim Larsen, 2001/2002.
    [Appendix A page 253-270]

  • "GDL Object Technology. Enhancing the Information Process in the Building Industry". GDL Technology. [6 pp.].,

  • Liebich T, 2001, "IAI IFC. Concept of the IFC Standard and the relation to ISO & XML". Interop in AEC&fm, Sydney, Australia, 29-30.10.2001 (26 pages).

  • Christiansson P., Da Dalto Laurent, Skjaerbaek J. O., Soubra S., Marache M., 2002, " Virtual Environments for the AEC sector - The Divercity experience

    ECPPM 2002 European Conference of Product and Process Modelling. eWork and eBusiness in AEC. 9-11 September 2002, Portoroz, Slovenia. (8 pp.)
    KEYWORDS: Virtual Environments, Collaborative Work, Virtual Workspace, 3D Real Time Interaction, Construction Industry.

  • Pedersen S, 2002, "Databasestyrde websider". IDG Forlag, Valby. (87 pp.). [69 DKK].

  • Christiansson P, Herrera A, 1987, "Kunskapsbaserade system/expertsystem. Värdering av några existerande verktyg" / "Knowledge Based Systems/Expert systems. Evauation of some existing tools". NBS-DATA seminarium, Oslo, 24-25 september 1987. (15 pp).

  • Johnson, M., 1999, "XML for the absolute beginner".

  • Christiansson P, 1998, " Den digitala staden". (Underlag för utarbetande av kravspecifikation för upphandling av tjänster för utveckling av ett enhetligt lokalt nätverk för digital kommunikation i Landskrona. (25 pp.).

  • van Grieken K, 2002, "TCP/IP in Building Management Systems. The network Technology for Today and Tomorrow". (local copy)

  • Gray E, 2000, "Achieving Control System Independence. Controls, Computers and Standards". (local copy)

  • Falk V, "LON i dagens Danmark". Dansk Automationsselskab.

  • Christiansson P, 2000, "Knowledge Representations and information Flow in the Intelligent Building". 'TProceedings of he Eighth International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering. ICCCBE-VIII 2000 (eds: Fruchter R, Pena-Mora F, Roddis K)', ISBN 0-7844-0513-1. American Society of Civil Engineers, Reston, Virginia, USA. (Stanford University, USA. August 14-17, 2000). (pp. 604-611).
    KEYWORDS: intelligent building, services, digital city, design, communication

Prof. Per Christiansson