AAU - LU ITI Project

[home] [projects] Last update 2002.08.07 (1999.09.13) [1998.11.24]

The Aalborg and Lund Universities ITI, IT Innovation, project

A collaboration between the Aalborg (Denmark) and Lund (Sweden) Universities in the area of IT-tools development to support quality increase in research and education, personal communication, competence networking, and enhanced information handling has been initiated autumn 1998.

Avtal (agreement) Januari 1999
Activities report
Status report, May 1999.

You can try out the CITU courseware below (in some cases you have to fill in a form to get access to the courseware).

Aalborg - Lund links


If you have questions, wishes or would like to give feed-back please contact Per Christiansson, AUC, or Lotty Larson , LU.

Per Christiansson