sem7 IT in the Building Process
Sem6 2004

[home] [education] Last update 2004.05.28 (2004.04.29) [2003.10.31]


Semester 6 course at Civil Engineering
Link to B-Studienævnet,

1. Background
2. Goal
3. Volume/Placement
4. Content
5. Learning Material
   5.1 Lectures
   5.2 Exercises
   5.3 Software
   5.4 Literature
6. Examination
7. Course Participants
8. Lecture Scheme

1. Background

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It becomes increasingly important to achieve a deep understanding of the ongoing large scale introduction of IT-tools in the building process. We have for example some years been using the well known tools as spread sheets, databases and CAD systems. The focus now is on introducing new ICT (Information and Communication Technology) tools for collaboration and communication, knowledge storing, integration of resources, integration of computer application models, advanced multimedial interfaces and management of the actual change process and the design of completely new and unfamiliar IT-tools.

There is in the building sector an increasing need for persons with knowledge both about the building process and information technology. The semester 6 IT-course will put the development of IT-tools in the building process in timely and global perspective, concretize the expected development within the area, explain and exemplify new possibilities to raise quality both on the final results (buildings and their use) as well as the building process itself by introduction of efficient IT-tools, give a deeper understanding of the role of IT in the future building process, give the fundaments for extended studies in particular areas and finally serve as a vehicle for distributed life long learning.

The anticipated ICT tools are only partly developed and must be designed tested and implemented in close collaboration with the building process end users. This requires that civil engineers get a deeper understanding of some knowledge domains that up till now only has been partly covered in the civil engineering curricula.

The ICT will strongly influence how we take advantage of and interact with the computer resources

  • Work environment and organisation of projects will be strongly influenced by introduction of ICT tools
  • Information storage and interaction media will be more separated (paper is both)
  • the web will form the infrastructure for information container access, and application communication
  • human collaboration, team work and communication modes will be developed and partly changed. Collaboration work spaces will get a added virtual dimension being less dependent of the physical room.

The mutual influence between practice and ICT progress is necessary to maintain. Civil engineers must posses both general and some specialised ICT related knowledge to be able to specify and participate in the development of new ICT tools and to be pro-active in the process of changing work routines and company and project organisation.

2. Goal

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Det er kursets formål at give deltagerne indføring i anvendelse af informationsteknologi (IT) i byggeprocessen.
To give an overall understanding of IT use in the building process in historic, present and furure perspectives.
and especially to mediate knowledge about
  • concepts, techniques and methods for capturing, dissemination and re-use of company and project knowledge and how building process models can be built-up
  • techniques and methods for structuring relational databases
  • techniques and methods for communication support within project work
  • techniques and methods for design and implementation of multimedia web interfaces
  • tools to support the design, implementation and use of group project webs.

Lectures will give theoretical background, overview, and illustration of future development within the area as well as inspiration for further reading and own exploration of IT-tools.

3. Volume/Placement

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This 2 modules PE course is given during spring 2004, (calendar).

4. Content

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The semester 6 project work shall be documented and made accessible from the World Wide Web. This PE (Project Unit) course will give the background for digital project documentation used both as communication and decision tool in the design process and for storage of the project information.

Det overvejes, hvordan tidssvarende informationsteknologi (IT) med fordel kan anvendes i projektets levetid. Der udarbejdes bl.a.:

  • En organisationsplan for projektet i design- og udførelsesfasen.
  • De nødvendige informationsstrømme og informationslagre identificeres og de nødvendige informationskanaler og strukturer fastlægges.
  • Der analyseres, hvilke IT-værktøjer der er anvendelige til opgaven. Specielt fokuseres på anvendelsen af databaser, kommunikationsværktøjer og multimediepræsentationer:
    • Projektinformation kan lagres i databasen og gøres tilgængelig via www.
    • Byggepladsen kan dokumenteres (i tiden) ved hjælp af foto, interaktive film, 3D virtual reality og beskrivelser som for eksempel gøres tilgængelig via www.
    • Analyse af IT-værktøjer til brug for samarbejde mellem byggeprocessens parter (t internt i gruppen og eksternt)
  • Projektet præsenteres på www i form af problemformulering, løsningsstrategi, løsnings- forslag, og referencer samt erfaring med de benyttede IT-værktøjer.

[IT in the Building process can be further studied during semester 7 and semester 8 in the "Master of IT and Building Management" education.]

5. Learning Material

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The course content is delivered through the lectures, reading of literatur , and exercises/miniproject. It is impossible to find a set of literature that covers the course content completely. The lectures are supported by lecture slides available on the course web site. The slides with emphasized titles in the navigation bar has the same status as course literature (though not eventual references on the slide).

References to further reading is found in the lecture notes.

The coarse literature consists of both Lecture Slides and literature according to the list below.

The 'IT in Civil Engineering' site ( also gives access to previous years courses and if applicable mini projects. You reach it from the top of this page.

5.1 Lectures

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The lectures are accessed from the lecture scheme below.

Each lecture has a easy to navigate slide bar and an opening slide with short content description, questions for self assessment, references to the literature according to the literure list below and proposals for further reading.

The four hour lecture/exercise followes the scheme
  • 1 hour lecture
  • 1 hour exercise in group
  • 2 hours exercise results presentation and follow discussions

5.2 Exercises

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The exercies are also accessed from the lecture scheme below.

The following domains will be covered in the exercises

  • xxxxxx
  • xxxxx
  • xxxxx
  • xxxxxx
  • xxxxx
  • xxxxx

5.3 Software

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The following ICT, Information and Communication tools, are available during exercises/minproject activity. (those marked with * only at the Media Lab at institute 6)

  • AutoCad ADT
  • ......
  • Adobe Acrobat Distiller and Exchange to produce interactive PDF documents
  • Netmeeting, and MSN Messanger to establish shared workspaces

5.4 Literature

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  1. Christiansson, P, 1996, "Så förädlas kunskap i globala nätverk". Byggforskning 6/96, Stockholm. (sid. 18-20). (paper copy to groups).

  2. Christiansson, P, 1996, "Informationsteknologi för byggbranschen: Visioner och nuläge". Husbyggaren, nr. 7-8, november 1996, Stockholm. (sid. 8-12). (paper copies to groups).

  3. Christiansson P, 1999, " Properties of the Virtual Building". 8th International Conference on Durability of Building Materials and Components. Information Technology in Construction. (ed. M. A. Lacasse, D. J. Vanier). NRC Research Press, Ottawa, 1999. ISBN: 0-660-17743-9. (pp. 2909-2919). (May 30 - June 3, 1999 Vancouver, Canada.)
    KEYWORDS: Virtual building, modelling, multimedia, meta classification, temporal data.

  4. Guide til webudvikling,

  5. Hartvig, Susanne C.: Vejledning i evaluering af projektweb. Rapport, Byg-DTU R-002 2001 ISSN 1396-4011 ( (local copy)

  6. Web Tools. Images. Citu Lund University.

  7. Web and graphics.

  8. Web Graphics & Presentation: Web Color.

  9. Web Graphics & Presentation: Optimizing Graphics.

  10. Christiansson P, 1999, " Experiences from Design and Use of IT Supported Distributed Learning Environment". Civil Engineering Learning Technology in Cardiff. (edited by R M Lloyd & C J Moore). Thomas Telford Ltd. London.. ISBN: 0-7277-2839-3. (pp. 29-42).
    3rd AECEF International Symposium (Association of Civil Engineering Faculties with participation of civil engineering faculties from non-European countries). CELTic 1999. 8-10 September 1999, Cardiff.
    KEYWORDS: Distributed learning, problem based learning, multimedia interface, authoring tools, world wide web, education, modelling, collaborative work.

  11. Ottosen P S, 1997, "Aalborg Universitets driftsdatabse". Særtryk fra Abb NYT Nr. 6 December 1997. (3 pp.) (One per group)

  12. Christiansson P, 1993, "Multiteknologi. Möjligheter och begränsningar i teknisk fastighetsförvaltning. Demonstration och erfarenheter från Delphi projektet"/"Multi Technology. Possibilities and Limitations in Technical Building Maintenance. Demonstrations and experiences from the Delphi Project". NBS-Data - NBS Förvaltning semium 'Informationsteknologi och fastighetsförvaltning. Förväntningar - realiteter - perspektiv'. Lund 11-12 mars. (Nordiska Byggforskningsorganens samarbetsgrupp). (pp 9). NTNF/SINTEF seminarium Oslo 23-24 sept. 1993. SINTEF STF62 S93013 (pp 7-15).

  13. Christiansson P, 1998, "Den digitala staden - Landskrona. "

  14. Karlshøžj J, 2003, "IFC, a forthcoming standard for the exchange of product model data in the AEC-industry" and "Product models in practice - based on the IFC pilot project in connection to DR's new headquarter in Ørestad" (PowerPoint presentation)

  15. Spile Søren, 2003, "Adoption of product models in the industry" (PoerPoint presentation)

  16. Christiansson P, 2001, "Experiences from Using Internet Based Collaboration Tools". 'Konference om Arkitekturforskning og IT'. Proceedings Conference on Architectural Research and Information Technology. Nordic Association for Architectural Research. Arkitektskolen i Aarhus 27.-29. april 2001. (pp. 103-112).
    KEYWORDS: Virtual reality, collaborative work, ICT tools, design, intelligent buildings, knowledge transfer.

  17. Frederiksen Helle, 2000, "Databasedesign med Access 2000". IDG Forlag, Valby. (103 pp.). ('Centrale databasebegreber sid. 6-11, 'Normalisering' sid. 60-63). ('Analyse' sid. 36-38, 'Dataanalyse' sid. 51-56). ('SQL-forespørgsler'' sid. 24-28).

  18. Jens Ove Skjærbæk Jens Ove,2001, "Forandringsledelse og intranet hos COWI" (PowerPoint presentation)
  19. Hietanen, Jiri (2003): Architectural CAD and Product Modelling. BLIS-whitepaper.
  20. Hietanen, Jiri (2003): The Interoperability Pyramid. Blis-whitwpaper
  21. Koch, Jørgen: "Access 2002 for alle", Forlaget Libris
  22. Koch, Jørgen:"Access 2002 for alle, Tillæg om Normalisering"

    /?/ Phiri T, 1999, "Information Technology in Construction Design". Thomas Telford Ltd, London. (227 p.). (Extracts):

    Historic background reading 'Systems software. Application software' (pp. 12-18), 'Time and project management activities' (pp. 27-33), 'Data manipulation and mathematical analysis' (pp. 47-51), CAD/CAM/CAE and multi-media' (pp. 52-67). Case studies: 'Anthony Hunt Associates, Structural and Civil Engineers' (pp. 87 - 91), 'Battle McCarthy, Consulting Engineers' (pp. 97-100), 'BDP Ltd, Architects, Engineers and Surveyors' (pp. 101-108), 'DEGW, Architects, Space Planning and Management Consultancy' (pp. 122-127), 'Price & myers, Consulting Structural and Civil Engineers' (pp. 177-180),'Reiach & Hall, Architects' (pp. 181-184), 'Richard Rogers Partnership, Architects' (pp. 189-194), 'SOM, Architects' (pp.195-201).

    'Conclusions and future developments' (pp. 203-211). (TOTAL extract 88 pp.)

    /4?/ Langt gangsprojektet (Master thesis Building Management) "Anvendelse af metadata i byggeprocessen" (Use of Meta Data in the Building Process). Jakob Brøndsted, Kim Larsen, 2001/2002.
    [Appendix A page 253-270]

    /8?/ Pedersen S, 2002, "Databasestyrde websider". IDG Forlag, Valby. (87 pp.). [69 DKK].

    /x/ nnnn nnnn nnn

6. Examination

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The course supports the project work and is evaluated together with the project work.

Group project webs will be stored and evaluated in connection on the WWW to serve as inspiration material for following years students. (See also previous student works 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 and 2003.

7. Course Participants

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7.1 Students

The course participants and their email are listed separately. Here you also find the semester 6 'projects on the web'.

7.2 Teachers

8. Lecture Scheme

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The four hour lecture/exercise followes the scheme

  • 1 hour lecture
  • 1 hour tutored exercise in group
  • 2 hours exercise including results presentations and follow up discussions

Tuesday Febraury 3, 2004
12.30 - 14.00, room F109
14.00 - 16.30, room C199
Sohngaardsholmsvej 57,
Aalborg University

(Kjeld Svidt,
Per Christiansson)

  • IT supported Building Process
  • Work spaces
  • IKT tools and services
  • Project Web

Lecture 1 (Power Point)



Exercise A
Tuesday February 10, 2004
12.30 - 14.00, room F109
14.00 - 16.30, room C199
Sohngaardsholmsvej 57,
Aalborg University

(Per Christiansson,
Kjeld Svidt)

  • Structure and protocols
  • Hypertext MarkUp Language (HTML)
  • The future Web properties

Lecture 2 (Power Point)




Exercise B
Tuesday February 24, 2004
12.30 - 14.00, room F109
14.00 - 16.30, room C199
Sohngaardsholmsvej 57,
Aalborg University

(Kjeld Svidt,
Per Christiansson)

  • Structuring the Project Web
  • ....


Lecture 3 (Power Point)



Exercise C
Tuesday March 2, 2004
12.30 - 14.00, room F109
14.00 - 16.30, room C199
Sohngaardsholmsvej 57,
Aalborg University

(Per Christiansson,
Kjeld Svidt)


  • Image and Multimedia formats.
  • Multimedia interface properties
  • Graphic editing tools.
  • QTVR and interactive movies.
  • 3D-models on the web (VRML)
  • Designing the interface




Exercise D
Tuesday March 9, 2004
12.30 - 16.00, room F109

Sohngaardsholmsvej 57,
Aalborg University

(Kjeld Svidt,
Per Christiansson)


Guest lectures by Jan Karlshøj, Rambøll and Søren Spile, Byggeriets IT

  • International Foundation Classes (IFC)
  • Integration of analysis and simulation programs to building product models


Exercise E
Tuesday March 16, 2004
12.30 - 14.00, room F109
14.00 - 16.30, room C199
Sohngaardsholmsvej 57,
Aalborg University

(Kjeld Svidt
Per Christiansson)

  • IFC models
  • Architectural Desktop
  • Archicad


Exercise F
Tuesday March 30, 2004
12.30 - 14.00, room F109
14.00 - 16.30, room C199
Sohngaardsholmsvej 57,
Aalborg University

(Per Christiansson,
Kjeld Svidt)

  • CSCW tools
  • Application sharing
  • Distributed work spaces


Exercise G
Tuesday April 13, 2004
12.30 - 14.00, room F109
14.00 - 16.30, room C199
Sohngaardsholmsvej 57,
Aalborg University

(Per Christiansson,
Kjeld Svidt)

  • Introduction to Microsoft Access


pp 3-39/

Exercise 8

Tuesday April 20, 2004
12.30 - 14.00, room F109
14.00 - 16.30, room C199
Sohngaardsholmsvej 57,
Aalborg University

(Kjeld Svidt,
Per Christiansson)

  • Conceptual modelling of databases
  • Normalisation

Lecture 9 (Power Point)


/21 pp 40-58/


Exercise 9

Thursday April 29, 2004
12.30 - 14.00, room F109
14.00 - 16.30, room C199
Sohngaardsholmsvej 57,
Aalborg University

(Per Christiansson,
Kjeld Svidt)


Jørgen Nørgaard, Architect maa, Harmuth & Nørgaard

  • Building information needs seen from the Facility Management perspective
  • Efficient tools to handle Facility Management information

Exercise 10

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Per Christiansson
Kjeld Svidt