'ICT för nätburet lärande'

Prof Per Christiansson
Aalborg University

'Ett Svenskt Nätuniversitet'
Torsdag den 26 april 2001.
Lunds Universitet
kl. 13.30 - 18.00

  • Context
  • The student/learner
  • Communication ICT support
  • Learning rooms
  • Learning material
  • Resources input


  • Christiansson P, 2001, "Experiences from Using Internet Based Collaboration". International Conference on Architectural Research. Aarhus School of Architecture. April 27-29, 2001.

  • Christiansson P, 2000, "Knowledge Representations and information Flow in the Intelligent Building". 'TProceedings of he Eighth International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering. ICCCBE-VIII 2000 (eds: Fruchter R, Pena-Mora F, Roddis K)', ISBN 0-7844-0513-1. American Society of Civil Engineers, Reston, Virginia, USA. (Stanford University, USA. August 14-17, 2000). (pp. 604-611).

  • Christiansson P, 2000, "IT in Distributred Open Learning Environments". 'Construction Information Technology 2000 - Taking the Construction Industry into the 21st century', (ed. G. Gudnason) Icelandic Building Research Institute. ISBN 9979-9174-3-1. Reykjavik, Iceland in June 26-30 , 2000. (pp. 197-208).

  • Christiansson P, 1999, " Properties of the Virtual Building". 8th International Conference on Durability of Builsing Materials and Components. Information Technology in Construction. (ed. M. A. Lacasse, D. J. Vanier). NRC Research Press, Ottawa, 1999. ISBN: 0-660-17743-9. (pp. 2909-2919). (May 30 - June 3, 1999 Vancouver, Canada.)

  • Aalborg University
    Dept. of Building Technology and Structural Engineering
    Sohngaardsholmsvej 57
    DK-9000 Aalborg
    Tel: +45 9635 8080/8545 (Per Christiansson)
    Fax: +45 9814 8243
    email: pc@civil.auc.dk

    [home] Per Christiansson Last update 2001.04.18
    (2001.04.18) [2001.04.18]