IT in Civil Engieering

IT in Civil Engineering is one of seven research groups at the institute 6 'Building Technology and Structural Engineering'.

The main research areas are (

  • Virtual buildings and design collaboration
    Danish Center for Integrated Design, Divercity.

  • Digital cities and intelligent buildings
    Within the Digital Denmark program, Digital North Jylland - Fyrtårnet/Lighthouse, plus Swedish activities

  • Knowledge Nodes for knowledge Transfer
    (Mostly results from Lund University, Sweden)

Educational activities (
  • IT in the building process (3rd year)
  • Virtual buildings and modelling (4th year)
  • IT tools (4th year)
  • Intelligent models (3rd year at Architecture & Design)
  • Open education Master of IT (distributed learning, industry experience and Bachelor degree needed). 3*(1/2) year in total.

©Per Christiansson, 1.2.2000