sem7 IT Tools, sem8 2007
Exercises Results

[home] [education] [semester 8] Last update 2007.05.31 (2007.05.22) [2006.12.21]

IT i Civilingeniørspeciale i Byggeledelse/IT in Building Management.

Exercises results IT Tools - Multimedia & Knowledge Management, 2007 [Exercises]

Exercise A on prospects and barriers of future ICT tools
Exercise B on collaboration tools functionality
Exercise C on interactive web-based 3D-models
Exercise D on future User Environments, UE
Exercise E on interactive story telling
Exercise F on Contextual Design and user needs capture
Exercise G on evaluation of usability

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Exercise A on prospects and barriers of future ICT tools

GROUP 2.124
Exercise A
GROUP 2.126
All Exercises

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Exercise B on collaboration tools functionality

GROUP 2.124
Exercise B
GROUP 2.126
All Exercises

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Exercise C on interactive web-based 3D-models

GROUP 2.124
Exercise C
GROUP 2.126
All Exercises

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Exercise D on future User Environments, UE
GROUP 2.124
Exercise D
GROUP 2.126
All Exercises

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Exercise E on interactive story telling
GROUP 2.124
Exercise E
GROUP 2.126
All Exercises

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Exercise F on Contextual Design and user needs capture
GROUP 2.124
Exercise F
GROUP 2.126
All Exercises

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Exercise G on evaluation of usability
GROUP 2.124
Exercise G
GROUP 2.126
All Exercises

Per Christiansson