Cardiff edu. Per Christiansson Sept 9,1999

IT - EDU history (own highlights)

(Moore's Law 1965)

  • mid 1960s tools introduction

  • late 1960s punch cards and remote computer centers

  • 1970 minicomputers (1972 in "Computer Controlled Measurements and data manipulation and presentation" course,

  • 1977 Lund University Civil Engineering Computing Center,

  • 1983 courses in "Cad, and 3D- and database modeling using Medusa. (Workstations were expensive - 25.000 US$ at that time),

  • 1986 post graduate course in "Knowledge Based System",

  • 1992 "New tools for knowledge transfer - development of hypermedia systems",

  • 1995 "To use and evaluate MultiMedia". " and "Make your own MultiMedia Application",

  • 1995 WWW, The Electronic Book exhibition at the Culture Museum in Lund (the first museum web installation in Sweden still in use on a SUN computer), public learning source

  • 1996 design and development of Lund University Virtual Interactive learning Tool, LUVIT,

  • 1998 courses at Aalborg University (IT tools in the Building Process, Digital presentation in Project Work, etc.)

  • Links to IT in Civil Engineering education