Prof. Per Christiansson
Handslagarevägen 8
247 63 Veberöd

Per Christiansson


31.5.2024 (15.02.2021) [14.10.1998]

This page:

Per Christiansson




Per Lennart Christiansson
Civil status:
Married, two boys (born 1974, 1975).
247 63 Veberöd
Handslagarevägen 8
(Private company)
Telephone: (home)
+46 (0)760 446465
+46 (0)46 80633
WWW: part of the old site at Building Informatics, Aalborg University. part of the old site at KBS-Media Lab, Lund University.



Master of Science, Civil Engineering School at the Lund Institute of Technology.
Doctor of Technology, Structural Engineering.
Acting professor, Structural Engineering
Associate professor , Structural Engineering (Docent grade in Sweden)
Qualified for a research professorship i Information Technology in Engineering at DTU Denmark.
Visiting Professor 'IT in Civil Engineering' Aalborg, Denmark
Professor 'IT in Civil Engineering' Aalborg, Denmark



Professor Aalborg University, Denmark
November 1998 - 2011
(full time)
Visiting professor, Aalborg University
December 1997 - 1998
(full time)
Senior Lecturer
July 1988 - 1999
(full time)
Researcher at the Department of
Structural Engineering. Lund University.
[Högskolelektor] (Own research, research, supervisor, teacher).
June 1986 -
(full time)
Scientific advisor to the Swedish
Building Research Council, BFR
June 1983 -
(half time)
Head of Civil Engineering Computer
Center, VDC. and
January 1977 -
(half time)
Research Education Coordinator at the
Civil Engineering School at Lund University
June 1977 - January 1985
(half time)
Researcher at the Department of Structural Engineering.
Lund University. (Own research, teaching)
January 1970 - June 1977

3.1 Scientific advisor: (1983- 1997)


As a scientific advisor to the Swedish Building Research Council I was involved in different activities (national, Nordic and international):

  • Coordination and initiation of R/D
  • Arranging and giving lectures at symposia
  • Establishing and maintaining contacts to universities and industries abroad
  • Establishing contacts between R/D individuals
  • Advisory activities (at universities, industries and institutes)
  • Inviting visiting lecturer
  • Information and knowledge transfer through articles, lectures, visits etc.
  • Participation in national and international information technology programs.
  • Member of International Editorial Boards and Scientific Committees (on Artificial Intelligence, Computer Aided Design, Computer Aided Architectural Design, Urban Information Systems etc.)
  • Member of the steering group of the ITBL, Information Technology Building Centre in Lund. (1/3 of a National Building Information Technology program)
  • Own research within the fields of computer-aided design, knowledge-based systems, knowledge representation, hypermedia, communication, user interface, system design, conceptual modeling and integration problems.

3.2 Head of civil engineering computing center, Lund University (1977-1985)


I have actively worked with computer software and hardware since 1970 from system to application levels. This work has comprised programming in Assembler, Algol, Fortran, Basic, Prolog, Pascal and real time programming as well as hardware development activities and development of computer controlled measuring devices and controlling programs. I have also developed routines for and given support on user and application levels. I was also responsible for purchase and installation of computer hardware and software at the Civil Engineering Computing Center. /R3/, /R4/, /R8/, /R10/, /R11/, /R14/.

Per Christiansson did except traditional education within civil engineering, pioneering development of courses at Lund University within areas such as; Computer controlled data acquisition, CAD and modelling, knowledge based systems, and hypermedia for knowledge transfer. This work did continue when he was a professor at Aalborg University in Denmark.

3.3 KBS-MEDIA LAB and ITBL (1987-1999)


The department of Structural Engineering at Lund University had a long research tradition within the area of computer support in the building process and was, through myself, from 1970 during 25 years a driving force within IT in the construction process both nationally and within the Civil Engineering School at Lund University. This resulted in the building up (by Per Christiansson) of the first external (outside Lund University Computing Center) Computer Center in Lund. The department gave the first Cad-modeling course in 1983 (by Per Christiansson) and had after that the total responsibility for the Cad education at the Civil Engineering School. Pioneering graduate courses at Lund University were developed by Per Christiansson within CAD and Knowledge based systems (1985-1986). The KBS-Media Lab was created in 1987 and got its own localities in 1990. Resource grants were supplied by Apple Computer in 1987. In 1995 the KBS-Media Lab moved into a new location at a central IT resource built up at Lund University where it had 4 office rooms and a dedicated electronic meeting room. Close collaboration was carried through with its neighbour Lund University Center for IT in Education, CITU.

The national Swedish IT-BUILDING program, which was initiated 1991, had a favourable influence on the development of the KBS-MEDIA Lab. The KBS-Media Lab expanded its activities. Researcher exchange started with Stanford University. The research within the area of digital product information and building maintenance was active resulting in among other things a Licentiate Thesis, Anders Follin /R31/ and important contributions from among other researchers Jörgen Modin. The cooperation and knowledge communication research areas became more intense during the later years at the KBS-Media Lab. Models and applications for knowledge communication, knowledge representation and classification in the global networks as well as advanced human computer interface formed a special focus. The first implementations of what we call the Dynamic Knowledge Net, DKN, (the WWW) were created world wide and we used in our research from 1993.

The needed research efforts are huge to increase awareness and qualitative development towards a new paradigm in the life of humanity (the third since the Antique) - (1) art of writing 2500 bc, (2) art of printing 1400 ac, and now (3) the art of communication. Cross disciplinary and external collaboration was maintained and increased at the Lab, (with Swedish companies, and foreign universities and companies). The number of persons in the group varied between 3 and 5 with additional master thesis student and short term project employment.

We required lateral thinking, creativity, industry relevance and contribution to science evolution in our endeavours. International cooperation and idea exchanges was very important in the research projects.

The goals for the KBS-Media Lab was to study how personal cooperation could be supported and enforced by 'digital knowledge' stored in computer networks, and how computer supported collaboration could be improved with advanced IT-tools as well as how knowledge could be augmented, represented and linked in the Dynamic Knowledge Net to be effectively communicated. We designed and developed multimedia interfaces and used a wide variety of knowledge representations.

We used the demonstrator method (incremental prototyping) to capture, communicate, evaluate, and implement ideas together with end users (often involving industry project participants).

KBS-Media Lab's motto was "The Future in Practice" which reflected a clear will to combine theory with practice.

An important task for the KBS-Media Lab was to translate front-end research to a comprehensible form for a broad research and industry community. There was and is a high demand for multidisciplinary research and a combination of directed fundamental research with practical collaboration in industry environments.

We developed and gave courses within multimedia, knowledge representation, and system design on both high and low abstraction levels.

The KBS-Media Lab were on the WWW in April 1994, (a provisional copy is found at We designed and developed WWW support for departments and external projects that were very well received.

In our daily internal work and in the projects we used IT for collaboration - video conferencing on the Internet, (on own server) collaborative work on documents and drawings, conferencing systems, list servers, etc.

We used computers from SUN, Apple/Macintosh, and IBM/PC as hardware platforms. In addition to Internet we also use ISDN connection (introduced in the COOCOM project and the start for SKANSKA to establish efficient connections to their German cooperation partners in 1994). We regularly used one or more personal computer at our meetings with projection on wall screen. We received a lot of hardware and software as support from companies.

After my leave and employment at Aalborg University in 1997 the KBS-MEDIA Lab was gradually merged into the CITU organization. Three of the staff started their own company, the advertising agency Helvetica AB, which in 2000 had 10 employees


3.4 International activities, Contacts, Talks. Committees


My work involves; participation in national and international committees for exchange and coordination in the domain of design, Artificial Intelligence, computer support in the building process, membership of international scientific and organizational committees and editorial boards etc. I maintain deep continuous contacts (since roughly 1980) with leaders and researchers at distinguished research centers and departments around the world (CIFE at Stanford, Key Center of Design Quality in Sydney, CAAD ETH in Zürich, CSIRO in Melbourne, MIT in Cambridge USA, CMU in Pittsburgh, CSTB in France, NUS in Singapore, NIST in Washington, etc....).
National and international representatives from companies, schools/Universities and research groups (and individual researchers) came often for discussions, consultations and demonstrations of systems at the KBS-Media Lab and also to follow tailored courses. The motto for the KBS-Media Lab was "The Future in Practice".

I continuously receive invitations from abroad and from Sweden to participate in different projects and activities and to give talks and demonstrations. See also below chapter 4 "Affiliations".

I have during the years built up a large international contact net with leading universities, companies and institutes within the IT area (not only limited to the building sector). My address file now contains roughly 2500 fresh names.

3.5 Full Professor Aalborg University 1998-2011


The 'IT in the Building Process', (, was a new research and education group (December 1998) at the Department of Building Technology and Structural Engineering at Aalborg University under Prof. Per Christiansson (professor chair IT in Civil Engineering). Research focus was on integration and structuring of IT-tools in the whole building process with special focus on early and late phases of the process. Special research areas, comprising both design and analyses, are knowledge representations and model integration, knowledge management and discovery, multimedia/VR interfaces to Internet based resources, user environment design, user needs and requirements capture, computer supported collaborative work, intelligent buildings and digital infrastructures, building product and process modelling, and languages and systems for meta level integration of building process related information. Research and demonstrator development is most often carried through in close collaboration with industry.

The research results are of general validity and in most cases not confined to be valid for only the building community.

The research areas were (See also the research list in chapter '5.2 Projects').


Courses on master level have been developed within areas such as human computer interaction, knowledge management, multimedia web design, database design, virtual building modelling, computer supported collaborative work and building simulation. Courses aimed specially for industry and practitioners have also been developed. See also /K20/-/K37/ in chapter ' 10.10 Course development /K/'.

3.6 Private Company. Dr. Per Christiansson Consulting, 1977-2024 Engineering

[top] Tekn. Dr. Per Christiansson Ingenjörsbyrå HB, Sweden
(Established 1977.)

Since 1977 I have also had the opportunity to carry through private commissions of varying kind (nationally and internationally) both within the building and information technology areas as well as in combination of both. This work involves: design work, board membership, investigations, formulation and evaluation of business ideas and strategies involving information technology, project reviews, system development, information technology consulting, lecturing, courses, advising etc.

Between 1984-1988 I was a board member of "Disc Navigation AB". (Digital maps and navigation system within shipping). Activity example: The autumn 1995 I gave advice on IT-Strategies to the director group of the Nordic holding company BRAAS Scandinavia Ltd in Stockholm. The company owns practically all roof tiling factories in northern Germany and the Nordic countries. EU project and proposals evaluations. 1997 - 1998 I was involved in advice to communes in connection to Digital Sites, and Citizen networks (Medborgarnät). 1998 - 2001 I was board member and teacher at the MAN (Metropolitan Area Network Manager) Kvalificerad Yrkesutbildning (KY) education in Landskrona.

Among companies which have been my customers are (after 1990);
  • Digital Equipment Corporation (Intelligent Buildings)
  • Helsingborgshem (IT-strategies)
  • Göran Bengtsson Byggnads AB (building site communications)
  • Byggdok
  • BPS-Centret Denmark
  • BFAB
  • Försvarsmakten
  • Mitthögskolan
  • SIF
  • BRAAS Scandinavia (IT-strategy, visions)
  • Museiforum
  • Byggkostnadsdelegationen
  • Landskrona kommun (Digital City planning and design)
  • Skurups kommun (Citizen nets, company networks)
  • AB Landskronahem
  • A number of Schools (IT in teaching and learning)
  • NOVI, Aalborg Science Park
  • The European Commission. Project and proposals evaluations.
  • Lund University (teaching, supervision doctoral students) (2012-)
  • Future digital support, AVK Group Denmark (2014)
  • Anders pågar gymnastics association, homepage web-database development (March 2019)

3.7 Some examples on farseeing undertakings and research


1982 I supervised a project where the strongest driving IT forces within Swedish building industry were joined /R12/, /R13/. I became Swedish representative in NBS-DATA, the Nordic Building Research Cooperation Group (NBS), Working Group for Information Technology (DATA). The group became a notion in the world and in the Nordic countries. Within the group I launched a joint-Nordic work within the product modelling area in 1988.

In 1985 I made a first study on future data structures. We can now begin to see a layering according to some of those ideas /C8/. The year after, I presented the first object oriented system (from the USA) which could be used in the building industry, at the Nordic Building Day in Helsinki /C13/.

1986 in Washington, /C14/, and Singapore, /C12/, I presented prototypes for knowledge based systems with properties that much later came in focus, that is with built-in learning capabilities.

1987 an embryo to the KBS-Media concept was presented where the human interface had multimedia support towards the underlying facts bases and decision support system in the form of intelligent agents. Agents are now more commonly used in system building.(Prototype was demonstrated at the first Apple Interactive Multimedia Development Conference in San Jose 1988).

1988 I first presented what I called a hyper document. This was done at the first international research conference (in Lund) within CIB W78 which focused on Product Modeling, /C18/. The conference was organized by myself in collaboration with the Swedish Building Center. At the same occasion I demonstrated new concepts in demonstration systems as: navigation palettes, image browsers, and user adapted tools to build and augment the systems on different abstraction levels. We now use these ideas and upscale them in the global domain.

In 1990, /C24/, I presented ideas that I assumed later would be part of our research reality - how do we constrain system growth and manage unlearning and retraining, definition of languages for pattern communication, agent personalities as expectations, wills, rewards, habits, distributed representations, time influence and connectionist activation patterns in the networks etc.

My thoughts about our need to be able to deal with partly overlapping and non-redundant building process models have been maintained all the time. Different knowledge representations must be adapted to different application domains (object orientation, hypertext, decision trees, semantic nets, artificial neural networks, relational databases, analogue representations, etc.) and they must also be able to communicate with each other. The territory is virgin and is encapsulated by our DKN concept the Dynamic Knowledge Net.

The pre-work to the Swedish IT-BUILDING program was done in the BFR Cad-group that was later turned to a smaller group (Per Christiansson member in both). The latter group presented the program (which also incorporated and heavily involved SBUF and NUTEK activities) at the first National IT-BUILDING conference in Stockholm in September 1990 (where I also did a great deal of the pre-work).

In the COOCOM, 1993, project we started to implement and test ideas concerning collaboration and negotiation in and between electronic meeting rooms. This research has focused on how to build the company knowledge source in the global network context, COOCOM2.

The Dynamic Knowledge Net, DKN, was introduced 1993, /C35/. A network that dynamically connects man to man, man to machine, and machine to machine. The first implementation of the DKN is the World Wide Web.

The Knowledge Node concept was introduced 1995 in connection with the SWEBU, Swedish Building Research on the World Wide Web. It is also used and developed in the SERFIN (Building Maintenance Experience Communication on Internet), Merkurius (Lund University Company Knowledge Node), and COOCOM2 projects. See also chapter '5.2 Projects'

The importance of involving end users in ICT system development with needs and requirements capture was one focus at my Building Informatics group at Aalborg Universities both in education and research, /R56/.



4.1 National committees and Boards (Denmark and Sweden)

ERFA Group
Member of the Danish Experience Group for Digital Construction (ERFA-gruppen, Det digitale byggeri).
CID Board
Member of the Board of CID (Danish Center for Integrated Design), (
VR MediaLab IG Board
Member of the "Virtual Reality Initiative Group" at Aalborg University. 2001
Design Lab. Board, Aalborg University
Member of the board for establishing a Design Laboratory at A&D (Architecture&Design) department at Aalborg University. (Originally called 'Virtual Architecture and Multimedia Laboratory at A&D'.
Department Board, Aalborg University
Member of Board of Institute 6 (Department of Building Technology and Structural Engineering), Aalborg University.
Computer Committee institute 6
Member of Computer Committee (edb udvalg) institute 6. Aalborg University.
LUVIT, System/tools for distance education at Lund University. July 1997-1998.
Member of Steering Committee
Scientific committee on Multimedia
January 1997 -
Lund University, Lund Institute of Technology Helsingborg.
Distansforum -
1996- 1998
Arbetsgrupp för distansutbildning (Working group for distance education) at Lund University.
IT-Building Strategy 1995-
A group of three persons (1 professor from KTH, Stockholm and CTH Gothenburg) prepared a the research input for the forthcoming IT-BUILDING program.
'KNODE' 1992-
Advisory group under Lund University Pro Rector at Lund University. IT-strategies and distant learning.
IT-circle UB2 1992-1996
Reference group on IT literature at the University Library, Lund University.
ITBL 1990-
Steering group for IT Building Center at Lund University under the Swedish National IT Building program.
BFR/BST Computer Group
Member of the Swedish Building Research Council, BFR, and the Building Standardization Computer group
BFR Computer Expert Group
Member of the Swedish Building Research Council, BFR, expert and coordination group for the use of computers in design, building and maintenance.
IVA Ag6.
National Academy of Sciences, wg6 Building Dynamics.(Ingenjörsvetenskapsakademin, Arbetsgrupp 6 Byggnadsdynamik). /O2/. (Secretary)
Arbetsgruppen för CAD/CAM vid Lunds Universitet./Working group for CAD/CAM at Lund University.

4.2 International Committees and Boards


2002 -
ECPPM European Conferences on Product and Process Modeling in the Building Industry. Danish representative in the Steering Committee.
2000 -
EUNITE European University Network for Information Technology in Education (EUNITE). Taskforce: European Virtual Campus: concept and policies of cooperation.
EU IST. March 1998-
Expert in EU IST, Information Society Technologies, 5th Framework Programme.
Aalborg University contact person within building and construction of the international network ECIU - European Consortium of Innovative Universities.
NBS-DATA. Swedish representative of the Nordic Building Research Cooperation Group (NBS), (Cooperation Organization of the Nordic Building Research Institutes), Working Group for Information Technology (DATA). NBS ceased to exist 1993.
CIB-W78. International Council for Building Research Studies and Documentation, Information Technology in Construction (BFR representative and board member).
I maintain the home page on the World Wide Web, WWW, for CIB W78 since 1994.
Address (old ../
This was the first CIB HomePage established summer 1994 and serving as a guide for CIB development within the area.
CIB Commission Recognition for Per Christiansson.

4.3 International 'Editorial Boards, 'Advisory Boards' and 'Scientific committees'


Member of the Editorial Board of Design Computing - International Journal of Design Computing. ISSN 1329-7147 .(General Editor Mary Lou Maher, University of Sydney)
(April 1995-), JOURNAL
Member of the Editorial Advisory Board of the Electronic Journal of Information Technology in Construction. (Editor Bo Christer Björk)
(1995-), JOURNAL
Journal. Member of the editorial board of AIEDAM: Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK. ( Dr David C Brown CS Dept, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Massachusetts. ).
Automation in Construction Journal
(1992-2007), JOURNAL
Member of Editorial Board Automation in Construction. Elsevier Science Publishers BV. (Editor Yehuda Kalay).
(1986-), JOURNAL
Member of the International Editorial Board.(Editor Prof. William Mitchell). Ceased to exist.

DCC16 2016.
Member of the Program Committee program committee of DCC16 (Seventh International Conference on Design Computing and Cognition). (DCC16), June 27-29 2016, Northwestern University, Evanston (Chicago), USA.
DCC14 2014.
Member of the Program Committee of The Sixth International Conference on Design Computing and Cognition (DCC14), June 23-25 2014, University College London, London, UK.
ECPPM 2014.
Member of the International Scientific Committee of The 10th European Conference on Product and Process Modelling. ECPPM2014 Vienna, Austria, 17-19th September 2014.
W78 2012.
Member of the International Scientific Committee of The 29th CIB W78 Conference on Applications of IT in the AEC Industry. W78 2012. Beirut, Lebanon. October 17-19 2012.
ECPPM 2012.
Member of the International Scientific Committee of The 9th European Conference on Product and Process Modelling. ECPPM2012 Reykjavik, Iceland. July 25-27 2012.
DCC'12 2012.
Member of the Conference Advisory Board of The Fifth International Conference on Design Computing and Cognition (DCC'12), June 7-9 2012, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas USA.
Member of the International Program committee of The 3rd International Conference on Research into Design. ICord'11. Bangalore, India. January 10-12 2011.
W78 2011.
Member of the Scientific Committee of The 28th CIB W78 Conference on Computer Integrated Construction. Sophia Antipolis, France. October 26-28 2011.
W78 2010.
Member of the International Scientific Committee of The 27th CIB W78 Conference on Applications of IT in the AEC Industry & Accelerating BIM Research Workshop. W78 2010. Cairo, Egypt. November 16-19 2010.
DCC'10 2010.
Member of the Conference Advisory Board of The Fourth International Conference on Design Computing and Cognition (DCC'10), July 2010, Stuttgart, Germany.
ECPPM 2010.
Member of the Scientific Committee of The 8th European Conference on Product and Process Modelling in the Building Industry. ECPPM 2010. University College Cork, Cork, Ireland. 14-16 September 2010.
W78 2009.
Member of the Scientific Committee of The 26th CIB W78 Conference "Managing IT in Construction/Managing Construction for Tomorrow". W78 2009. Istanbul, Turkey. October 1-3 2009.
W78 2008.
Member of the Scientific Committee of The 25th CIB W78 Conference "Improving the management of construction projects through IT adoption". W78 2008. Santiago, Chile. 26-29 July 15-17 2008.
ECPPM 2008.
Member of the Scientific Committee of The 7th European Conference on Product and Process Modelling in the Building Industry. ECPPM 2008. Sophia Antipolis, France. 10-12 September 2008.
DCC'08 2008.
Member of the Conference Advisory Board of The Third International Conference on Design Computing and Cognition (DCC'08), June 2008, Atlanta, USA.
W78 2007.
Member of the Scientific Committee of The 24th CIB W78 Conference "Bringing ICT knowledge to work". W78 2007. Maribor Slovenia. 26-29 June 2007. (Also special session organizer).
ECPPM 2006.
Member of the Scientific Committee of The Sixth European Conference on Product and Process Modelling in the Building Industry. ECPPM 2006. Valencia, Spain. 13-15 September 2006.
W78 2006.
Member of the Scientific Committee of CIB-W78 24th International Conference on Information Technology in Construction. Santiago, Chile, August 29-31, 2006.
DCC'06 2006.
Member of the Conference Advisory Board of The Second International Conference on Design Computing and Cognition (DCC'06), July 2006, Eindhoven, The Netherlands.
Member of the International Scientific and Technical Committee of INCITE/ITCSED 2006, World Conference on IT in Design and Construction. November 15th - 17th 2006, New Delhi, India.
CIB W78 2005.
Member of the Scientific Committee of the 22nd CIB-W78 Conference on Information Technology in Construction. - International Conference on Construction Information Technology 2004. Dresden, Germany, July 19-21, 2005.
INCITE 2004.
Member of the International Scientific & Technical Committee of the INCITE 2004 - International Conference on Construction Information Technology 2004. Langkawi, Malaysia, February 18-21, 2004.
ECPPM 2004
Member of the Scientific Committee of the 5th ECPPM Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, 8-10th September 2004. (European Conference of Product and Process Modelling - Ework and ebusiness in architecture, engineering, construction). ECPPM2004.
World IT in Construction
Member of the Scientific Committee of "World IT in Construction" conference in Langkawi, Malaysia, February 18 - 21, 2004
CIB W78 2003
Member of the International Scientific Committee of "CIB W78 conference 2003. Bridging the Distance". Auckland, New Zealand, April, 22-26 2003.
Member of the Scientific Committee for the Conference on Information Standardization, Exchanges and Management in Construction. "CISEMIC 2002" November 2002 UK.
ECPPM 2002
Member of the program committee of the 4th ECPPM Conference, Portoroz, Slovenia, 9-11th September 2002. (European Conference of Product and Process Modelling - Ework and ebusiness in architecture, engineering, construction). ECPPM2002.
CIB W78 2002
Member of the International Scientific Committee of "CIB W78 conference 2002. Distributing Knowledge in Building". Århus/Aalborg Denmark, June, 12-16 2002.
CIB W78 2001
Member of the International Scientific Committee for the CIB W78 Conference on "'IT in Construction in Africa 2001". Mpumalanga, South Africa, 30 May - 1 June, 2001
Member Scientific Committee International Postgraduate Research Conference in the Built and Human Environment, bf2001, 15 - 16 March 2001 University of Salford.
CoDesigning 2000
Member International Program Committee 'CoDesigning 2000'. An International Conference sponsored by DEED and the Design Research Society. Coventry University, U.K. 11th - 13th September, 2000
Member International Scientific Committee International Conference on Construction Information Technology. 'Taking the Construction Industry into the 21st. Century' sponsored by CIB W78, IABSE, EG-SEA-AI. Reykjavik, June 28-30, 2000.
Member Editorial Board The Fifth International Conference on The Application of Artificial Intelligence to Civil and Structural Engineering, AICIVIL-COMP99. Christ Church, Oxford. September 13-15 1999.
CIB W78 1999
Member of the International Scientific Committee for the CIB W78 Conference on "Information Technology in Construction". Vancouver, May 31 - June 3, 1999.
Member Scientific Committee Second European Conference on Product and Process Modeling in the Building Industry. BRE, Watford, Herts, England. 19-21 October 1998.
International Advisory Board 'Second International Conference on Human System Learning, CAPS98. (Colloque international sur l'Apprentissage Personne System). University of Caen, France, July 1-3, 1998.
CIB W78 1998
Member of the W78 Advisory Committee for the W78 conference on 'The life-cycle of Construction IT innovations. - Technology transfer from research to practice'. Stockholm, June 3-5, 1998
CIB W78 1997
Member of the International Scientific Committee for the CIB W78 Conference on 'Information Technology Support for Construction Process Re-Engineering' IT-CPR-97.". Cairns, Australia, July 9-11, 1997.
Member of International Program Committee on 'FORMAL ASPECTS OF COLLABORATIVE CAD', Third International IFIP WG 5.2 Workshop on Formal Design Methods for CAD, 16-19 February 1997, Jenolan Caves, Sydney, Australia
CCVC '97
Member of Advisory Board, 'First International Conference on Creative Collaboration in Virtual Communities' 14-15 February 1997, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia.
Member of International Scientific Committee. International conference on Information Technology in Civil and Structural Engineering Design - Taking Stock and Future Directions. 14-16 August 1996, Glasgow Scotland.
International Advisory Committee, 'Agents and Web-based Design Environments'. Workshop in conjunction with the Fourth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Design (AID'96). Stanford June 23 1996.
CIB W78 1996
International Program Committee. International conference Construction on the Information Highway. Bled, Slovenia, June 10-12, 1996.
International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering. Member of Scientific Committee for the third colloquium on Knowledge-based systems in civil engineering, Bergamo Italy, March 15-17, 1995.
Invited Session chairman at the IABSE Colloquium "Knowledge Support Systems in Civil Engineering". Bergamo, Italy, 16-17 mars, 1995.
Member of European Academic Software Award jury, EASA, area MultiMedia. Award ceremony in Heidelberg November 27-29 , 1994.
Management of Information Technology for Construction. Singapore August 17-20 1993. Review Committee.
Vice chair Sweden. Paper review committee. Session chairman. International conference series on Artificial Intelligence in Design. (John Gero, Sydney, Chairman). Edinburgh June 1991. Pittsburgh USA June 1992 (session chair), Lausanne August 1994 (session chair), Stanford 1996 (session chair).
Member of scientific committee for the ARECDAO conferences in Spain. (Spanish IT/CAD conference series. International Symposium about Computer Assisted design in Architecture and Civil Engineering). + Paper reviews.
(1991- )
Editorial Board Member in CAAD Bibliographic Database and Resource Service. (Buffalo, USA). Dormant.
CAAD Futures
Member of Technical Review Board (Zürich 91, Pittsburgh 93, Singapore 1995, Munchen 1997.)
Member and active during start up of the European network - "Gestion Representation des Transformations Urbannes" (Management and Representation of Urban Areas).
The Interactive City 1991
Member of the program committee of the 3rd International conference "The Interactive City". Arranged by the GRTU network. (6.6.92)

4.4 Associations, Groups etc.


Member of the UICEE (UNESCO International Centre for Engineering Education) Centre for Problem Based Learning (UCPBL)
CIB-TG24. International Council for Building Research Studies and Documentation, Application of Virtual Reality in Construction
WC6 on Information Technology, IABSE, International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering. Corresponding Member.
Member of the Working Commission CIB-W098 - Intelligent and Responsive Buildings of the CIB (International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction).
Swedish IAI Forum, International Alliance for Interoperability. (
New Media Centers.
ITL, Interest Group on IT at Lund University. (
ISKO, The International Society for Knowledge Organization
EG-SEA-AI, European Group for Structural Engineering Applications of AI.
LU-NN, Lund University interest group for neural networks
INNS, International Neural Network Society, Washington.
1991- 1993
OLUFF. Interest group for optical storage media in education, research, and transfer. (The Norwegian Scientific Research Council. Computer Center in Bergen).
ADT. Apple Developer Team.
EUROGRAPHICS/SIGRAD. The Swedish Association for Computer Graphics.
STIMDI. Swedish Interdisciplinary Association for Man Machine Interaction.
IPSIG, Inductive Programming Special Interest Group.
AI program at Lund University.(board member)
CICA. Construction Industry Computing Association. UK

ECAADE, Education in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe.

4.5 Reference groups


Expert in the Danish Science Festival (Dansk Naturvidenskabsfestival 1998), 'Ask the Science'. (
Recommendations for Cad-components. Project management Swedish Building Center.("Rekommendationer för CAD-komponenter") (April 1991).
"Byggelogistik - Materialestyring i byggeprocessen" (MIS). N&R Consult A/S Danmark projektledning. (Augusti 1990).
"Expertsystem för evaluering av industribrandrisk". Byggnadstekniskt Brandskydd, LTH. (advice, evaluation)
Taking of quantities for production purposes (the MCAD- project)
AGRI-CAD, Computer Aided Design for the Farm Building Process.
Databases for HVAC product information

4.6 Other


IT Ambassador within IT Indsatsen at Aalborg University. 1999 -
President Rotary Club of Skurup, Sweden



5.1 Grants


Ministry of Science Technology and Innovation (Ministeriet for Videnskab Teknologi og Udvikling)
National Agency for Enterprise and Housing (Erhvervs- og Boligstyrelsen)
The Swedish Council for Building Research,
The National Road Administration, Vägverket
The Swedish Building Centre, Svensk Byggtjänst,

Apple Computer

The EC COMETT program
National Board of Physical Planning and Building/Boverket,
Lund Academic Dwelling Foundation
Lund University,
The Development Fund of the Swedish Construction Industry,
Swedish National Board for Technical Development, (former STU)
Sveriges Allmännyttiga Bostadsföretag
Esselte Ltd
Novacast Ltd

Swedish Council for Planning and Coordination of Research
The Culture Museum in Lund
The Swedish Foundation for Knowledge and Competence Development (KK-Foundation) KK
European Commission EU
Center for Integrated Design in Denmark CID
Aalborg University AAU
National Agency for Enterprise and Construction, Denmark EBST
Ministry of Science Technology and Innovation, Denmark VTU
Realdania Foundation, Denmark RD

5.2 Projects


Dynamic bridge - vehicle interaction. (theoretic). /R2/. [VV].
Probabilistic load and loadeffect descriptions for highway bridges. (theoretic, simulation, basis for bridge codes). /R5/, /J1/. [VV]
Mobile weighing station. (theoretic, practical, patent, development of computerized control/measuring system and sensors). /R4/, /J3/. [VV].
High strength steel beams. (theoretic, practical, patent). /J2/. (BFR).
Explosion and collision loads (theoretical, basis for building codes). /R6/, /R7/. [BO].
Reliability and Communication in a Computerized Building Industry (national, research initiation). /R12/. [BFR]. Per C project leader in a co-operative project between LTH and KTH.
Dynamic column buckling. (theoretic, simulation). /R9/. [BFR].
Computer Aided Design. CAD in Practice. (joint industry, national research initiation). /R13/. [BFR].
Systems for Control and Accounting in Computer Aided Design. (Knowledge based systems, Cad, databases, integration, system design, industry joint activities). /R15/, /R20/, /C8/, [BFR].
CAD-resources to the Civil Engineering School at Lund University. Start-up of National education in Cad/modelling [BFR].
Integration of knowledge based systems and optical media, KBS-MEDIA. (Theoretic, practical, building industry cooperation, cooperation computer industry, knowledge based systems, optical media, scanning, integration). [BFR, AP, LU, PR].
Avancerade system för Varuinformation. (Advanced Material and Vendor Information - AMVI -). (Theoretic, practical, knowledge based systems, hypermedia, integration, graphical interfaces, databases, demonstrator, advanced information technology, joint activity with the Swedish Building Center). [BFR, SB, AP].
/R24/, /J22/, /C30/
Ny informationsteknologi i fastighetsförvaltning. Demonstrationsprojekt. (Advanced Information Technology in Building Maintenance Support) The - DELPHI - project.(Theoretic, practical, knowledge based systems, hypermedia, integration, graphical interfaces, databases, demonstrator, advanced information technology, joint activity with the Lund Academic Society (dwelling foundation) and the National Board of Physical Planning and Building). [BFR, AFB, BO, AP].
"Kunskapsutveckling i byggprocessen/Computer Aided Development of Knowledge in the Construction Process". The - CUBE- project. Design and development of systems for making information available at the building site. [BFR, SBUF]. /R27/, /C37/, /C46/.
National Information Technology Program. Three centers in Sweden with one at Lund University. Cooperation between Civil Engineering and Architectural Schools at the Lund Institute of Technology. ITBL. 70 Mkr during 6 years. [BFR, SBUF, STU, SABO].
/P22/, /J15/, /J16/.
Neural networks for classification support. (NUTEK), /J35/.
Cross-reference of classification systems supported by neural networks (with Lund University Library). (Part of Jörgen Modin Lic Thesis, in print autumn 1997) [FRN]
The MultiMedia Museum. A national project on hypermedia internal and external support of museum activities. /O21/, /R30/
Computer supported cooperative working in early design to support building operation and maintenance. A joint project between building contractor, architect, property owner and the Swedish Telecom. ISDN connections, groupware, local and distributed group meetings, video communication, electronic meeting rooms, and IT-tools for collaboration. [SBUF].
/C45/, /R32/, /J29/, /J34/
Digital product catalogues with focus on graphical tools and presentations. [BFR]
/R31/ (Anders Follin's Lic. Thesis)

The company knowledge node. Collaboration between SKANSKA, LKF, FFNS and KBS-Media Lab (In progress). [SBUF]
Communication, Representation and Classification of Knowledge
Reported under different projects, Journal papers, conference papers, lectures etc.
1) Theoretical support for COOCOM2 and SWEBU (Swedish Building Research and Communication support on the World Wide Web)
2) Design and implementation of the KBS-Media experiment knowledge node, DELPHI
3) Deepened understanding of computer supported collaboration in the electronic meeting room.
4) Directed fundamental research, analyses and mapping within the area. [BFR]
/J28/, /J30/, /J31/, /j32/, /J33/, /J34/, /J36/, /J39/, /J40/, /J41/, /C42/, /C43/, /C44/, /C45/, /C47/, /C49/, /C50/, /C53/, /R28/
Swedish Building Research on the World Wide Web
The www-based working area for collaboration is introduced in the demonstrator method.
/J37/, /C51/, /R37/

Skadeförebyggande erfarenhetsuppföjning för fastighetsförvaltare på Internet - SERFIN. (Building Maintenance Experience Communication on Internet).
The project aims is at the design and implementation of a system; to identify and capture problems that arise in connection with technical maintenance of buildings, to make the problem solution process arising during maintenance of buildings more effective, to make experiences from technical maintenance easily available over Internet, and accessible in time and space. [BFR]
/J38/, /R36/, /C54/, /C55/.
Lund University Company Knowledge Node.
The Swedish Foundation for Knowledge and Competence Development (KK-Foundation) finances Merkurius. The work is done at KBS-Media Lab in collaboration with the Industrial Liaison at Lund University.
The "Lund University Knowledge Node - Merkurius" is a pilot study aiming at building an IT-supported search and communication system to give companies adapted access to computer stored knowledge, contacts, advises, etc. at the University. The pilot study application areas are Food Technology and Production and Materials Engineering).
(Dnb2343:I/95): [KK]
/R34/, /R35/, /S13/
Lund University Historical Museum. KBS-Media Lab responsible for Modelling, design and implementation of the Virtual Museum, local IT-support, and education. [LU]
Förvaltarforum. A national knowledge node to maintain the interests of Swedish building O&M activities. The FFORUM will serve as a news and communication forum with dynamic linking of quality assured information in the area of building Operation and Maintenance. [BFR]
ITI, IT Innovation, Aalborg Lund Universities, ITIAaLu. A collaboration between the Aalborg (Denmark) and Lund (Sweden) Universities in the area of IT-tools development and use to support quality increase in research and education, personal communication, competence networking, and enhanced information handling has been initiated autumn 1998. Strategic goals for the Aalborg ITI are: IT to raise quality in research and education. Competence networking. Increase in information and knowledge access. [AAU]
Knowledge Node Aalborg. Per Christiansson, Aalborg University. Svend Valentin, NOVI Research Park. System for support of knowledge transfer between companies, innovation environments and universities. [NOVI] http://it.civil.auc/it/reports/kna_1998/r_kna_8_1998.pdf
Distributed Virtual Workspace for enhancing Communication within the Construction Industry - DIVERCITY.
The goal was to develop a "shared virtual construction workspace" that will allow construction companies to conduct client briefing, design reviews, simulate what if scenarios, test constructability of buildings, communicate and co-ordinate design activities between teams. Both synchronous and asynchronous interaction will be emphasized in this software framework. This multidisciplinary research project will develop innovative workspace technologies for the construction industry and evaluate the results on live projects. (The project 'IST-1999-13365', under the EU IST program, started April 2000 and ends September 2002). [EU].
The project focuses on IT supported collaborative early design work with certain emphasis on client, architect and engineering collaboration (short presentation). The research is part of the Danish Center for Integrated Design. CID. A collaboration between Aarhus School of Architecture, Architecture&Design Aalborg University, Mechanical Engineering, and IT in Civil Engineering Aalborg University. [CID]
(VR Network)
EXPRESSION OF INTEREST. Network of Excellence Distributed Virtual Technologies for the Built Environment.
Delivered June 2002 by Advanced Virtual Prototyping Research Centre, University of Salford, UK CSTB, France VTT, Finland University of Aalborg, Denmark Foundation of Hellenic World (FHW), Athens Institute for Human factors and Technology Management, University of Stuttgart, Germany. [EU]
ROADCON. Strategic Roadmap towards Knowledge-Driven Sustainable Construction. European project IST-2001-37278. Start June 2002.[EU].
EU project on Concerted Action/Thematic Network. e-Locus: For a larger integration of the Individual at Workplace. Proposal/Contract no.:IST-2001-38790
IT supported collaborative early design work with certain emphasis on client, architect and engineering collaboration. The research is part of the Danish Center for Integrated Design, CID. (Researcher Yoke-Chin Lai. PhD project).
IFC-Model Server
IFC-modelserver- a platform for intyegrated information handling in the Building sector. Pre-project financed by the Ministry of Science Technology and Innovation (the Den Jysk /Fynske IT-korridor program). Participants Arkitektskolen i Aarhus, Aalborg Universitet Institut for Bygningsteknik og Institut for Produktion, Byggeriets IT A/S, MT Højgaard A/S, Byggeinformatik, Knud Bindslev Informatik ApS, QualiWare A/S, RAMBØLL A/S, Arkitema A/S, Tocoman Finland.
IT på byggepladsen/IT at the Building Site". Design and implementation of a Knowledge Node to support knowledge capture and knowledge transfer at building construction sites. The project is a collaboration between University, Technical Highschool, Danish building Industry, SMEs, IT industry and Commune. The project is financed by the Ministry of Science Technology and Innovation (the Den Jysk /Fynske IT-korridor program). Project duration January 2003 - December 2004.
Future Building Industry Knowledge Management Systems. Researcher Mads Carlsen (PhD project).
IT på byggepladsen/IT at the Building Site.
Design and implementation of a Knowledge Node to support knowledge capture and knowledge transfer at building construction sites. The project is a collaboration between University, Technical Highschool, Danish building Industry, SMEs, IT industry and Commune. The project is financed by Ministry of Science Technology and Innovation.
Det Digitale Byggeri. Byggherrekrav - 3D modeller. Client requirements on 3D models. The project is financed by National Agency for Enterprise and Housing (Erhvervs- og Boligstyrelsen, EBST) and the Dansish National Digital Building Program, DDB. Project participants - Rambøll (project leader), Arkitema, NCC og AAU (Inst. for Bygningsteknik og VR Media Lab). February 2004 - August 2006.
Det Digitale Byggeri. Byggherrekrav - Projectweb. Client requirements on project webs. The project is financed by National Agency for Enterprise and Housing (Erhvervs- og Boligstyrelsen, EBST) and the Dansish National Digital Building Program, DDB. Aalborg Universitet, IT in Civil Engineering, participates in analyses of information and data structures.
Det Digitale Byggeri. Byggherrekrav - Digital aflevering. Client requirements on digital building delivery. The project is financed by National Agency for Enterprise and Housing (Erhvervs- og Boligstyrelsen, EBST) and the Dansish National Digital Building Program, DDB. Project participants - COWI (project leader), Danmark Radio, E.Pihl&Søn og AAU (Inst. for Bygningsteknik). June 2004 - December 2006.
IFC-modelserver i praksis -afprøvning af modelserverkonceptet i byggeriet.
Projekt i indsatsområdet Jysk-fynsk IT-korridor. Videnskabsministeriet. Juli 2004. Den overordnede aktivitet i afprøvningsprojektet er at anvende modelserver konceptet i en praktisk byggesag med et begrænset antal virksomheder – bygherre, arkitekt, ingeniør entreprenør - fra byggebranchen, som er indstillet på, at benytte objektorienterede arbejdsmetoder og værktøjer i konkrete byggesager. Den konkrete byggesag er et universitetsbyggeri med Aalborg Universitets Bygningsforvaltning som Bygherrerepræsentant, Kjær og Richter som arkitektfirma, Rambøll, som ingeniørfirma og en entreprenør, som findes ved tidligt udbud. Modelserveren tænkes anvendt fra starten af detailprojekteringsfasen, hvor Entreprenør er valgt og til og med afleveringen af byggeriet og afprøvning af modellen i en indledende driftsfase. Tidsplanen for forsøgsprojektet følger byggeprojektets tidsplan.
Forstudie om byggevid
8 2004- 2 2005
lag-ring, afsendelse, distribution/formidling, modtagelse, fortolkning, anvendelse og bearbejdning af infor-mation/viden. Vidensystemet omfatter således såvel videnproducenter som videnformidlere og videnbru-gere. Forstudiets formål er
  • at udarbejde en konkret, målrettet og sammenhængende handlingsplan/strategi for en reorganisering og effektivisering af byggeriets samlede vidensystem, så der skabes grundlag for mere innovation, øget produktivitet og bedre kvalitet i byggeriet.
  • inden for handlingsplanens rammer at danne grundlag for Fonden Realdanias igangsætning af konkrete initiativer, analyser osv.
Deltagere: BYG-ERFA, Dansk Brand- og Sikringsteknisk Institut, Murerfagets Oplysningsråd, Tagpapbranchens Oplysningsråd, Træbranchens Oplysningsråd, By og Byg, Danske Arkitekters Landsforbund, Dansk Byggeri, Foreningen af Rådgivende Ingeniører, Byggematerialeindustrien, Arkitektens Forlag, Byggecentrum og Aalborg Universitet. Projektledere Tage Dræbye.
IT og ressourcestyring på byggepladsen. (ICT and Resource Management at the Building Site).
6 2005- 12 2006
Projektet skal øge IT-anvendelsen blandt små og mellemstore virksomheder inden for bygge- og anlægsbranchen med henblik på at styrke effektiviteten og kvaliteten og dermed øge konkurrencedygtigheden inden for erhvervet. Der fokuseres på IT i relation til følgende fire elementer: • IT-forandringsmodel - udarbejdelse, anvendelse og evaluering af IT-forandringsmodel i håndværksvirksomheder. • Ressourcestyring - implementering af IT-systemer til ressourcestyring og trimmet byggeri. • Videndeling og dokumenthåndtering - udbredelse af systemer fra få til mange.
New ways of working and collaboration .
1 2008- 3 2009
The main objective is to increase the possibility of successful implementation and adoption of new ICT tools in the construction sector across the supply chain through increasing the knowledge of how to execute suitable development and diffusion/implementation schemes. The focus will be on context dependent (economic, social, political and practice specific dependencies) mapping of organisations (at various levels) and ICT- demands and how they interact.
Participants: Lund University (Sweden), Selvaag Blue Think AS (Norway), NTNU (Norge), AAU/SBI (Denmark), AAU (Denmark).
Brugerinvolvering i byggeprocessen (Virtual Innovation in Construction - VIC).
8 2007- 5 2010
The project goal is to create an ICT supported methodology VICMET - Virtual Innovation in Construction methodology, to involve building end user in a creative innovation process together with building designers, to capture and formulate end-user needs and requirements on buildings and their functionality.
Participants: Arkitema Architects Denamark, Rambøll Denamark, Aalborg Universiy (Proect lead)
Virtual Models Linked with Phsyical Components in Costruction.
9 2006- 8 2009
The project has examined the potential of establishing a digital link between virtual models and physical components in construction. This is done by integrating knowledge of civil engineering, software engineering and business development in an iterative and user needs centred system development process.(PhD work by Krisitan Birch Sørensen).

5.3 Other international project involvement. 1990-


Below some recent examples 1990-1997:

Nordic Baltic Building Research seminar. Planned, organized and carried through by NBS-DATA and three representatives from the Baltic states. October 20-22, 1991. /2-30/
NBS-DATA arranged and carried through a seminar on IT for the Icelandic building community in Reykjavik September 27 1991.
An European network, GRTU - Gestion et Representation du Territoire Urbain/Management and Representation of Urban Change was established, to stimulate activities and knowledge transfer within the area. See also item 2-28 below (European COMET course in Nantes September 16-20) and item 2-26 below (conference in Milano June 20-21 1991).
European Course of the COMETT II Program at Nantes (France) from 16 to 20 September 1991, "New Tools for the City: Modeling, Simulation, Communication". My course part with the title "The KBS-MEDIA environment. Using the next generation of knowledge based multimedia systems for communication and modelling of urban information"
(COMETT II stands for - European Community programme on cooperation between universities and industry regarding training in the field of technology. COMETT II is an educational program which has been created to ease knowledge transfer between university and industry from different countries and thereby raise the competence of the industry employees).
ARECDAO91. Barcelona 10-12 April 1991,... (Per Christiansson member of scientific committee)
Artificial Intelligence in Design. Edinburgh, AID'91, June, 1990, Pittsburgh USA June 1992, Lausanne august 1994, Stanford 1995. Per Christiansson vice-chair Sweden, session chair in Pittsburgh, Lausanne, Stanford, Chairman Prof. John Gero, Sydney).
CADLINE. Editorial Board Member in CAAD Bibliographic Database and Resource Service. (Buffalo, USA). 1991. Chairman Prof. Yehuda Kalay (now Berkeley California).
28.2-5.3.92 KBS-Media Lab (Per Christiansson, Anders Follin - 10.3)) visit KBS-Media Lab colleague Ingemar Sekund who is guest researcher for two months at CIFE with Stanford University Palo Alto California. Meting with ModaCad Inc. in Los Angeles, Prof. Charles Eastman at UCLA, prof Paul Teicholz (director), Prof. Ray Levitt, Prof. Boyd Paulson, res. Tomas Froese, res. Martin Fischer at CIFE. Visit to Apple, Human Interface Lab. in Cupertino, hostess Joy Mountford (director.), visit to AutoDesk in Saucalito and San Rafael (Multimedia Lab). (10 days)
"Information Technology in Building Maintenance". Collaboration between NBS-DATA and NBS-Maintenance/Informationsteknologi i fastighetsförvaltning. Collaboration between NBS-DATA and NBS-FöRVALTNING. A Nordic seminar in Lund at the Civil Engineering School. March 1993. Per Christiansson main organizer.
ESPRIT-application CLOUD, Co-operative Layer between Organizations of Users and Developers of large information systems. A joint project between ISMES SpA Bergamo Italy (prime contractor), Symedia Telesystemes Italy, Cap Gemini Italy, ENEL/DCO Italy, Dublin Univ. College and KBS-Media Lab. 16.4.93. The application was turned down because of lack of funding.
Research and knowledge transfer USA-Australia-KBS-Media Lab, 17.1-11.2.94. Per Christiansson and doctorate student Jörgen Modin at the KBS-Media Lab. CMU Pittsburgh (profs Steve Fenves, Dan Rehak, Chris Hendrickson, Jim Garrett,...) , NIST Washington (Dr. Kent Reed), Carolina State Raleigh (Profs William Rasdorf, John Baugh), Univ. Illinois Champaign (profs Liang Y. Liu, Melin, Boyer), Stanford University Palo Aalto (Profs Paul Teicholz, Ray Levitt, Boyd Paulson, Renate Fruchter, George Toye,...) , Univ. of Sydney (Profs John Gero, Mary-Lou Maher, Richard Coyne, Sid Newton), CSIRO Melbourne (Drs Bertil Marksjö, Ron Sharpe, Peter Newton,...), CITRI-Collaborative Information Technology Research Institute Melbourne (Prof/dir. Ron Sacks-Davis).
Collaboration with University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Prof. Earl Mark, in the area of computer supported collaboration.
Continuos talks and visits with the CIFE group at Stanford (Paul Teicholz, Renate Fruchter, Martin Fisher, Taaha Kedro,.Larry Leiffer,..), University of Sydney (John Gero, Mary-Lou Maher).
Subcontractor in European Commission`s SMEnario TELEMATICS APPLICATION Programme "Revitalisation of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises, Choosing the future in a world of new Telematics options".

5.4 Methodological issues


Within the KBS-Media Lab the research was characterised as directed fundamental research. We tried to combine the view of today's science paradigm with ideas on our society after the, as we believe, great ongoing paradigm shift. We have already begun to enter a society that will dramatically change in many aspects. Knowledge will be captured, stored, maintained and accessed digitally reducing existing constraints on handling and spread. Physical information containers will be distributed supplying dynamically formed logical containers on request accessed through adapted user dependent interfaces. We can expect great changes in our views on knowledge ownership, competence, and in the relations between projects/companies.

It should not be forgotten that foundations for new theories are often formed through merging of applied research and practical evaluations.

We emphasis the importance of close contacts and experience exchange with leading international research and development. This is done through: direct collaboration, discussions, visits, publishing, Internet. We put up predictions, forecasts and prophecies. Which are presented to the research and industry community for critique.

We perform directed fundamental research and applied research. The scientific methods used are based. on:

Formulation of hypothesis, scenarios and visions for the future IT-based applications and environments outgoing from own and others experiences as well as intuition.
- Formulation of inventions or bold conjectures of new general concepts and tools for knowledge access, handling and storage.
- Cross disciplinary approach to maintain a holistic research view.
- Close collaboration with industry to capture end user needs and provide innovative and creative end user involvement in systen design.
- Adequate, involvement of end-user in incremental demonstrator development to generate, capture, communicate, evaluate and implement ideas. The demonstrator may both serve as a collaboration support and the prototype under development.
- Feed back from leading groups of the international research community.
- Continuous qualitative evaluations in collaboration with end users of systems under design.
- Direct observations and evaluation under as realistic as possible conditions.

I have since 1997 (until 2011) been head of the Building Informatics group at Aalborg University. From the group home page "The 'Building Informatics' research group was established in is a December 1997 at the Department of Building Technology and Structural Engineering at Aalborg University under Prof. Per Christiansson. Research focus is on design collaboration, integration and structuring of IT tools, and building product- and process models in the entire building process.

Special research areas, comprising both design and analyses, are knowledge representations and model integration, knowledge management and discovery, multimedia/VR interfaces to Internet based resources, user environment design, user driven innovation, user needs and requirements capture, computer supported collaborative work, intelligent buildings and digital infrastructures, building product and process modelling, and languages and systems for meta level integration of building process related information. Research and demonstrator development is most often carried through in close collaboration with industry

Building Informatics is part of the Architecture Engineering section at the department of Civil Engineering at Aalborg University. The research results are utilised in civil engineering and open education courses. The group has a well-established network and collaboration with national and international companies, institutions and universities within the building and ICT domains.



6.1 Courses


Besides educating future civil engineers in structural disciplines (1970-1980s) I have been engaged in teaching and developing courses in the field of Knowledge-based-systems, human computer interaction , system development, Cad, and databases on master and doctorate levels), from 1971 to present date. (10.10 Courses development /K/).

Focus was on conceptual modelling, visualisation, database structuring, multimedia and use and development of knowledge based systems. A spectrum of software is available, for example: Cad-systems, relational databases, multimedia shells, authoring tools, and knowledge based systems.

1983-1989 a yearly coarse in Cad and modeling (Per Christiansson and Alberto Herrera) has been given by the department of Structural engineering (FKIII Design Coarse). The Coarse was given latest 1989 due to cancelled leasing contract on the Medusa Cad system./K7-K9/.

After 1990 the department of Structural Engineering was responsibility for the entire CAD education at the Civil Engineering School.

We gave a coarse 1992 in "Nya hjälpmedel för kunskapsöverföring inom utbildning och forskning (hypermedia)/New tools for knowledge transfer within education and research (hypermedia)". The course development was done by KBS-Media Lab (Per Christiansson, Jörgen Modin, Ingemar Sekund) and was financed by the Section for Staff Development, PUS, at Lund University. The coarse was part of PUS coarse package for employees at Lund University. The number of participants was 12 from all over the university. One seminar per week in 6 weeks (4 hours per occasion). Lectures and own exercises. See also compendium. /K13/.

IT course at Civil Engineering School. November 1994. (Content 'Data communication, search in international scientific databases, multimedia and video communication, IT-system internal structures, application on building site'. /K15/.

Course developed and given at Lund Institute of Technology/Helsingborg in "Internet in Practice". Spring 1995. 3 Points. Content: theory and practice in building of homepages for the World Wide Web, communication and conferencing on the Internet, setting up email systems. Course material at . /K16/

"To use and evaluate MultiMedia". " and "Make your own MultiMedia Application". November 1995 at CITU Lund University. /K17/.

Design and implementation of Internet exhibitions at Lund University Historical Museum. Local digital 'exhibitions' were developed by the participants who in most cases where professors popularise their research areas. Both the multimedia human computer interface and underlying information containers were developed in HyperStudio.(on PC and Mac) /K18/.

I regularly gave lectures and demonstrations in IT in courses at the Civil Engineering School at Lund University. Only a few is mentioned in the /Fnn/ part of the Publication list in Chapter 10.

A World Wide Web low cost PBL, Problem Based Learning, environment was developed for the department of Food Technology, Lund University, in spring 1997. Base tools for video/sound communication with shared white board were used in a structured environment providing support for communication, access to learning material, personal annotations, etc. /K19/.

Spring 1998 I developed a course in 'IT in Civil Engineering' during my stay as visiting professor at Aalborg University. The Lecture notes (with over 100 images), exercises, students web-based project documentation, references, and discussion forum is always available on the World Wide Web. This information is be available as experience data and input for coming courses. A course evaluation form was also available on the WWW . /K21/.

The Aalborg model can shortly be described as 'problem oriented group based project learning environments'. 50% of the time is dedicated for project work and the rest of the time equally divided between conventional courses (SE, study unit) and project unit (PE) courses (the latter with evaluation at project presentation and evaluation).

I put all lectures slides public on WWW in an HTML based framework designed by myself. In most cases student develop their own project webs.

In some projects with industry the students have used or extended the contextual design methodology for user requirements and user environment modelling.

Since 1998 I have developed several courses /K20/ - /K32/ at Aalborg University. The courses have been aimed for
  • master level (civil engineers, architects),
  • industry (open education for students with examine on Bachelor level and more than 3 years in industry),
  • life long learning for old master level students,
  • teachers and administrative personnel

The courses cover areas such as human computer interaction, knowledge management, multimedia web design, database design, modelling, computer supported collaborative work, digital infrastructure services, and intelligent buildings.

The Building Informatics group at Aalborg University gives since 2007 a new education leading to a Cand Scient Building Informatics degree. The education requires a underlyong Bachelor degree and has a duration of 2 years. See also

6.2 Master Thesis supervision, 1990-


/ / means that a report is available.

Johansson A, Löfdahl M, Carlsson N, (1992), "Hypermedia. Den nya informationsbäraren (Hypermedia the new information carrier)". Examensprojekt på Dator och Informationssystemlinjen.. Inst för Datavetenskap och Ekonomi. Högskolan Karlskrona/Ronneby. (45 pp).
(Per Christiansson, Jörgen Modin supervisors)
"Datorprogram för kontroll av stålpelare enligt BSK/Computer Program for Steel Column Check against the BSK norm ". Mats Levin. Pär Persson.
(Alberto Herrera, KBS. Media Lab, supervisor)
Bjuggstam Per -Anders, (1992), "Grafiska varudatabaser - vad kan de tillföra byggbranschen? (Graphical product databases. What can they bring the building industry?)". Institutionen för Informationsbehandling. Administrativ databehandling. Kurs C2.1, vt-92. Rapport UMADBC-190.92. (36 pp).
(Per Christiansson supervisor, assistant supervisor Åke Grönlund)
Sekund I., Söderstedt H, (1992), "Introduction of new Technique in Argentina - Multimedia in Training & Education". Master thesis at Cometarsa Inc. (welding company) Buenos Aires summer 1991. Rapport TVBK-5054. (44 pp).
(Per Christiansson supervisor, assistant supervisor Alberto Zanetta Buenos Aires)
Runsten C, 1994, "GraphCase, Grafiska Erfarenhetsdata för val av bärande system (GraphCase, A Graphically based Experience Database on Structural Design)". Report TVBK-5072. (23 pp).
(Per Christiansson supervisor)
Marklinder Anders, Härle Peter, Torring Mats, 1994. "Recycling of building material.". A database with multimedia interface for reuse of building material. Report TVBM-5028, Lund Institute of Technology. (140 pp.)
(Per Christiansson supervisor. Assistant supervisor Per-Gunnar Burström Dept of Building Material Dept.)
Spets K, 1993, "Postprocessor till Boxdim. Integration av AutoCad och beräkningsprogram (Post Processor to Boxdim. Integration of AutoCad to Calculation Program)". Report TVBK-5070. December 1993. (30 pp).
(Anders Follin, KBS-Media Lab, supervisor)
Jonsson Vi∂ar , 1994, "Gränssnittsprogrammet ELVAR. Gränssnitt mot Cad-komponenter på NICK-format och AutoCad (The interface Program ELVAR. Interface towards Cad-components on NICK-format and AutoCAD)". Report TVBK 5071. April 1994. (58 pp).
(Per Christiansson supervisor).
Jonasson Karin, 1995, "Tredimensionell visualisering av bebyggelseförändringar från 1700-tal till 1900-tal i LUNDAGÅRD" (3-dimensionell visualization and walk- through in the town room around Lundagård from 1700 to 1900). LTH-HBG, KBS-Media Lab. (14 pp). Software used 3D-studio.
(Per Christiansson supervisor)
Ola Kristensson, 1995, "Knowledge Exchange within and between Companies". Building a BBS-system for knowledge exchange.
(Per Christiansson, Uno Engborg supervisors)
/11/ Lindeman Jonas, 1996, "Low Cost Distributed Virtual Reality". A system where two users can work in real or delayed time on the same 3D-model on PCs on the Internet. The model can be annotated and the surface material changed. Both visitors are represented and visible in the model and can also be guided to predefined scenes.
(Per Christiansson supervisor)
/12/ 'IT understøttet virksomhedsudvikling - Vejen til bedre reourceudnyttelse og virksomhedskultur i NIRAS' (IT supported Company Development). Christian Ballisager, Flemming Callsen, Jacob Gade, Sonny Bro Larsen. December 1998. (MSc)
/13/ 'Vidensdatabase over broer i Nordjylland' (North Jutland Bridge Knowledgebase). Report. (Database) Johnny Ramm. January 2001. (BSc)
/14/ Langt gangsprojektet (Master thesis Building Management) "Anvendelse af metadata i byggeprocessen" (Use of Meta Data in the Building Process). Jakob Brøndsted, Kim Larsen, 2001/2002.
/15/ Afgangsprojekt (Master thesis Building Management) "IT Supported Supply Chain in the Building Process". Michael Gaba, Henrik Nantsen. Spring 2002.

Master in Information Technology, specialization 'IT in the Building Process'. 3rd year project "Intelligent buildings and the systems inside", René Aaholm, June 2002. Report, Appendix.


Master thesis in Building Management, "Videnhåndtering i byggebranschen/Knowledge Management in the building process". Presented June 18 2003. Mads Carlsen. 2002/2003.


Master in Information Technology, specialisation 'IT in the Building Process'. 3rd year project "Fremtidens digitale byer og bygniger/Future digital cities and buildings". Johnny H. Ryser og Kurt René Madsen, June 2003


Master in Information Technology, specialisation 'IT in the Building Process'. 3rd year project ""Anvendelse af den digitale bygningsmodel". Jens Bertelsen, Søren Bang Nielsen, Huga Søndergaard Nielsen, June 2004.


"Educaport. Videndelingsportal til Ingeniørhøjskolen". Master of Industrial IT. Juni 2006. Henning Lausdahl, Peter Bundgaard Nielsen, Ole Schultz, Henrik Chr. Grosen. "This project is about knowledge sharing at the Engineering College of Copenhagen and a system which can help knowledge sharing... The report describes preanalyse, analyse of existing system, users and technologies. The design and im-plementation shows a working system, which can search in a Lucene index and find documents with abstracts". (122 pages).


"SomCon. Privatudlejningskoncept. Sommerhus styring". June 2006. Emir Pasic, Ib Andersen. "SomCon is a new rental concept for private owners of holiday cot-tages concerning letting out and handling all rental activities remote via modern ICT tools." (119 pages).


Sørensen M (2007) "Fremtidens Informationshåndtering på byggepladsen/Future Information Technology at the Building Site". Afgangsprojekt (half year) (Master thesis Building Management). June 2007. (171 pp).


"Videnhåndtering understøttet med RFID/Knowledge Manageent supported by RFID technology". Juni 2007. Jesper Hansen, Claus W. Jensen, Kristian Birch Sørensen. Master of Industrial IT. (169 pp.)


Jensen Finn Brødbæk (2008) "BYGMA. System til opsamling af data om svigt i byggebranschen/BYGMA. A system for collection of data conecerning failures in the buiding process". "Bilagsrapport". Afgangsprojekt, civilingeniøruddannelsen med speciale i byggeledelse. Juni 2008. (106 + 8 pages).


Krabbe Søren (2009), "Kan arbejdsgange støttes på byggepladsen ved brug af IKT?/How can workflow at the building site be supported?". Afgangsprojekt, civilingeniøruddannelsen med speciale i byggeledelse. Juni 2008. (135 pages).


Jensen C R (2010) "Effektivisering af bygningsdrift og -vedligehold gennem øget anvendelse af informations- og kommunikationsteknologi/Making building operation & maintenance more effecient through use of ICT". Afgangsprojekt, civilingeniøruddannelsen med speciale i byggeledelse. Februar 2010. (78 pages).

"Neurala nätverk för automatisk klassificering/Artificial Neural Networks for classification", Peter Andersson, Digital och numerisk analys/Computer Science.
(Jörgen Modin, Per Christiansson supervisors).
Rolf Sponsel, "A server client document handling system based on Java". A system totally based on the Java language to platform independent handle legal documents within a project. (1994-)

6.3 Licentiate, Doctor's Thesis


Doctoral student students at the Lund University:

Anders Follin, 1994, successfully defended his licentiate thesis "Digital Product Catalogues - An Evaluation of Presentation and Visualization Techniques", /R31/.

Doctoral student students at Aalborg University:

Kristian Birch Sørensen, "Cross disciplinary use of virtual object oriented 3D models in the building process." Aalborg University (2006-).

Yoke Chin Lai, "IT in Collaborative Building Design". Aalborg University. (2001-2004)

Mark Dyson, "Composition - Decomposition Reengineering design and CAD for the Knowledge-Based Building Production Network". Århus School of Architecture. (2000-2003). (Per Christiansson CO-supervisor).

Mads Carlsen, "Future Building Industry Knowledge Management Systems". (2003-)



7.1 Faculty Opponent at Doctoral Thesis Defenses

Faculty opponent at tekn. dr. Ulf Keijers defense of doctor's thesis "Contributions to interactive computer aided design in structural engineering". October 1980.
Opponent/discussion leader at Halldor Petursson Licentiate thesis presentation, "Construction Information Transfer in an Object-Oriented Environment". Chalmers, Gothenburg, May 23 , 1991. (supervisor Prof. Hans Björnsson CTH ).
Opponent at the defence of Thormod Aurlie's doctor's thesis for the degree doctor engineer. The title of the thesis was "Automatisert bygningsfysisk rådgivning/Automated Building Physics Advisory Systems". University of Trondheim, Norway, NTH. 31.1.92 (Supervisor Prof. Jan Vincent Thue, NTH)
Opponent at the defence of Jarle Høyte's doctor's thesis for the degree doctor engineer. The title of the thesis was "Digital Models in Engineering. A Study on Why and How Engineers Build and Operate Digital Models for Decision Support". University of Trondheim, Norway, NTH. 3.12.92 (Supervisor Prof. Tore Syvertsen, NTH)
Faculty opponent at Per Löfqvist's defence of his doctor's thesis. The title of the thesis was "Knowledge-based systems for preliminary design of structures". Chalmers, Gothenburg. February 28, 1994. (Supervisor Prof. Bo Edlund).
Main opponent at Lars Line's defence of his doctor's thesis. The title of the thesis was "Distribuert ingeniørarbeid. Teknologiske og organisatoriske erfaringer fra en norsk ingeniørbedrift/Distributed engineering Technological and organisational experiences from a Norwegion Engineering Company ". Agder University College. Faculty of Engineering and Science. Grimstad, Norway. June 22, 1999. (Supervisor Prof. Tore Syvertsen, NTH).
Faculty opponent at Peter Johansson's defence of his doctor's thesis. The title of the thesis was "Case-Based Structural Design - using weakly structured product and process information". Chalmers, Gothenburg. December 15, 2000. (Supervisor Prof. Bo Edlund).
Faculty opponent at Patrik Svanerudh's defense of his doctor's thesis. The title of the thesis was " Design Support System for Multi-Storey Timber Structures ". Luleå University of Technology, Luleå. June 15, 2001. (Supervisor Prof. Bernt Johansson).
Faculty opponent at Pierre Olssons's defense of his licentiate's thesis. The title of the thesis was "FEM and Scientific Visualisation as Tools in Furniture Design"". Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg. October , 2003. (Supervisors Prof. Ulf Jansson and Ass. Prof Karl-Gunnar Olsson).
Member and chairman of assessment committee for Søren Wandahl PhD defense of his thesis "Value in Building". Department of Production, Aalborg University. September 30, 2005.
Faculty opponent at Stefan Lundberg's defense of his doctor's thesis. The title of the thesis was "Facilities Management and Health Care at Home". Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm. March 28, 2007. (Supervisor Prof. Tore J larsson).
Member and chairman of assessment committee for Lene Faber Ussing PhD defense of his thesis "Selection- and Assignment Criteria in the Danish Building Sector". Department of Production, Aalborg University. September 06, 20010.

7.2 Formal reports. Review Committees.


Report on Ulf Keijers application for associate professor (oavlönad docent) at KTH-V. November 11 1981. /A1/.
Opinion on Professor Dan Rehak's, Carnegie Mellon University, USA, work and its impact. September 1989. /A2/.
Formal report on the possible appointment of Dr Jim Turner for Full Professor. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA, Oct. 14. 1991, /A3/.
EC Directorate General XIII. Formal report on 'The Information Engineering programme' and suggestions concerning the long term development of the programme to 2004. Delivered December 18 1995. /A6/
Formal report on two research applications to the Slovenian government 1992
Report on Tom Andersen's application for associate professor at the Danish Technical University. August 1995.
Review on research grant application from Hong Kong Research Grants Council (RGC). Project "The current state-of-the-art of I.T. applications in the construction and real estate industry in Hong Kong and their impact on the industry". Answer delivered April 3 1996.
Review Committee on Tore Christiansen applying for adjoint Professor at the University of Trondheim Norway. Professorship within the area (IT in Construction). Answer will be delivered before August 20 1996. /A7/.
Review Committee on Kim Jacobsen applying for assistant Professor (adjunkt) at the department of Planning, Graphical Communication, the Danish Technical University. January 1998.
Views on the proposed 'Work on Information Society Technologies' program under the EU 'Fifth Framework Programme'.
Review Committee on Väino Tarandi's doctoral dissertation within IT in Construction, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm. May 1998.
Evaluation of proposals submitted in EU IST (Information Society Technologies) program Key Action 4. July 1999.
IDA - Kvalfikationsanalysen (IDA - Ingeniørforeningen i Danmark, The Danish Engineering Association). Kvalificering af lærere ved ingeniøruddannelserne inden for IT-området/Teacher Qualification Analyses at the engineering educations within IT". Copenhagen, September 2000. Follow-up report and interview March 20, 2001.
EU project review. July 2001, April 2002, December 2002.
Review Committee on Vesa Karhu 's doctoral dissertation. The title of the thesis was "A generic construction process modelling method. A model based approach for process description". Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, November 9, 2001. (Supervisors Prof. Bo-Christer Björk and Prof. örjan Wikforss).
Evaluation of proposals submitted in EU IST (Information Society Technologies) program. November 2001.
EU project review. October 2003.
Review Committee on Jonas Lindemann's doctoral dissertation. The title of the thesis was "Techniques for Distributed Access and Visualisation in Computational Mechanics". Lund Institute of Technology, Lund, October 30, 2003. (Supervisors Prof. Ola Dahlbom and Prof. Göran Sandberg).
Evaluation of proposals submitted in EU Information Society Technologies IST-2002. November 2003.
Member assessment committee for Stefan Junestrand PhD defense of his thesis "Being private and public at home. An architectural perspective on video mediated communication in small smart homes". Royal Institute of Technology, School of Architecture, Stockholm. December 6, 2004.
Evaluation of proposals submitted in EU Call 5 of the IST (Information Society Technologies) Programme (FP6). October 2005.
EU project review. November 2006, November 2006, April 2007.
EU project review. January 2007.
Member assessment committee for Stefan Woksepp PhD defense of his thesis "Virtual Reality in Construction". Luleå University of Technology, Luleå, Sweden. November 22, 2007.
Member assessment committee for Stefan Lundberg application for associate professor at the Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden. March 2008.
Member and head of the assessment committee for evaluation of applicants for professor in Architectural Engineering at Aalborg University. April 2010.
Assessment for promotion to Associate Professor in the Department of Building Technology, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana. March 2013.

I continuously review Building Research Applications and papers submitted to international journals and conferences also as a member of editorial boards of several journals.

7.3 Patents


Patent på kapacitiv givare. (Patent on capacitive transducer used to measure vehicle traffic loads). /P1/.
Patent på "stålbalk" med stabilisering av liv genom fördjupningar. (Patent on steel beam with web stabilized through depressions). /P2/.



8.1 Symposia/seminars


Organising CIB W78 international conference "Conceptual Modelling of Buildings " at Lund University, Lund, Sweden. October 24-28, 1988. See also /R23/.
NBS-DATA Seminar on Datateknik - Visioner og Virkelighed" (Information technology - visions and reality). (Nordic Building Research Cooperation Group - Working Group for Information Technology). (Organizer, talk, demonstration). Reykjavik Iceland. September 27, 1991
"Interactive media in education. Design of a shared test environment for institutions and universities/Interaktiva media i utbildningen - Utformning av en gemensam testmiljö för institutioner och universitet/". KBS-Media Lab. National 1 day seminar. 18.12.91.
Interactive media in education . Workshop at ITBL, Lund. Organizer KBS-Media Lab Per Christiansson, Ingemar Sekund. 19.12.91.
Organizer, session chair, NBS-DATA seminar "Byggeproduksjon, byggevareproduksjon, baserat på datetekniske verktöy/Building construction, Building Product Manufacturing based on IT". Oslo. January 30-(31) 1992.
Neural Network seminar with participants from Lund and The Netherlands. KBS-Media Lab (Per Christiansson, Jörgen Modin). 29.4.92.
"MultiMedia for Increased Competitiveness" part of EFL Seminar and course program autumn 1993. Organized by KBS-Media Lab (Per Christiansson, Jörgen Modin). Demonstrations, lectures and discussions. IDEON Lund, 7.10.93.
"Information Technology and Building Maintenance. Expectations - Realities - Perspectives". A Nordic Seminary arranged by NBS-DATA and NBS-FöRVALTNING, Nordic Building Research Cooperation Group. Lund 11-12 mars 1993. Per Christiansson responsible and main organizer.
The COOCOM project at Nordbygg94, älvsjö Fair 18-21.1.94. Demonstration of Computer Supported Cooperative Working and desk top video over ISDN. Per Christiansson interviewed on stage from Washington USA via ISDN in connection with award ceremonies.
The course "IT strategies in companies and project" The IT development part. Spring 1994. Stockholm.
National IT-BUILDING conference October 17-18 1994. "Cooperation, Communication and Integration in the Building Sector/Samarbete, Kommunikation och Integration i Byggprocessen". Lund. Per Christiansson chairman of organizing committee.
"Multimedia and Communication in the Electronic Highways/Multimedia och kommunikation i de elektroniska motorvägarna". Teknikens Dag 25.9 1994 at Lund Institute of Technology. Open house at KBS-Media Lab.
Open House at the KBS-Media Lab. Multimedia, Communication in the Global networks, Desktop video and Computer Supported Collaboration, Applications (Vendor information, maintenance systems, etc.), Graphical decision support systems and experience capturing. Civil Engineering School 30 Years Jubilee. Lund November 1, 1994.
Arrangements for a visiting delegation from Japan (Hazama Corporation, Kajima Corporation). Lund October 6 1995.
Visits of a groups from CITU (Centre for IT in Education) at Lund University at the Aalborg IT Initiative. June 1998, June 2000.
Organising CIB W78 international conference 2002. "Distributing Knowledge in Building" at the Architecture School of Århus and Aalborg University Denmark.

8.2 Invited lecturers, guest professors 1991-


Pores William Mitchell, UCLA now MIT, and Prof. John Gero Univ of Sydney, guest lecturing 1984
Dr. Kent Reed, National Bureau of Standards, Washington DC, "Organization and build-up of building regulations in USA. Building Standardization and Classification - IGES/STEP/ISO. Overview on ongoing work within object oriented building systems and 'intelligent' buildings". Lund May 7, Stockholm May 6, 1987.
Professor Antony Radford, Department of Architecture, The University of Adelaide, Australia. "Knowledge-based systems in architecture. Research and education at the Adelaide University, Australia". Thursday May 17 1990
Chief economist Tiina Nuuter. Eesti Projekt, Estonia. "Construction, Design and Research in the Baltic States - especially Estonia". Hall V:A, LTH. 16.4.91.
Creative director Lasse Hellquist. Infologics Avicom. "Multimedia in Practice. Visions and Realities". Hall V:A, LTH. 30.11.92
Prof. Ulrich Flemming, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA. "Computer in the Early Design Phases". Hall V:A, LTH. 7.5.93
Prof. Bo-Christer Björk, Byggandets Informationsteknologi/IT in Building, KTH, Stockholm, "Document Handling and Product Models". 17.6.93
Professor James H Garrett, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA, "Class-Centered vs. Object-Oriented Approaches for Modelling Engineering Design Information". Hall V:C, LTH. April 22 1994.
Professor Earl Mark, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, USA. "The Multiple Inheritance classification and Design System" and "Computer Animation". KBS-Media Lab, Lund University. August 25 1994.
Professor Paul Teicholz invited for the National IT-Building Seminar, October 17-18, 1994.
Professor Mary-Lou Maher, Sydney University. Seminar on "Case-Based Reasoning in Design". September 14, 1995
Professor Renate Fruchter, Stanford University. Seminar on "Collaborative Design Through Shared Building Models". 18.9.95
/13/ Professor Hal Berghel, Computer Science, University of
Arkansas. "Information Overload and Theft: Massaging Digital Media". LTH. June 5th, 1997
/14/ Professor Nashwan Dawood from Teeside University in England was Guest Professor at the IT in Civil Engineering group October 2001.
/15/ Professor Thomas Kvan from University of Sydney. Lecture on "Integrated Design in Practice and Education". May 19, 2006.
/16/ Professor Rafael Sacks from Technion, Israel Institute of Technology. Lecture on "Building Information Modeling in the context of lean construction". November 6, 2009.



9.1 Software and hardware experiences


KBS-Media Lab was established in 1987 at the Civil Engineering School at Lund Institute of Technology, V-LTH, and between 1995-1998 in new localities at CITU, Lund University. (CITU, Center for IT in Education). It contained networked computers from Apple Inc. (8 different models), IBM Inc. ( 1 Laptop and 3 stationary Windows 95/NT4) and SUN (Sparc5, Sparc4, and Ultra1 Creator 3D) workstations, video and sound handling systems, laser disc and CD equipment, frame grabbers, scanners, color projection panel, video cameras, and Internet and ISDN connections.

At the KBS-Media Lab we ran WWW- and other servers on SUNS, Apple, and IBMS. 4 http-servers run on SUN, PC and Mac platforms. One SUN server was dedicated to support intranet www solutions in joint projects with industries. Other servers for video communication etc. are spread to balance computer loading.

A collaborative environment (CSCW, Computer Supported Cooperative Working) was setup during the CoocomI project 1993. Real life computer supported negotiations, decisions and use of shared work spaces were carried through where each participant had his own networked lap-top computer. Connections to external groups were also established. The concept including wall projection has been used since then within the KBS-Media Lab where each personal computer has its own video camera. (See also

At Aalborg University we have created a small media lab, The Media lab is arranged with three PC multimedia workstations with facilities for digital video editing and low cost virtual reality. The Media Lab also houses a video conferencing installation. The Media Lab is used for education, research and external collaboration. A separate Cad lab is arranged with 2 PC multimedia workstations and 2 SUN workstations and is also used for education, research and external collaboration.

I have practical experiences from use of different computerised systems and tools: Cad systems, relational databases, collaboration software, hypermedia systems, multimedia authoring tools, animation programs, graphic editing programs, communication programs, induction systems, expert system shells, hybrid AI-systems, artificial neural nets, object oriented systems, scripting languages, html. xml, Prolog, Algol, Basic, Fortran, Java, real time environments etc.



Reports, Books
Other writings
Conference papers
Discussions. Reviews. Short notes
Journal Papers
Presentations without publication
Programs (research)
Status reports
Formal reports

10.1 Reports. Books. /R/

[top] [publications and presentations]

Christiansson P,1970. "Teoretisk beräkning av armerad betongbalks brandmotsånd". (Calculation of Fire Resistance for Reinforced Concrete Beams). Inst. f. Byggnadsstatik, Tekniska Högskolan i Lund, (examensarbete, beräkning av icke stationär värmeströmning i 2 dimensioner, programmering i Algol). (78 pp).
Christiansson P, 1973. "Spectra of loads and loadeffects for bridges. Applications to prefabricated bridge slabs with estimation of dynamic effects-Literature survey". Report 46. Division of building technology, Lund institute of technology. (75 pp).
Christiansson P, 1973. "Kurs för doktorander i minidator-datalogg, kompendium". (Postgraduate Course on Minicomputers and Dataloggers). Avd. f. Byggnadsteknik II, Tekniska Högskolan i Lund. (180 pp).
Christiansson P, Göteson B, 1976. "Mobil vågstation för mätning av fordons axellaster, axelhastigheter samt sidlägen i verklig tid". (Mobile Weighing Station for Measuring of Vehicle Axle Weights and Lateral Position in Real Time). Rapport 63. Inst. f. Byggnadsteknik. Tekniska Högskolan i Lund. (55 pp).
Christiansson P, 1976. "Probabilistic models for calculation of load spectra and loadeffect spectra for highway bridges". Report 71. Division of building technology. Lund institute of technology (Ph.D. thesis). (270 pp).
Christiansson P, 1977. "Påkörningslaster orsakade av fordon". (Vehicle Impact Loads). Rapport TVBK-3001. Inst. f. Byggnadsteknik. Tekniska högskolan i Lund. (39 pp). (For the Building regulation authorities)
Christiansson P, 1978. "Laster orsakade av gasexplosioner". (Gas Explosion Loads in Buildings). Rapport TVBK-3003. Inst. f. Byggnadsteknik. Tekniska högskolan i Lund. (25 pp). (For the Building regulation authorities)
Christiansson P, 1978. "EW-element. Datorstyrda försök med program EWPC". (Computer Controlled Tests on EW-elements). Rapport TVBK-7001. Inst. f. Byggnadsteknik. Tekniska Högskolan i Lund. (40 pp).
Christiansson P, 1982. "Steel structures subjected to dynamic loads in connection with progressive collapse. Dynamic buckling". Document D7:1982, Swedish Council for Building Research. (118 pp).
Christiansson P, 1981. "Presentation av -VDC-, väg- och vattens datacentral". (Presentation of the Computer Center at the School of Civil Engineering, VDC). Sektion Väg- och Vatten. Tekniska Högskolan i LUND. (98 pp).
Christiansson P, Lundgren T, 1981. "VDC-växel. Sektionen för Väg- och vattenbyggnad". (Description of the VDC Switching Device for Terminals and the Controlling Real Time Program). Tekniska Högskolan i Lund. (41 pp).
Christiansson P m.fl., 1982. "Tillförlitlighet och kommunikation i en datoriserad byggbransch". (Reliability and Communication in a Computerized Building Industry). Rapport R35:1982, Byggforskningsrådet. (133 pp).
Christiansson P, 1983. "Datorstödd projektering. CAD i tillämpning". (Computer Aided Design. CAD in Practice). Byggforskningsrådet. G13:1983. (60 pp).
Christiansson P, 1983. "Gemensamma datorresurser vid sektionen för väg- och vattenbyggnad. Historia-nuläge-framtid". (Common Computer Resources at the Civil Engineering School. History - Present Situation - the Future). Sektionen för väg- och vattenbyggnad. Tekniska Högskolan i Lund. (29 pp).
Christiansson P, östlund Lars, 1983. "Synpunkter på beräkningsredovisning". (Considerations on Design Records). Tekniska Högskolan i Lund, Bärande konstruktioner. TVBK-3017. (26 pp).
Christiansson P, Engström O, 1983. "CICA-CAD resa till England juli 1983". (Journey Account). Tekniska Högskolan i Lund. Bärande konstruktioner. TVBK-7019. (50 pp).
Christiansson P, 1984. "Datorstödd projektering, CAD. Besök vid företag och universitet, USA hösten 1983". (Journey Account. Visits to Companies and Universities in the USA, Autumn 1983). Tekniska Högskolan i Lund, Bärande konstruktioner. TVBK-3019. (29 pp).
Christiansson P, 1984. "Europeiskt undervisningssamarbete inom datorstödd projektering. ECAADE - European Computer Aided Architectural Design Education. Delft oktober 1982, Bryssel oktober 1983". Tekniska Högskolan i Lund, Bärande konstruktioner. TVBK-3020. (38 pp).
Christiansson P, 1984. "Internationell konferens om datorstöd i arkitektarbetet. PARC83." (International Conference on the Use of Computers in Architecture). London oktober 1983". Tekniska Högskolan i Lund, Bärande konstruktioner. TVBK-3021. (28 pp).
Christiansson P, 1984, "Internationell utblick". Kapitel i 'Datormognad inom byggbranschen'. Byggforskningsrådet G23:1984. (9/95 pp).
Christiansson P, Herrera A, 1985. "Datorstöd i Byggprocessen. Computer Aided Design." (Computer Aids in the Building Process. Cad Systems, Relational Databases, Knowledge Based Systems). Bärande Konstruktioner, Lunds Tekniska Högskola. Februari 1985. (192 pp).
"Information Technology in the Building Process. Development Trends in the USA 1988". NBS-DATA report may 1989. (Editor), (83 pp).
Proceedings from the "International CIB W74/W78 Symposium on Conceptual Modelling of Buildings". Dept Structural Engineering, Lund University and Swedish Building Centre, Stockholm. February 1990. (Editor). (320 pp).
Christiansson P, 1990, "Advanced Material and Vendor Information System - AMVI ", Dept Structural Engineering, Lund University, February 1990. Report SE-LUTVDG/TVBK-90/3027+17p.
Christiansson P, Månsson B, Sörhede , (1992), "Ny informationsteknologi Fastighetsförvaltning. Demonstrationsprojekt Delphi (New IT in Building Maintenance. Demonstrations project Delphi". Lunds Tekniska Högskola, Bärande konstruktioner. Byggforskningsrådet, Stockholm. (87 pp)
Christiansson P, Modin J, 1992, "New tools for knowledge transfer. Development of hypermedia systems". Nya hjälpmedel för kunskapsöverföring. Utveckling av hypermediasystem". Coarse compendium. KBS-Media Lab Lunds Tekniska Högskola. (pp 37)
Landin A, Hansson B, Berglund B, Modin J, Christiansson P, (1992), "Kunskapsutveckling i Byggprocessen" (The CUBE Project). LUTVDG/(TVBP-3032). (87 pp).
"Informationsteknologi och fastighetsförvaltning (It in Building Maintenance)". A Nordic Seminar organized by NBS-DATA and NBS-MAINTENANCE/Ett Nordiskt seminarium arrangerat av NBS-DATA och NBS-FöRVALTNING. Lund den 11-12 mars 1993. (Ed: Per Christiansson). (119 pp).
Follin A, (1994), "Digital Product Catalogues - An Evaluation of Presentation and Visualization Techniques". Dept of Structural Engineering, KBS-Media Lab. (103 pp). (Tech. Lic. thesis. Per Christiansson supervisor).
Bergkvist, J, 1994, "Multimedia i Museer/Multimedia in Museums". Länsmuseerna, Lund Universitet, Mitthögskolan i östersund. (24 pp). (Per Christiansson supervisor).
Christiansson P, 1995, "Knowledge communication in the Global Village . (Fundamental understanding of the ongoing change process)". Forthcoming June 1995. (120 pp)
Modin J, 1995, "COOCOM. New ways of using Information Technology for buildings design and management". KBS-Media Lab. (27 pp). (Per Christiansson supervisor)
Christiansson, P., 1996, "Universitetshistoriska Museet i Lund, UHMiL/The Lund University Historical Museum". KBS-Media Lab, february 1995. (32 pp).
Christiansson, P., 1996, "Merkurius - 14 September 1996. Status, metodik och tidplanering. / Merkurius - September 1996. Status, methodology, and time planning". KBS-Media Lab, Lunds Universitet. (30 pp.)
Also at
Christiansson, P., "Merkurius - Lunds Universitets näringslivsnod. KK-projekt Status 10 april 1997/ Merkurius - Lund University company Knowledge Node - Status report 1 April 10 1997". KBS-Media Lab, Lunds Universitet. (12 pp.)
Also at
Stjernfeldt Fredrik, Christiansson Per, Engborg Uno, 1997, "Skadeförebyggande erfarenhetsuppföning för fastighetsförvaltare på Internet - SERFIN-I./ Technical Building Maintenance on the Internet - SERFIN-I" KBS-Media Lab. (40 pp).
Engborg Uno, Christiansson Per, Stjernfeldt Fredrik, 1997, "Svensk byggforskning på World Wide Web - De globala nätverkens möjligheter i byggforskningen, SWEBU/ Swedish Building Research on the World Wide Web)". KBS-Media Lab. Lunds Universitet. (92 pp).
/R38/ Knowledge Node Aalborg. Per Christiansson, Aalborg University. Svend Valentin, NOVI Research Park. System for support of knowledge transfer between companies, innovation environments and universities. http://it.civil.auc/it/reports/kna_1998/r_kna_8_1998.pdf
Christiansson P, 1998, " Den digitala staden". (Underlag för utarbetande av kravspecifikation för upphandling av tjänster för utveckling av ett enhetligt lokalt nätverk för digital kommunikation i Landskrona. (25 pp.).
Christiansson P, 1999, " SERFIN2 - Skadeförebyggande Erfarenhetsåterföring för Fastighetsförvaltare på Internet. ". KBS-Media Lab, Lunds Universitet.
Distributed Virtual Workspace for enhancing Communication within the Construction Industry - DIVERCITY, EU project IST-1999-13365 Handbook February 2003.
Sabroe H, Christiansson P, Fage N, Jensen P A, Johansen J, Carlsen H, Emb org J.(2004) Bygherrekrav - Digital Aflevering. State of the Art. DACAPO. Det Digitale Byggeri. Kbh. Erhvervs- og Boligstyrelsen, 2004.(53 pp.)
Keywords: udvekslingsformat, driftsdata, vedligehold, digital, facility management
Johansen J, Sabroe H S, Jensen P A, Emborg J, Søndergaard P, Carlsen H, Carlsen M, Christiansson P (2004) "Bygherrekrav - Digital Aflevering Kravspecifikation. DACAPO projektet." Det Digitale Byggeri. Kbh. Erhvervs- og Boligstyrelsen, 2004. (44 s.)
Johansen J. Sabroe H. S., Jensen P. A., Emborg J., Søndergaard P., Carlsen H., ; Carlsen M., Christiansson P., (2004) "Bygherrekrav - Digital Aflevering Vejledning til kravspecifikation - Projekterende og udførende". DACAPO projektet. Det Digitale Byggeri. Kbh. Erhvervs- og Boligstyrelsen, 2004. 18 s.
Johansen J. Sabroe H. S., Jensen P. A., Emborg J., Søndergaard P., Carlsen H., ; Carlsen M., Christiansson P., (2004) "Bygherrekrav - Digital Aflevering Vejledning til kravspecifikation - Bygherre og driftsherre". DACAPO projektet. Det Digitale Byggeri. Kbh. Erhvervs- og Boligstyrelsen, 2004. 31 s.
Christiansson P, Fage N, Jensen P A, Johansen J, Carlsen H, (2005) "DACaPo, Digital aflevering brochure". DACaPo konsortiet. Det Digitale Byggeri. Erhvervs- og byggestyrelsen. September 2005. (9 pp)
Sabroe H, Johansen J, Carlsen H, Buchardt L, Christensen L, Christiansson P, (2005) "Byggherrekrav - Digital Aflevering. Vejledning til Kravspecifikation - revision 1." Det Digitale Byggeri. Erhvervs- og byggestyrelsen. September 2005. (43 pp).
Sabroe H, Johansen J, Carlsen H, Buchardt L, Christensen L, Christiansson P, (2005) "Byggherrekrav - Digital Aflevering. Kravspecifikation - revision 1." Det Digitale Byggeri. Erhvervs- og byggestyrelsen. September 2005. (42 pp).
Sabroe H, Johansen J, Carlsen H, Buchardt L, Christensen L, Christiansson P, (2005) "Byggherrekrav - Digital Aflevering. Kravspecifikation - revision 1." Det Digitale Byggeri. Erhvervs- og byggestyrelsen. September 2005. (42 pp).
Sabroe H, Johansen J, Fage N, Christensen L, Buchardt L, Emborg J , Christiansson P, Carlsen H, Jensen P A (2006) "Byggherrekrav - Digital Aflevering. Vejledning - revision 2/final." Det Digitale Byggeri. Erhvervs- og byggestyrelsen. Marts 2006. (49 pp).
Sabroe H, Johansen J, Fage N, Christensen L, Buchardt L, Emborg J , Christiansson P, Carlsen H, Jensen P A (2006) Byggherrekrav - Digital Aflevering. Kravspecifikation - revision 2/final. Det Digitale Byggeri. Erhvervs- og byggestyrelsen. Marts 2006. (42 pp).
Christiansson P, (2006) Kravmodel for det Det Digitale Byggeri. DACaPo kommentar. Det Digitale Byggeri. 30 maj 2006. (11 sid.)
Jørgensen, K. A., Skauge J., Christiansson P., Svidt K., Sørensen K. B., Mitchell J. (2008) "Use of IFC Model Servers. Modelling Collaboration Possibilities in Practice". Aalborg University, Aarhus School of Architecture, and University of New South Wales. May 2008. (60 pp.)
KEY WORDS: Building modelling, IFC, model server.
Widén K, Christiansson P, Syvertsen T G, Hjelseth E, Storgaard K (2009) "ICT innovation in the construction sector - a framework for success." Division of Construction Management, Lund University. Sweden. August 2009. ISSN 1651-0380. ISBN 978-91-85257-90-4. (80 pp.)
KEY WORDS: Innovation, diffusion, implementation adoption, ICT, case studies.
Alsdorf M, Christiansson P, Dybro U, Steffensen K G, Svidt K, Sørensen K B (2009) VIC-MET. En metode til brugerinvolvering i byggeprocessen. Aalborg Universitet, Arkitema, Rambøll (26 pp.)
Alsdorf M, Christiansson P, Ulrik Dybro U, Pedersen K B, Steffensen K G, Svidt K (2012) "VIC-MET Virtual Innovation in Construction Method – en metode til brugerinvolvering I byggeprocessen". © Aalborg Universitetsforlag 2012, ISBN 978-87-7112-006-6. (2012 VICMET skärmversion). (80 pages).
KEYWORDS: User driven Innovation, Functional building systems, Virtual Buildings, collaborative virtual environments.

10.2 Conference papers /C/

[top] [publications and presentations]

(marked, if paper/poster only, demo = supported by computer based demonstration)

Christiansson P, 1973. "Spektra över last och lasteffekter för broar. Tillämpningar på monteringsfärdiga farbaneelement med uppskattning av dynamiska effekter". Föredrag vid Nordiska forskningsdager for stålkonstruksjoner, Oslo, augusti 1983. (13 pp).
Christiansson P, östlund L, 1976. "Problem i samband med utnyttjande av höghållfast material i stålkonstruktioner"/"Problems in connection with utilizing high strength material in Steel constructions". Föredrag vid Nordiske Stålforskningsdagar, Helsingfors, 1976. (6 pp).
Christiansson P, 1976. "Utmattningslaster för vägbroar". Föredrag vid Nordiska Stålforskningsdagar, Helsingfors. 1976. (7 pp).
Christiansson P, 1978. "Steel frames subjected to dynamic loads in conjunction with progressive collapse". III Polish-Swedish Symposium on progress in building design. Warszawa, May 9-13, 1978. (10 pp).
Christiansson P, 1979. "Dynamisk pelarknäckning i samband med fortskridande ras". Föredrag vid Nordiske Forskningsdage for stålbyggning, Köpenhamn. 1979 (9 pp).
Christiansson P, 1979. "Dynamisk pelarknäckning i samband med fortskridande ras"/"Dynamic column buckling in connection with progressive collapse". Föredrag vid symposium i byggnadsdynamik, Göteborg, Rapport 160, Ingenjörsvetenskapsakademien. 1979.
Christiansson P, 1984, "CAD/CAM vid Lunds Universitet. Temadag 28 maj 1984". Presentation av Bärande konstruktioner och Väg- och Vattens Datacentral. Lund, 18 maj 1984. (7 pp).
Christiansson P, 1984, "CAD-tekniken i Sverige och utomlands". ADB-dag på nordbygg 84. Stockholm, maj 1984. (6 pp).
Christiansson P, 1984. "Integrated Computer Aided Design. Present and Future Data Structures". CIB, WC78, Colloquium London, June 5-7 1984. (6 pp).
Christiansson P, 1984. "Utvecklingstendenser för användande av datateknik i byggandet". Nordiskt byggforskningsmöte, Lejondal, Stockholm. 12-14 september, 1984. 9 pp).
Christiansson P, 1984. "Integrated Systems Results of the W78 Survey". CIB, W78 Integrated Cad Symposium, Rotterdam, September 16-17 1985. (12 pp).
Christiansson P, 1986, "Swedish and Nordic Activities within CAAD". Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design. Singapore, May 1986. (9 pp).
Christiansson P, 1986, "Properties of Future Knowledge Based Systems. The Interactive Consultation System Example." Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design. Singapore, May 1986. (14 pp).
Christiansson P, 1986, "Nyaste nytt i byggbranschens datateknologi - kunskapsbaserade system."/"Latest news in the computerization of the building process - knowledge based systems". Nordisk Byggdag 16. Helsingfors, augusti 1986. (4 pp).
Christiansson P, 1986, "Structuring a Learning Building Design System." 10th CIB Congress. International Council for Building Research, Studies and Documentation. Washington, September 1986. (Paper + poster). (11 pp).
Christiansson P, 1986, "Högteknologi i byggindustrin. Vad sker i andra länder"/"High Technology in the Building Industry. What happens in other countries". 3B-programmets årskonferens, Oslo, november 1986. (14 pp).
Christiansson P, 1987, "Optiska lagringsmedia i Byggindustrin - möjligheter"/"Optical storage media in the Building Industry - possibilities". Informationsdag om Optiska skivor och Cad-utvecklingen. Industrins Bygmaterialgrupp/Svensk Byggtjänst. (Demo).Philipshuset Stockholm, 29 april 1987. (3 pp).
Christiansson P, Herrera A, 1987, " Kunskapsbaserade system/expertsystem. Värdering av några existerande verktyg"/"Knowledge Based Systems/Expert systems. Evaluation of some existing tools ". NBS-DATA seminarium, Oslo, 24-25 september 1987. (15 pp).
Christiansson P, 1988, "Properties of Future Building Hyper Documents." Proceedings from CIB W74/W78 Symposium on Conceptual Modelling of Buildings. Lund University. Sweden, October 1988. (pp. 311-320).
Christiansson P,1988, "Presentation of the KBS-MEDIA environment at the Lund University". STIMDI Svensk Tvärvetenskaplig Intresseförening för Människa Dator Interaktion - Workshop on HyperText. (Demo). Lund, October 22, 1988. (3 pp).
Christiansson P, 1989, "The KBS-MEDIA Project". Proceedings from the International Symposium on Computer Aided Design in Architecture and Civil Engineering, ARECDAO 89. (Demo). Barcelona April 13-14 1989. (pp. 231-240).
Christiansson P, 1989, "KBS-MEDIA Lab". MacWorld Expo Asia. (Demo). Singapore, June 19/July 2, 1989. (1-2 pp).
Christiansson P, 1989, "Building a City Advisor in a Hyper Media Environment". European Conference on "Management and Representation of Urban Change". Cambridge, England. (Demo). September 28/29 1989. (18 pp).
Christiansson P, 1989, "Building a City Advisor in a Hyper Media Environment". CEPA/FACE International Conference'. (Demo). Los Angeles June 1989.
also demonstrated at 'Colloque Informatique de l'Ecole d'Architecture de Grenoble' 17/18 Janvier 1990
Christiansson P, 1990, "Building Information for the future/Batir le système d'information de demain". Colloque Informatique de l'Ecole d'Architecture de Grenoble. Grenoble, 17/18 Janvier 1990. (6 pp).
Christiansson P, 1990, "Background Agents to Enhance Access and Growth of Loosely Coupled Models for Building Design". Pre-Proc. 5th International Conference on Systems Research, Informatics and Cybernetics (ICSRIC-90). Knowledgebased Systems in Building Design. Baden-Baden, West Germany. August 6-12, 1990. (6 pp).
Christiansson P, 1990, "State of the Art of Computer Use in Practical Architectural Design in Sweden". A/E/C SYSTEMS, Tokyo. September 1990. (2 pp) (Also in Japanese, 3 pp).
Christiansson P, 1990, "Advanced Information Technology in Building Maintenance Support". Proc. of the 2nd CIB W78 + W74 Seminar on Computer Integrated Construction. Tokyo. September 17-19, 1990. (pp 93-99). Elsevier, and CIB Publication 138,
Christiansson P, 1990, "Computer Tools for Product Modelling". Proc. NBS-DATA seminar on Building model - Product model. Helsinki. October 25-26, 1990. (Nordic Building Research Cooperation Group - Working Group for Information Technology). (pp 27-38).
Christiansson P, 1990, "Ny informationsteknologi i fastighetsförvaltning"/"New Information Technology in Building Maintenance". BYGGA MED IT symposium. Stockholm November 8-9. (Demo). (1 pp).
Christiansson P, 1990, "Integration of Knowledge Based Systems and Media". BYGGA MED IT symposium. Stockholm November 8-9. (4 pp).
Christiansson P, 1991, "Advanced Material and Vendor Information Systems - AMVI". Symposium on Building Systems Automation - Integration". Madison USA, June 2-7. (14 pp). (Published in Automation in Construction, Elsevier, /J23/).
Christiansson P, 1991, "Next generation knowledgebased multimedia systems". 3rd International GRTU Conference "The Interactive City". Milano, Italy. June 20-21. (GRTU, Management and Representation of Urban Change). (pp 345-365)
Christiansson P, 1991, "From paper to Hyperspace. Representing and handling knowledge in an Interactive Media Environment". 3rd International Symposium on Systems Research, Informatics and Cybernetics . Baden-Baden, West Germany. August 12-18, 1991. (6 pp).
Christiansson P, 1991, "The KBS-Media Environment". In European course of the COMETT II program 'New tools for the city, modeling, simulation, communication. Nantes, France. September 16-20, 1991. (pp 27-40). (Also in French)
Christiansson P, 1991, "Multimedia on the way". NBS-Data seminar on Datateknik - Visioner og Virkelighed (Information Technology - Visions and Reality). Reykjavik Iceland. September 27, 1991. (Nordic Building Research Cooperation Group - Working Group for Information Technology. (14 pp)
Christiansson P, 1992, "Dynamic Knowledge Nets in a changing Building Process." May 1992. Presented at 2nd W78 Workshop on Computer Integrated Construction. Montreal May 12-14, 1992, and Symposium on Building Systems automation - Integration '92. Dallas June 10-12 1992. (Published in Automation in Construction, /J23/).
Christiansson P, (1992), "Development trends in IT Building. Product Models and communication in an International Perspective/Utvecklingsstrategier och trender i byggandets informationsteknologi. Produktmodeller och kommunikation i internationellt perspektiv" vid ITBL seminarium "Utvecklad Byggprojektering -samverkan - arbetsmiljö - informationsteknologi". IDEON Lund. 26.11.92. (12 pp).
Christiansson P, Modin J, 1993, "Conceptual Models for Communicating Knowledge in the Building Industry - Implementation of the Cube System". Proceedings Management of Information Technology for Construction, Singapore August 17-20, (Eds K. Mathur World Scientific Publishing Co., Singapore. (pp 287-299). (Refereed)
Christiansson P, 1993, "Multiteknologi. Möjligheter och begränsningar i teknisk fastighetsförvaltning. Demonstration och erfarenheter från Delphi projektet"/"Multi Technology. Possibilities and Limitations in Technical Building Maintenance. Demonstrations and experiences from the Delphi Project". NBS-Data - NBS Förvaltning seminarium 'Informationsteknologi och fastighetsförvaltning. Förväntningar - realiteter - perspektiv'. Lund 11-12 mars. (Nordiska Byggforskningsorganens samarbetsgrupp). (pp 9).
NTNF/SINTEF seminarium Oslo 23-24 sept. 1993. SINTEF STF62 S93013 (pp 7-15).
Christiansson P, (1993), "KBS-Media LAB. Dynamiska kunskapsnät"/"KBS-MEdia Lab. Dynamic Knowledge Net". ,STIMDI'93 konferens, Lund, Palaestra. (STIMDI, Sveriges tvärvetenskaliga intresseförening för människa-datorinteraktion). 3-4.5.93. (pp 15-17).
Christiansson P, Modin J, (1993), "KBS-Media-LAB. Dynamic Knowledge Nets". at HIGHER EDUCATION 1998 transformed by LEARNING TECHNOLOGY. Lund 14-17 May 1993. A cooperation between Computer in Teaching Initiative, CTI, UK, Council for Renewal of Undergraduate Education, SWE, and Faculty Development, Lund University, SWE. CTISS Publications (pp 48-50).
Christiansson P, (1993), "FRAMTIDA DATORBASERADE INFORMATIONSSYSTEM för bygg- och miljösektorn"/"Future computerized information systems för the building and environmental sectors". vid Nya Media för Bygginformation, BYGGDOK-DAGEN, Stockholm. 18.11.93. (12 pp).
Christiansson P, 1994, "Teknologiens utallige muligheder"/"The Countless Technology Possibilities" . Edb på byggepladsen -- et debatoplaeg. Entreprenörbranschens uddannelsefond. (in Danish). April 21, Copenhagen, (pp 25-27).
Christiansson, P, 1994, "Why must builders and everybody learn IT? Building and using the Dynamic Knowledge Net." BUILDING WITH IT. Collaboration, Communication, Integration. Conference October 17-18 1994. The National IT-BUILDING program. Lund University. (pp 67-72).
Modin, J, Engborg, U, Christiansson, P, 1994, "Computer Supported Collaboration during Design and Maintenance. The IT-Tools Perspective"." BUILDING WITH IT. Collaboration, Communication, Integration. Conference October 17-18 1994. The National IT-BUILDING program. Lund University. ( pp 13-24).
Christiansson P, 1994, "The K3-Program. A program for Communication, Classification and Representation of building process Knowledge". Bridging the Generations. International Workshop on the Future Directions of Computer-Aided Engineering. Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA. June 18-19, 1994. (pp 189-194). (Refereed)
Christiansson P, Modin J, 1994, "Conceptual Models for Communicating Knowledge in the Building Industry - Implementation of the CUBE System". ISKO'94. Knowledge Organization and Quality Management. Third International Conference. Royal School of Librarianship Copenhagen, The International Society for Knowledge Organization. Copenhagen, June 21-24, 1994. (pp 225-232) (Refereed). (Presented by Jörgen Modin)
Christiansson, P, "The Formalization process in Global Knowledge Handling". Research Directions for Artificial Intelligence in Design. (eds) J.S. Gero and F. Sudweeks. Key Centre of Design Computing, University of Sydney.(The Fourth Workshop on Research Directions for Artificial Intelligence in Design. University of Twente. Enschede, The Netherlands. January 6 1995). (pp 23-34).+ session3 summary by Per C in the final print (Invited position paper)
"Electronic Meeting Rooms for Collaboration". Accepted (Sept 30 1994) abstract for the Second ASCE Congress for Computing in Civil Engineering, Atlanta, June 1995. (Dropped due to time constraints))
Christiansson P, 1995, "Knowledge Communication in the Global Network". Invited position paper for the July 16-20 1995 Workshop on Research Directions in Architectural Computing. Nemetschek Programmsystem GmmbH., Technical University pf München, Germany. (To be published by Kluwer Summer 1996). (25 pp.) (Invited position paper)
Christiansson P, Lagerstedt R, Engborg U, 1996, " User Models in Search and Navigation Systems on the Internet".>AEC Applications of the Internet" AEC Systems Anaheim June 17-20. (7 pp). (Invited paper)
See also http.//
Christiansson P, 1996, "Knowledge communication in the building industry. The Knowledge Node Concept." Construction on the Information Highway Bled'96 Conference. June 1996, Bled Slovenia (12 pp). (Reviewed)
See also http.//
Christiansson P, 1996, "Nodes for Knowledge Communication". Workshop on "Web as a Shared Design and Prototyping Environment" IEEE WET ICE Workshops. Collaborating on the Internet: The World-Wide Web and Beyond. Stanford, June 19-21, 1996. (Invitation)
See also http.//
Christiansson P.,1997,"Vilken roll kan modern informationsteknologi spela/ The role modern Information Technology". Presenterad vid "Diskussion om samordning av pågående och planerade som avser informationshantering inom fastighetsföretagande/ Discussion around Ongoing and Planned Information Handling in Housing Enterprises" at Gimle, Swedish Building Research Council, Februari 19, Stockholm. (11 pp.)
Christiansson P, 1997, "Experiences from developing a Building Maintenance Knowledge Node". CIB W78 Workshop, Cairns 9 - 11 July 1997, 'Information Technology Support for Construction Process Re-Engineering, IT-CPR-97'. (pp. 89-101).
See also
Christiansson P, 1998, " Using Knowledge Nodes for Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining." Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 1454. Ian Smith (Ed.). Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1998. ISBN: 3-540-64806-2 (pp. 48-59). "Artificial Intelligence in Structural Engineering. Information Technology for Design, Collaboration, Maintenance, and Monitoring."
(Presented at EG-SEA-AI conference in July 27-31, 1998. Ascona, Switzerland.)
KEYWORDS: knowledge containers, knowledge nodes, meta classification
Christiansson P, 1999, " Experiences from WWW supported project course and collaboration". ITi workshop on distributed learning, March 15, 1999, Aalborg University. (5 pp.)
Christiansson P, 1999, " Experiences from Design and Use of IT Supported Distributed Learning Environment". Civil Engineering Learning Technology in Cardiff. (Edited by R M Lloyd & C J Moore). Thomas Telford Ltd. London.. ISBN: 0-7277-2839-3. (pp. 29-42).
3rd AECEF International Symposium (Association of Civil Engineering Faculties with participation of civil engineering faculties from non-European countries). CELTic 1999. 8-10 September 1999, Cardiff.
KEYWORDS: Distributed learning, problem based learning, multimedia interface, authoring tools, world wide web, education, modelling, collaborative work.
Christiansson P, 1999, " Properties of the Virtual Building". 8th International Conference on Durability of Building Materials and Components. Information Technology in Construction. (ed. M. A. Lacasse, D. J. Vanier). NRC Research Press, Ottawa, 1999. ISBN: 0-660-17743-9. (pp. 2909-2919). (May 30 - June 3, 1999 Vancouver, Canada.)
KEYWORDS: Virtual building, modelling, multimedia, meta classification, temporal data.
Christiansson P, 2000, "IT in Distributred Open Learning Environments". 'Construction Information Technology 2000 - Taking the Construction Industry into the 21st century', (ed. G. Gudnason) Icelandic Building Research Institute. ISBN 9979-9174-3-1. Reykjavik, Iceland in June 26-30 , 2000. (pp. 197-208).
KEYWORDS: distributed learning, IT, experiences, project work.
/C60/ Christiansson P, 2000, "Knowledge Representations and information Flow in the Intelligent Building". 'Proceedings of he Eighth International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering. ICCCBE-VIII 2000 (eds.: Fruchter R, Pena-Mora F, Roddis K)', ISBN 0-7844-0513-1. American Society of Civil Engineers, Reston, Virginia, USA. (Stanford University, USA. August 14-17, 2000). (pp. 604-611).
KEYWORDS: intelligent building, services, digital city, design, communication
/C61/ Christiansson P, 2001, "Experiences from Using Internet Based Collaboration Tools". 'Konference om Arkitekturforskning og IT'. Proceedings Conference on Architectural Research and Information Technology. Nordic Association for Architectural Research. Arkitektskolen i Aarhus 27.-29. april 2001. (pp. 103-112).
KEYWORDS: Virtual reality, collaborative work, ICT tools, design, intelligent buildings, knowledge transfer.
/C62/ Christiansson P, Svidt K, Skjærbæk J O, Aaholm R, 2001, "User requirements modelling in design of collaborative virtual reality design systems". International Conference on Construction Information Technology. Mpumalanga, South Africa, 30 May - 1 June 2001. (pp. 40/1 - 40/12)
KEYWORDS: Design, virtual reality, collaborative work, ICT tools, knowledge management.
(Session chair)
/C63/ Christiansson, P, 2001, "Capture of user requirements and structuring of collaborative VR environments". AVR II & CONVR 2001. Conference on Applied Virtual Reality in Engineering & Construction Applications of Virtual Reality. (eds: O. Tullberg, N. Dawood, M. Connell. 201 pp.) Gothenburg October 4-5, 2001. (pp. 1-17). [Key note speech].
KEYWORDS: Collaboration tools, Contextual design, Knowledge Management, User requirements, Virtual Reality.
/C64/ Christiansson P., Dawood N. N., Svidt K, 2002, "Virtual Buildings (VB) and Tools to Manage Construction Process Operations". CIB W78 Conference on 'Distributing Knowledge In Building', Aarhus, Denmark. June 12-14, 2002. (8 pp.).
KEYWORDS: Virtual buildings, project management, temporal data, knowledge management, semantic web.
/C65/ Christiansson P., Da Dalto Laurent, Skjaerbaek J. O., Soubra S., Marache M., 2002, " Virtual Environments for the AEC sector - The Divercity experience ". ECPPM 2002 European Conference of Product and Process Modelling. eWork and eBusiness in AEC. 9-11 September 2002, Portoroz, Slovenia. (8 pp.).
KEYWORDS: Virtual Environments, Collaborative Work, Virtual Workspace, 3D Real Time Interaction, Construction Industry.
/C66/ Lai Y-C, Christiansson P, Svidt K, 2002, "IT in Collaboarative Building Design (IT-CODE)". Proceedings of the European Conference on Information and Communication Technology Advances and Innovation in the Knowledge Society. eSM@RT 2002 in collaboration with CISEMIC 2002. (Editors: Yacine Rezgui, Bingunath Ingirige, Ghassan Aouad). University of Salford, U.K from 22nd - 23rd November 2002. ISBN 0902896415. (pp. 323 - 331, Part A)
KEYWORDS: Collaboration, semantic web, virtual workspace, meta language, temporal data
/C67/ Christiansson, P, 2003, "Next Generation Knowledge Management Systems for the Construction Industry". Auckland, New Zealand, April 23-25, 2003. CIB W78 Proceedings 'Construction IT Bridging the Distance", ISBN 0-908689-71-3. CIB Publication 284. (494 pages). (pp. 80-87).
KEYWORDS: knowledge managament, semantic web, temporal, user environment, change process
(Session chair)
/C68/ Lai, YC, Carlsen, M, Christiansson, P, Svidt, K (2003): Semantic Web Supported Knowledge Management System: An approach to Enhance Collaborative Building Design. Procedings of 4th Joint Symposium on IT in Civil Engineering, Nashville, Tennessee, November 15-16, 2003, 14 pages.
Keywords: semantic-web, RDF(S), knowledge management system, ontologies, collaborative design
/C69/ Sarshar, M, Christiansson, P, 2004, " Towards Virtual Prototyping in the Construction Industry: The Case Study of the Divercity Project ". INCITE 2004 - International Conference on Construction Information Technology 2004. (Designing, Managing and Supporting construction Projects Through Innovation and IT Solutions). Langkawi, Malaysia, 18 - 21 February 2004. (8 pages).

/C70/ Christiansson, P, 2004, "Life long learning for improved product and process modeling support." 'eWork and eBuseiness in Architecture, Engineering and Construction'. Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Product and Process Modelling in the Building and Construction Industry - ECPPM2004. 8-10 September 2004, Istanbul, Turkey. (eds. Attila Dikbas & Raimar scherer). A.A. Balkema Publishers. Leiden ISBN 04 1535 938 4. (pp. 667-673).
(Session chair)

/C71/ Christiansson P (2005) "Building Management and Learning in Civil Engineering Education". Proceedings of the 2005 ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering. Edited by Lucio Soibelman and Feniosky Peña-Mora. July 12-15, 2005. Cancun, Mexico. (Invited paper).
(Session chair).

/C72/ Christiansson P, Carlsen M (2005) "Virtual Building from Theory to Practice". Proceedings W78 22nd Conference on Information Technology in Construction. Edited by R.J. Scherer, P. Katranuschkov, S.-E. Schapke. Dresden July 19-21, 2005. (pp. 171- 175).
(Session chair)

/C73/ Christiansson P, Svidt K (2006) "Usability evaluation of mobile ICT support used at the building construction site.". Proceedings World Conference on IT in Design and Construction, INCITE/ITCSED 2006, 15 - 17 November 2006, New Delhi. 30 maj 2006. ISBN 81-89809-01-6. (pp. 353-364, Vol.1). [Keynote presentation].
(Session chair).

/C74/ Svidt K, Christiansson P (2006) "Experiences from implementation of ICT for resource management in small construction companies". Proceedings World Conference on IT in Design and Construction, INCITE/ITCSED 2006, 15 - 17 November 2006, New Delhi. 30 maj 2006. ISBN 81-89809-01-6. (pp. 285-295, Vol.1).

/C75/ Christiansson P (2007) "ICT Enhanced Buildings Potentials". Proceedings 24th CIB W78 Conference "Bringing ICT knowledge to work". June 26 - 29 2007, Maribor, Slovenia.
(Session chair, special session organizer).

/C76/ Christiansson P., Svidt K., Sørensen K. B. (2008) "Future integrated design environments". Proceedings of the CIB-W78 25th International Conference on Information Technology in Construction (Editor Leonardo Rischmoller). Santiago de Chile, July 15-17 2008. ISBN: 978-956-319-361-9 (pp. 176-188).
KEY WORDS: Integrated building design, future, ontologies, models, user driven, innovation.
(Session chair).

/C77/ Svidt K., Christiansson P. (2008) " Requirements on 3D building information models and electronic communication – experiences from an architectural competition ". Proceedings of the CIB-W78 25th International Conference on Information Technology in Construction (Editor Leonardo Rischmoller). Santiago de Chile, July 15-17 2008. ISBN: 978-956-319-361-9 (pp. 231-238).
Keywords: 3D building models, BIM, electronic communication, requirements, architectural competition.
(Session chair).

/C78/ Sørensen K. B., Christiansson P., Svidt K., Jacobsen K., Simoni T. (2008) " Towards Linking Virtual Models with Physical Objects in Construction using RFID - Review of Ontologies ". Proceedings of the CIB-W78 25th International Conference on Information Technology in Construction (Editor Leonardo Rischmoller). Santiago de Chile, July 15-17 2008. ISBN: 978-956-319-361-9 (pp. 418-428).
Keywords: Virtual Models, RFID, Ontologies, Project Progress Management, Ubiquitous Computing.
(Session chair).

/C79/ Christiansson P., Sørensen K. B., Rødtness M., Abrahamsen M., Ostenfeld L. R., Alsdorf M. (2008) " User driven innovation in the building process". ICCCBE-XII & INCITE 2008 - 12th International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering & 2008 International Conference on Information Technology in Construction. October 16-18, 2008. Beijing, China. (6 pp).
Keywords: Innovation; user driven; needs; requirements; creative design; construction; system develop-ment
(Session chair).

/C80/ Sørensen K. B., Christiansson P., Svidt K., Jacobsen K., Simoni T. (2008) " Radio Frequency Identification in Construction Operation and Main-tenance – Contextual Analysis of User Needs ". ICCCBE-XII & INCITE 2008 - 12th International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering & 2008 International Conference on Information Technology in Construction. October 16-18, 2008. Beijing, China. (6 pp).
Radio Frequency Identification; operation and maintenance; contextual design; user needs; mobile IT, system development, pilot test
(Session chair).

/C81/ Christiansson P, Sørensen K B, Steffensen K G, Svidt K (2009) " User driven innovative building design ". Proceedings of the CIB W78, 26th International Conference on 'Managing IT in Construction'. CRC Press, Balkema. October 1-3 2009, Istanbul Technical University. ISBN 978-0-415-56744-2 (hbk), ISBN: 978-203-85978-o (eBook) (pp. 333-340).
Keywords:User driven innovation, virtual construction, creative, building design, needs, functional build-ing systems.

/C82/ Christiansson P, Dybro U, Svidt K, Pedersen K B (2010) " ICT-supported end user participation in creative and innovative building design ". Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Product & Process Modelling, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland. 14-Sept to 16-Sept, 2010. eWork and eBusiness in Architecture, Engineering and Construction – Menzel & Scherer (Eds) © 2010 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-0-415-60507-6.
Keywords:User driven innovation, methodology, creative, building design, needs, cases.

10.3 Journal Papers /J/

[top] [publications and presentations]

Christiansson P, 1977. "Last- och lasteffektspektra förvägbroar"/"Load and Loadeffect Spectra for Highway Bridges". Väg- och Vattenbyggaren nr. 4.
Christiansson P, 1977. "Höghållfast material i stålkonstruk-tioner"/"Highstrength material in steel structures". Byggmästaren nr. 3.
Christiansson P, 1977. "Tungt väger lätt med mobil vågstation"("Heavy is easily weighed with a mobile weighing station". Elteknik. April 1977.
Christiansson P, 1979. "Stålbyggnadsforskning vid LTH". Byggmästaren nr. 10.
Christiansson P, 1981. "Väg- och vatten är mycket mer än vägar och vatten". Lunds Universitet meddelar nr. 4.
Christiansson P, östlund L, 1983. "Synpunkter på beräkningsredovisning". Nordisk Betong, april 1983.
Christiansson P, 1986, "Var är vi? Vart går vi? Perspektiv på datorstöd i byggandet"/"Where are we? Where are we heading? Perspective on computer support in the Building Process". Tidningen Byggindustrin, Byggspecial. Sept. 1986. (4 pp).
Christiansson P, 1988, "Hypermedia levandegör tänkta byggen"/Hypermedia make live envisaged buildings". Byggforskningen 9:1988. (3 pp).
Kitzing P, Christiansson P, Erikson L, 1988, "Computer Aided Aphasia Therapy with a New System Program". Scandinavian Journal of Logopedics and Phoniatrics. September 1988. (pp. 95-102).(Refereed)
Christiansson P, 1989, "KBS-MEDIA projektet vid Lunds Universitet". ORDO, LNTH 1/89. (11 pp).
"Dator tjänsteande i intelligent flexibelt hus". Artikel av Lasse Sjöblom i Tidskriften Byggforskning nr 2 mars 1989 baserad på intervju av Per Christiansson och Per-Mikael Henriksson. Mars, 1989. (3 pp).
"KBS-MEDIA Lab". Wheels for the Mind Europe, No2, April 1989. (pp. 47).
Christiansson P, 1989, "Framtidens informationsteknologi". Lunds Universitet Dataspecial, December 1989. (2 pp).
Christiansson P, 1989, "Informationsteknologi och byggande"/"Information Technology and buildings". Byggforskning 8:1989. BFR. (3 pp).
"Nytt centrum skal forska om datorn i byggbranschen". Lunds Universitet meddelar, LUM, november 1990. (Intervju).
"Mångmiljonbelop satsas på nytt LTH-Centrum. Ger skjuts framåt för forskning om datorer i byggprocessen"/"Multi million investment to new LTH Center. Gives power to research on computers in the building process". LTH-nytt nr 4. December 1990. (Intervju). (pp 2)
Christiansson P, 1991, "Informationsteknologi i byggprocessen". Bygg & Teknik, nr 1 januari 1991. (pp. 33-38).
Interview with illustrations in "at. Architectural Magazine of Japan". April 1991. (The interview was carried through September 18, 1990 in Tokyo). (In Japanese).
Christiansson P, 1991, "Building a City Advisor in a 'hypermedia' environment". Journal of Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 1991, volume 18, pages 39-50. (Received September 1989). (see also /C22a/. Refereed
Christiansson P, 1991, "Informationsteknologi i byggande och fastighetsförvaltning". Tidskriften Ung Forskning. 3/1991. (Intervju med Per Christiansson). (2 pp).
Christiansson P, 1991, "Informationsteknologi utan gränser". Väg- och Vattenbyggaren 5/91. December 1991. (pp 17-22).
Christiansson P, 1989, " Advanced Material and Vendor Information system - AMVI". Automation in Construction , Vol 2, nb 2, , July,1993), Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (pp 109-121). Refereed
Christiansson P, 1992, " Dynamic Knowledge Nets in a changing building process". Automation in Construction , Vol 1 nb 4 , March,1993), Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (pp 307-322). Refereed
Christiansson P, Sekund I, 1992, "Interaktiva medier i utbildningen". STIMMET okt 1992. (Medlemsblad för Sveriges tvärvetenskapliga intresseförening för människa-dator interaktion). (pp 2).

"New possibilities with hypermedia/Nya möjligheter med hypermedia" Artikel i LUM, Lunds Universitet Meddelar, based on interview with Per Christiansson and Jörgen Modin during LU-course at KBS-Media Lab. LUM nr 14, 11.12.92. (1 page).
Christiansson P, (1993), "Visions on virtual houses/Visioner om virtuella hus". Bofast, Nr 8, 13 maj 1993. (pp 17-18)
Also published in Tidskriften Ung Forskning. nr 2, 1994. (pp 28-29).
Forsberg S, (1993), "Information technology in Building Maintenance/Informationsteknologi i fastighetsförvaltningen". Fastighetstidningen 6.1993. (1 pp). (based on Per Christiansson's text)
"Hypermedia - ett sätt att bygga bättre?/Hypermedia - a way to build better?" sid 21. plus flash about the IT-BUILDING seminar. BFR artikel Byggforskning 94.3 Juni. (Interview).
Christiansson P, 1994, "Datorstödd samverkan i byggprocessen/Computer supported collaboration in the building process". SSByggbalken. Examensreseföreningen, Väg- och Vattensbyggnadslinjen LTH. pp 12-13. Juli 1994.
Christiansson P, Modin J (1994), "Communicating Knowledge in the Building Industry: the CUBE System and its Conceptual Models", Advances in Knowledge Organizations, Vol.4 (1994) (ISSN 0943-7444) (p. 225-232).
Christiansson, P, 1994, "Framtidens datorbaserade informationssystem för bygg- och miljösektorn". HUSBYGGAREN, nr 7-8, november 1994. (sid. 6-11).
"Ny informationsteknologi revolutionerar byggbranschen". Intervju till artikel i LTH-Nytt, december 1994. (sid. 28-29).
"ITBL, IT Bygg Centrum vid Lunds Universitet/ITBL, IT Building Center at Lund University". Fastighetsnytt nr 2:1995, May/June. (pp 6-7). (text, photo Per Christiansson)

Christiansson P, 1995, "Datorstödd samverkan i Byggprocessen/Computer Supported Collaboration in The Building Process". Tidskriften Ung Forskning. Nb. 1995. (pp 36-41)
Modin Jörgen, 1994, "KBS-Class: A neural network tool for automatic content recognition of building texts". Construction Management and Economics. Special issue on Information Technology in Construction. 1995. (Per Christianson supervisor). (Refeered)
Christiansson P, 1995, "Informationsteknologi utan gränser" (Information technology without borders). Datorpulsen. (pp. 16-21). (First published in Väg- och Vattenbyggaren 5/91. Studentförlaget got permission to reprint as the article was regarded to have great relevance today).
Christiansson P, 1995, "Svensk Byggforskning på Internet" (Swedish Research on Internet). Byggforskning 6/95. (pp. 10-13). (The SWEBU project)
Christiansson P, Engborg U, Stjernfeldt F, 1996, "Skadeförebyggande erfarenhetsuppföljning för fastighetsförvaltare på Internet, SERFIN." Failure prevention through experience collection on Internet). Fastightesförvaltaren mars 1996
Christiansson, P, 1996, "Informationsteknologi för Byggbranschen. Visioner och nuläge?./Information technology in the building sector. Visions and toady's situation". Husbyggaren, nr 7-8 november 1996. Stockholm. (pp. 8-12). (In Swedish)
Christiansson, P, 1996 "Visioner om kunskapskommunikation i globala nätverk./Visions on knowledge communication in Global Networks." Tidskriften Byggforskning, Byggforskningsrådet/ Swedisch Council for Building Research. December 1996. Stockholm. (pp. 18-20).
/J40/ "Från stentavlor till videokonferenser". MacPressen, Nr 1, 1997. (Artikel efter intervju).
/J41/ Christiansson P, 1998, "Har det hänt något sen sist?" Ledare Husbyggaren Dec. 1998.
/J42/ Christiansson P, 2004, "ICT supported learning prospects". Editorial in ITcon Vol. 9, Special Issue ICT Supported Learning in Architecture and Civil Engineering , pg. 229-256. ISSN 1400-6529. (Per Christiansson editor).
/J43/ Farbøl O (2007) Intelligente og reaktive bygninger. Interview med Per Christiansson. Electra, marts 2007. ISSN nr. 0106-4703. (pp. 36-38) (in Danish)
Keywords: Intelligent bygning, reaktiv bygning, det digitale byggeri
/J44/ Christiansson P., Sørensen K. B., Rødtness M., Abrahamsen M., Ostenfeld L. R., Alsdorf M. (2008) " User driven innovation in the building process ". Journal of Tsinghua University-Science and Technology. Volume 13. Number S1. October 2008. ISSN 1007-0214 40/67. CODEN TSTEF7. Elsevier. (pp248-254). (Refereed)
Keywords: Innovation; user driven; needs; requirements; creative design; construction; system develop-ment
/J45/ Sørensen K, Christiansson P, Svidt K (2009) " Prototype development of an ICT system to support construction management based on virtual models and RFID ", ITcon Vol. 14, Special Issue Next Generation Construction IT: Technology Foresight, Future Studies, Roadmapping, and Scenario Planning , pg. 263-288, (Refereed)
Keywords: Construction management, radio frequency identification (RFID), virtual design and construction, Contextual Design, future user needs, user environments, mobile ICT
/J46/ Christiansson P, Svidt K, Sørensen B (2009) " Future integrated design environments, ITcon Vol ". 14, Special Issue Next Generation Construction IT: Technology Foresight, Future Studies, Roadmapping, and Scenario Planning , pg. 445-460, (Refereed)
Keywords:Future integrated building design systems, system development tools, ontologies, user driven innovation, functional building systems, end user needs, requirements modeling, innovative building design tools.
/J47/ Sørensen K B, Christiansson P, Svidt K (2009) " Ontologies to Support RFID-Based Link between Virtual Models and Construction Components". Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering 25 (2010) 285-302. (Refereed)
Keywords:Ontologies, Virtual Models, RFID, Project Progress Management, Ubiquitous Computing.
/J48/ Christiansson P, Svidt K, Pedersen K B, Dybro U (2011) "User Participation in the Building Process". Journal of Information Technology in Construction (ITcon), Vol. 16, pg. 309 - 334, (25 pages).(Refereed)
KEYWORDS: User driven Innovation, Functional building systems, Virtual Buildings, collaborative virtual environments.

10.4 Programs (research) /P/

[top] [publications and presentations]

Christiansson P, 1978, "Förslag till nytt datorsystem vid sektion - V, LTH". LTH V, April 1978. (6 pp).
Christiansson P, 1979, "Datorresurser i den byggnadstekniska konstruktions- och produktionsprocessen". Diskussionsunderlag projekt "Tillförlitlighet och kommunikation i en datoriserad byggbranch. November 1979. (5 pp).
Christiansson P, 1980, "Datorresurser vid Lunds Universitet". Bilaga till fakultetsnämndsutredning februari 1980. 29 januari 1980. (6 pp)
Christiansson P, 1982, "Diskussionsunderlag för kurser i DATORSTöDD PROJEKTERING. TILLFöRLITLIGHET". Avd för Bärande konstruktioner, Lund, 18 april 1982. (14 pp).
Christiansson P, 1982, "Aktuella områden under uppbyggnad". Rapport från Datorgrupp V till sektionsnämnd V. Lund, 22 oktober 1982. (4 pp).
"Utvärdering av CAD/CAM Programvara". Arbetsgruppen för CAD/CAM vid Lunds Universitet. 10 december 1982. (18 pp). (Per Christiansson medförfattare).
Christiansson P, 1983, "Integrerad datorstödd projektering. Inledande strukturering av forskningsområden". Lund, september, 1983. (15 pp).
Christiansson P, "Nordiskt handlingsprogram för datateknik i byggsekttorn". NBS-DATA rapport, januari 1985. (36 pp). ("Research program for Information Technology for the Nordic Council of Ministers")
Christiansson P, 1986, "Användning av videodisk för informationshantering. Grafiska kunskapsbaser". Utkast till tänkbart samarbetsprojekt mellan externa intressenter och Bärande konstruktioner, LTH. 30 oktober 1986. (Led to extensive funding from Apple Computer Inc.)
Christiansson P m.fl., 1986, "Datorbaserade expertsystem för optimala metod- och materialval vid byggprojektering samt drift och underhåll av byggnader; förprojekt". Ansökan till Nordisk Industrifond 17 dec 1986.
Christiansson P, 1987, "Datorisering av byggprocessen i Sverige. Internationellt perspektiv". Rapport till BFR/BST Cad grupp, (18 pp). Januari 1987.
Bilagor: (a) "Dagboksanteckningar juni 1986 USA, (8 pp), (b) "Dagboksanteckningar, USA sept-okt 1986", (3 pp). ", (c) "Användning av videodisk för informationshantering. Grafiska kunskapsbaser. Projektförslag" 30 okt 1986, (3 pp), (d) brev till örjan Wikforss angående synpunkter inför ISO möte (2pp).
Christiansson P, 1987, "Graphic Knowledge Based Systems Laboratory. GraKBS-lab. Lund University." Department of Structural Engineering, Lund University, March 3, 1987. (6 pp).
Christiansson P, 1987, "Laboratorium för grafiska kunskapsbaser. KBS-Media lab". Underlag till IT4/IT-Centrum Syd. Programarbete. 26 maj (6 pp), 12 augusti (4 pp) 1987.
Christiansson P, 1987, "The KBS-MEDIA Laboratory". August 30 1987. (7 pp).
Christiansson P, 1988, "Synpunkter till Handlingsprogram. Forskning och utveckling i Sverige jämfört med andra länder"/"Views for Action Program. Research and Development in Sweden Compared to other Countries". BFR Datorgrupp, 12 april 1988.
Christiansson P, Karlsson H, m.fl., 1988, "AMVI Nord - System för avancerad material- och varuinformation i byggsektorn". Ansökan till Nordiska Ministerrådet/Nordisk Industrifond, augusti 1988.
Christiansson P, 1988, "Gemensamt nordiskt projekt om produktmodellering"/"A Common Nordic Project on Product Modelling". Möte vid Tekniska Högskolan i Lund, LTH. Torsdag den 11 augusti 1988.
Christiansson P, 1988, "Datorstöd i byggprocessen. Bärande konstruktioner. Lunds Universitet. Forskning och undervisning." Underlag för diskussioner rörande forskning inom området datorstöd i byggprocessen vid Chalmers den 7 okotober 1988. (2 pp + bilagor).
Christiansson P, 1988, "Diskussioner rörande FoU samverkan KTH-A och LTH-V. 7.10.88 på CTH"

Christiansson P, 1989, "Datorisering i byggprocessen. Synpunkter till BFR handlingsprogram"/"Computerization of the Building Process. Views for the BFR Action Program". 3 april 1989. (14 pp).

Christiansson P, 1988, "DELTA Developing European Learning through Technological Advance. The KBS-MEDIA environment at Lund University". (Application). December 20, 1988. (4 pp).

/P22/ Christiansson "Datorstöd vid projektering, byggande och förvaltning". Underlag för BFRs FoU-program 1990-1993. Byggforsakningsrådets program- och utvärderingsgrupp för datorstöd i projektering, byggande och förvaltning. Juni 1989. The Swedish Council for Building Research - Research program for information technology within design, construction and maintenance.
Christiansson P, 1990, "IT Bygg Centrum Lund - ITBL. FoU program". (Information Technology Building Centre in Lund, ITBL. Research and development program). Lund University. December 1990, March 1991. (27+9 pp).
Christiansson P, 1992, "Svensk Byggproduktmodell. Kommentarer". IT-BYGG möte i Stockholm den 16 januari 1992. Byggforskningsrådet. (pp 1-7).
Christiansson P, Söderberg J, Klercker J, 1992, "ITBL. Informationsteknologicentrum Bygg i Lund. Anslagsansökan för budgetåren 1992-93 och 1993-94. 5 mars 1992 (pp 38).
Christiansson, P, Mark, Earl, 1994, "COLLTRAN: Collaboration and knowledge transfer in computer based telecommunications media." DRAFT proposal. A collaborative project between: Lund University, KBS-Media Lab, Prof. Per Christiansson University of Virginia, Dept. of Architecture, Prof. Earl Mark. Lund, Sweden, Charlottesville, Virginia, August 28-29 1994.(6 pages)
22.3.95 Remissvar: Synpunkter på Ingenjörsutbildning i Multimediateknik vid Institutionen LTH/Helsingborg. (5 sidor).
Christiansson P, 1995, "Informationsteknologi-strategi för Bygg-Sverige"/"Information Technology for the Building sector in Sweden". KBS-Media Lab 13 september. (16 pp).
/P29/ Christiansson P., 1996, "Kunskapskommuniktion i praktisk tillämpning". Underlag till diskussion om satsningar inom KK-stiftelsen. (5 pp.). + Bilaga 3 sidor. (I sambandmed satsning på Företagsforskarskola/mastersutbildning).
Christiansson, 2000, " Forslag til instituttets strategiplan 2000-2005". 21 augusti 2000.. Aalborg University. (21 pages).

10.5 Status Reports /S/

[top] [publications and presentations]

Christiansson P, 1987, Bilaga till projektansökan "Kontakt och stödfunktion i frågor rörande datorstöd i byggprocessen. 1986/87". Lund, 17 maj, 1987. (9 pp).
"KBS-MEDIA Project". The 12:th of January 1988.
"The KBS-MEDIA Project". 1987 Nov19. (5 pp). Revised 1988 Jan 12, 9 pp).
"The KBS-MEDIA Project". 1988 Sep 12. (3 pp). + 1988 Dec 09 (1 pp).
Christiansson P, 1989, Bilaga till projektansökan "Kontakt och stödfunktion i frågor rörande datorstöd i byggprocessen. 1987-1989". Lund, 26 april 1989. (10 pp).
The KBS-MEDIA Project". June 1, 1989. (3 pp).
Christiansson P, 1989, "AMVI, Advanced Material and Vendor Information System. Avancerade System för Varuinformation". LTH, Bärande konstruktioner, augusti 1989. (15 pp).
The KBS-MEDIA Project". February 6, 1990. (5 pp).
Christiansson P, 1989, Bilaga till projektansökan "Kontakt och stödfunktion i frågor rörande datorstöd i byggprocessen. 1989/90". Lund, 19 april 1990. (12 pp).
Christiansson P, 1991, "The KBS-MEDIA LAB". Apple Joint Project brochure. February 1991. (3+3 pp).
Christiansson P, 1991, Verksamhetsberättelse/annual report "Kontakt och stödfunktion i frågor rörande datorstöd i byggprocessen. 1990/91". Lund, 27 maj 1991. (14 pp).
Christiansson P, 1992, "Årsöversikt 1991/92". IT-Bygg Centrum Lund, KBS-Media Lab. nov. 92. (pp 8).
KBS-Media Lab and its personnel available on the Word Wide Web 1April 1994 at
/S13/ Christiansson, P., "Merkurius - Lunds Universitets näringslivsnod. Status 3". 9 oktober 1997/ Merkurius - Lund University company Knowledge Node - Status report 3. Oct 9 1997". KBS-Media Lab, Lunds Universitet. (17 pp.)
/S14/ Christiansson P, Mårtensson S, 1999, "Statusrapport över ITI samarbetet mellan Aalborg och Lunds Universitet". STAT-ITI-AAU-LU-4-1999. (6 sidor.)

10.6 Formal reports /A/

[top] [publications and presentations]

Utlåtande över Ulf Keijers ansökan om antagning som oavlönad docent vid KTH-V. September 11 1981. (Academic Review on application for Associated Professor). (5 pp).
Academic Review of Professor Dan Rehak's, Carnegie Mellon University, USA, work and it's impact. September 12, 1989.
Academic Review of Dr. James Turner's appointment to Full Professor, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA. October 14 1991
Evaluation of the proposed projects, 63420-287/92 "Computer integrated Design and Construction of Reinforced Concrete structures" and 63420-017/92 "Computer Information System of Buildings Project Management" for the Ministry of Science and Technology Republic of Slovenia. Nov. 20, 1992.
"Synpunkter på Ingenjörsutbildning i Multimediateknik vid Institutionen LTH/Helsingborg./ Views on proposed Engineering education in Multimedia at LTH/Helsingborg". March 22, 1995. (5 pp).
EC Directorate General XIII. Formal report on 'The Information Engineering programme' and suggestions concerning the long term development of the programme to 2004. Delivered December 18 1995. (7 pp).
Review on research grant application from Hong Kong Research Grants Council (RGC). Project "The current state-of-the-art of I.T. applications in the construction and real estate industry in Hong Kong and their impact on the industry". Answer delivered April 3 1996.

10.7 Other writings /O/

[top] [publications and presentations]

Christiansson P, Englund B-O, Magnusson H, 1980, "Reserapport - Design Methodology including Computer Aided Design, projekt 18". Besök vid de Ungerska forskningsinstitutetn TTI och ETI, Budapest, den 27-30 oktober 1980. Utbytesavtal mellan Byggforskningsrådet och Ungerska forskningsinstitut ETI. (12 pp).
Christiansson P, Åkerlund S, "Dynamiskt belastade burkar av plåt och rostfritt stål". Byggnadsteknik II. LTH. September 1980. (Experiments with dynamically loaded dampers in stainless steel). (23 pp).
Christiansson P, 1981, "Belastningar från naturkrafter och mänsklig aktivitet". Kapitel i 'IVA Rapport Byggnadsdynamik'. 13 september 1981. (14 pp).
"Studieplaner för forskarutbildning vid sektionen för väg- och vattenbyggnad vid tekniska fakulteten vid Lunds Universitet"/"Study plans for the Doctorate program at the Civil Engineering School at Lund University". 1:e byråsekreterare Per Christiansson. 12 oktober, 1981. (38 pp).
Christiansson P, 1982, "Ordbehandling vid VDC"/"Word Processing at VDC". Väg- och Vattens Datacentral, 17 februari, 1982. (10 pp).
Christiansson P, 1983, "INTEGRATED BUILDING CAD at the Lund Institute of Technology. Department of Structural Engineering. July 7 1983, (updated July 1984, May 1985 and May 1986). (8 pp).
Christiansson P, 1983, "Forskning rörande datorstödd projektering och konstruktion, CAD, vid Bärande konstruktioner samt presentation av Väg- och vattens datacentral, VDC". Besök vid LTH, Väg- och Vattenbyggnad av BFR:s vetenskapliga råd. 19 dec 1983 (kompletterad mars 1984). (7 pp).
"Studieplaner för forskarutbildning vid sektionen för väg- och vattenbyggnad vid tekniska fakulteten vid Lunds Universitet"/"Study plans for the Doctorate program at the Civil Engineering School at Lund University". 1:e byråsekreterare Per Christiansson. March 3, 1984. (36 pp).
Questionnaire 1984-1985 on course descriptions CAAD. ECAADE, Education in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe. Courses at the Civil Engineering School, Lund Institute of Technology. March 1985. (7 pp).
"Rapport från SCCF:s USA-resa, juni 1985." Skandinavisk Cad/Cam förening, Newsletter dec 1985. (Per Christiansson medförfattare).
Från utvecklingsfronten: NBS-DATA rapporterar i Datorn i byggandet 2-3/1986. (NBS-DATA report from the development frontiere). (pp 41-43)
Christiansson P, Herrera A, 1986, "Datorverktyg i byggprocessen. Befintliga kunskapsbaserade system vid Bärande konstruktioner". Seminarium. Lund 28 februari 1986. (34 pp).
A report from "The Workshop on Advanced Technology for Building Design and Engineering". Woods Hole June 1986. (Working group report. Co-author).
Christiansson P, Lehto M, 1987, "Optiska lagringsmedia för byggindustrin. Demonstration av videodisk konceptet. Besök från Technical Research Centre of Finland, VTT". Seminarium. LTH, 6 februari 1987. (1 pp).
The KBS-MEDIA Project. Poster till EUC Amsterdam, april 1989
Christiansson P, 1989, "Informationsteknologi och byggande. Framtidsvisioner". (uppsats, artikel underlag). Lund , 15 oktober 1989. (6 pp).
Christiansson P, 1990, "Det intelligenta huset eller intelligent byggande". (The intelligent building or intelligent construction). Föredrag/diskussion. Digital Equipment. Åregården Åre 2 april 1990.
Christiansson P, 1989, "Informationsteknologi - Byggande - Framtid". (artikel i V-LTH studieresa 1990). Lund , 29 maj 1990. (pp. 16-17).
Christiansson P, 1991, "KBS-Media Lab. Apple Joint Project". Lund Apple Joint Brochure. February 1991. (pp. 3).
ODL report CDROM, Presentation av KBS-Media Lab, 1992. (8 Mbytes) Including digital video with Per Christiansson.
Christiansson P, 1993, "The K3 Program. A international program for Communication, Classification and Representation of building process knowledge". KBSM931208O. (10 pp)
Christiansson, P.:1993, Informationsteknologi i Mediamuseet/IT in the Media Museum", Lund den 21.11.1993 (KBSM931121O) (6 pp). (In Swedish)
Herrera A, 1994, "Integrerade databaser vid datorstödd projektering/Integrated databases in Computer Aided Design". BFR 840797-2 (9 pp)
Christiansson P, 1997, "Resultat av Fou-projekt med stöd från byggforksningsanslag för budgetåren 1995/96 (1 juli 1995 - 31 december 1996) (7 pp.)
Christiansson P.,1997, "Kommunikation, Representation och klassifikation av Kunskap med IT. (K3)". Planering inför 1997. Bilaga till ansökan 7.12.1996. (8 pp.)
Christiansson P., 1997, "Projektsammanställning för BFR Jan. 1997. KBS-Media Lab". 12.2.1997. (6 pp.)
Francke Petra P., 1998, "Merkurius vill nå småföretagen ". LUM, Lunds Universitet meddelar, nr.3, mars 1998 (sid 4-5).
Samt sid 18 projektöversikt.

10.8 Discussions. Reviews. Short notes. /D/

[top] [publications and presentations]

Press cuttings on mobile weighing station. Motor 7/1977. Ny Teknik 1976-37. Elteknik 2/1977.
Christiansson P, 1985, "First International Expert Systems Exhibition, London". Skandinavisk Cad Cam Förening, Newsletter. November, 1985. (1 pp).
Christiansson P, 1986, "Rapport från Lund. Artificiell intelligens. Datorverktyg i byggprocessen" ("Report from Lund. Artificial Intelligence. Computer Tools in Building Process"). Datorn i byggandet - Direkt 3/1986.
(National seminar arranged by Per Christiansson in Lund)
Christiansson P, "Det elektroniska kontorshuset. Samspelet informationsteknologi och byggnadsutformning" ("The electronic Office building. The interplay between information technology and building design"). Datorn i byggandet - Direkt. Januari 1987. (1 pp).
(National seminar arranged by Per Christiansson in Lund December 1986, /R21/)
Christiansson P, 1987, "Notis rörande Kent Reed's besök i Lund och Stockholm den 7-8 december 1987". (1 pp).
Christiansson P, 1988, "Finn vägen i Halmstad"/"Find the way in Halmstad". MacWorld 3/88. (1 pp).
"An object lesson in modelling". Artikel i Building 25 November 1988.
"Datorn ritar hus". Lunds Universitet meddelar. Nr 13, november 1988.
"Hypermedia". Notis i CICA Bulletin No 28 December 1988.
"CEPA/FACE Conference in Los Angeles". CICA Bulletin, September 1989. (1 pp).
"Nytt centrum skall forska om datorn i byggbranschen". Lunds Universitet meddelar, november 1990.
"Mångmiljonbelopp satsas på nytt LTH-centrum. Ger skjuts framåt för forskning om datorer i byggprocessen". LTH nytt nr. 4, december 1990. (2 sid)
"Underlag för bedömning av anbud, CECOST. Uppbyggnad av ett system för datorbaserad distansundervisningvia World Wide Web". 4 juni 1997. (19 pp.)

10.9 Presentations 1980- /F/


[publications and presentations]

Presentations made at conferences (see '10.2 Conferences /C/') are not listed here except those with separate additional presentation documentation.

/F1/ "Lasteffektspektra genom systematisk sampling" i doktorandkursen dimensionering mot utmattning vid avdelningen för maskinkonstruktion, M-LTH. Lund Februari 1980.
Föredrag "översikt datorprogram. Några synpunkter på val av system"/"Computer Program Overview. Views on choice of Sytems". Kurs- Byggnadsinspektören och Datorn. /Course for Building Inspectors at Jacobsson & Widmark, Stockholm, 1-2 februari, 8-9 februari, 1982.
"Byggbranschens datorisering"/"The Computerization of the Building Sector". Byggnadsarbetarförbundets datorarbetsgrupp/The Workers Union Computer Group, Stockholm, april 1982.
"Introduktion till CAD"/"Introduction to Cad" vid forskarutbildningskurs (docorate course for architects) för arkitekter, LTH, Lund januari 1983.
"CAD/CAM" vid Bygginfo's besök vid LTH:V, Lund 5 april, 1983.
"Allmän introduktion till bygg-CAD"/"Introduction to Building Cad" vid seminarier om CAD-systemet GDS. Arrangör DATEMA. Göteborg 22 okt, Stockholm 23 okt, och Lund 25 okt, 1983.
"Datorn i byggandet" vid byggnadsarbetarförbundet i Lund, november 1983.
"CAD i arkitektarbetet". (samt demonstration av CAD-programmet Medusa). Arkitektursektionen vid LTH, Lund 5 december 1983.
"Bygg-Cad" vid sektionen för väg- och vattenbyggnad i samband med Lunds Universitets datordagar. (Föredrag, video, Medusaövning - 3 tim). Mars 1984.
"Datorn i byggandet internationellt"/"The Computer and Building" under FoU-dagen vid de av Byggcentrum Göteborg anordnade temadagarna "Datorn i byggandet". 19 mars 1984.
Presentation av CAD-verksamheten vid avdelningen för Bärande konstruktioner vid CAD/CAM dag vid Lunds Universitet. Maj 1984.
Föredrag "CAD-tekniken i Sverige och utomlands"/"CAD-Technique in Sweden and abroad" vid ADB-dag på Nordbygg 84, Stockholm 24 maj 1984.
Paneldebatt vid seminarium om "Effektivitet & lönsamhet i ditt arbete med CAD & Overlay"/"Efficieny and Profitability in your CAD & Overlay work" Panel session at. Arkitektkopia AB, Malmö. 1 november, 1985.
Föredrag "Integrated computer aided design" vid ATV Selskabet for Datateknik i byggesektoren,(ATV, Akademiet for de Tekniske Videnskaber/The Academy for the Technical Sciences). Copengahen 22 oktober 1984.
Christiansson P, 1985, "Arbetet i BFR/BST Cad grupp". Seminarium om "Projekteringens innebörd och hjälpmedel". Göteborg, 5 mars 1985.
"Datorverktyg i byggprocessen." Seminarium februari 1986. Bärande konstruktioner. (Christiansson/Herrera). Lund. (Datorn i byggandet Direkt, 3/1986).
"AI-aktiviteter inom byggområdet"/"AI activities within the Building Sector". AI-group at Lund University. 5 mars 1986.
Demonstration av expertsystem vid ESGIL (Expertsystem gruppen i Lund). Lund, 25 november 1986.
"Kunskapsbaserade system". Forskardag i V-huset. SVR-Syd och LTH-V. Lund, 23 april, 1987.
"AI inom byggområdet"/"AI within the Building Field". Ingenjörsdagar (Engineering days) at the Civil Engineenring Center, Stockholm. 12 maj 1987.
"Datoranvändning för tekniker. Temadag" vid Teknik-Resurs-Centrum i Klippan. Föredrag, demonstration av datorprogram samt diskussioner. Teman: Cad, AI, språk, maskinvara, programvara och utvecklingstendenser. Klippan, 8 okt 1987.
"KBS-Media lab. Demonstrator/Prototyp projects". Internationellt Symposium om Expertsystem i praktiken. (AI Conference on Induction Systems). Ronneby, 10-11 november, 1987.
"Datorutvecklingen". Föredrag i doktorandkursen "Om Cad för Arkitekter" vid sektionen för Arkitektur, LTH, Lund 2 december 1987.
"KBS-MEDIA miljön. Koncept och verktyg". Föredrag/demonstration vid MacInLunds månadsmöte vid Lunds Universitet. (Macintosch användarnas förening vid Lunds Universitet). Lund, den 1 mars 1988.
"Advanced Information Technology in the Building Process". Lecture at the 'Chinese-Swedish Seminar on Structural Reliability and Study visits in Sweden'. Lunds Tekniska Högskola, 23 mars 1988.
"AI, Expertsystem och Multimedia för Byggbranschen"/"AI, Expert Systems and Multimedia". Lecture at "Seminarium rörande expertsystem och normsystem"/"Seminar concerning expert systems and regulations", arranged by Statens Planverk (Swedish Regulation Authorities och avdelningen för Projekteringsmetodik vid KTH (Dept of CAD at KTH). Stockholm den 14 mars 1987. 3 pp).
"Cad och Informationsteknologi. Utvecklingstendenser". Föreläsningsafton vid Odd Fellow gården i Trollhättan anordnad av Ludvigsons ingenjörsbyrå, Knight Industrikonsult och Caran AB. Föreläsning/demonstration av Multimedia miljön (kunskapsbaserade system integrerat med optiska medier). Trollhättan, den 24 mars 1988.
"Avancerade multimedia system för informationshantering". Föredrag/demo under Multimedia dag vid Lunds Universitet (samt planering av dagen). (övriga medverkande rektor Håkan Westling, informationssekreterare Christer Hjort samt docent Bengt Sundström). Lund, 26 maj 1988.
"KBS-MEDIA". Lecture/demonstration at Ellemtel AB Stockholm den 8 juni 1988.
"KBS-MEDIA". Föredrag/demo vid "Revolutionerande navigation i kunskap - HyperCard och multimedia-dag". (Arrangör Apple Computer). Göteborg den 10 november 1988.
"Interactive Multimedia. KBS-MEDIA". Lecture/KBS-MEDIA-demo vid Swedish Telecom/Televerket Farsta den 22 november 1988.
"1988 Interactive Multimedia Development Conference". (KBS-MEDIA-demonstration). Apple Computer. San José California USA, November 28-30, 1988.
"KBS-MEDIA". Lecture/demonstration vid "Revolutionerande navigation i kunskap - HyperCard och multimedia-dag". (Arrangör Apple Computer).Stockholm den 16 november 1988.
"Inte bara kalkylering och ordbehandling. En översikt av multimediautvecklingens mångsidighet"/"Not only calculation and Wordprocessing. An Overview of the versatility of Multimedia". Föredrag/KBS-MEDIA-demo vid SPAFAB Kontorschefskonferens. Helsingborg den 9 januari 1989.
"Advanced Material and Vendor Information Systems". KBS-MEDIA-demonstration i samband med pressvisning hos Schweizer Baudokumentation under SWISSBAU 89 i Basel. Discussions concerning product classifications. Basel Schweiz den 30-31 januari 1989.
"KBS-MEDIA". (Lecture/KBS-MEDIA-demonstration) vid Arcona AB. Stockholm den 17 februari 1989.
"Vad är HyperMedia?". (Föredrag/KBS-MEDIA-demo) . Skurup Rotary Club den 28 februari 1989.
"Where Minds Meet" Apple European University Consortium. Poster session. Amsterdam den 19-21 april 1989.
"Informationsteknologi, CAD och Hypermedia". Allmän föreläsning/KBS-MEDIA-demo under kursen Bärande konstruktioner FK3, Computer Aided Design, Lund den 25 april 1989.
"Informationsteknologi och CAD - utvecklingstendenser"/"Information Technology and CAD - Development tendencies". Föredrag vid konferensen "CAD för arkitekter och byggare"/"Cad for Architects and Builders" at the Building Fair/ 'Byggmässan i Malmö den 9-12 maj 1989. (2 pp).
"Om att bygga morgondagens informationshanteringssystem". Föredrag/KBS-MEDIA-demo vid Multimediadag vid Lunds Universitet. Lund den 12 maj 1989.
"Datorer i planeringsprocessen. Morgondagens informationshanteringssystem"/ "Computers i the Planning Process. Tomorrows Information Handling systems". Lecture at Malmö stadsingenjörskontor/ Community Planning Office, den 19 maj 1989.
"The KBS-MEDIA project and Cad education at the Civil Engineering School, Lund University". Architecture Faculty. UCLA California. June 8, 1989.
"The KBS-MEDIA project and Cad education at the Civil Engineering School, Lund University". Architecture Faculty. University of Sydney. June 23, 1989.
"Framtidsvisioner"/"Visions". ADB-gruppen Akademiska Föreningen Bostäder, AFB. Lund, 23 augusti, 1989.
"Nästa generation Informationshanteringssystem för bl.a. byggvaror"/"Next Generation Information Handling Systems for Building products". Föredrag vid SIAB AB (Contractor) Stockholm Sepember 10, 1989.
Demo at MacInLund exhibition. Lund. September 26, 1989.
"Hypermedia i byggindustrin". Sektionen för Väg- och Vattenbyggnad 25 år. Föredrag/KBS-MEDIA-demo. Lund November 17, 1989.
"Avancerade system för materialhantering"/"Advanced Systems for Vendor Information". Projektet "Databaser för varuinformation inom VVS-branschen". KBS-MEDIA-demo på Svensk Byggtjänt/Swedish Building Center Solna, December 12, 1989.
"Demo av AMVI (Advanced Material and Vendor Information) systemet under Nordbygg 90 Fair. January 23- älvsjö.
"Nästa generation informationshanetringssystem med exempel från pågående FoU". Temadagar vid LNTH 20-22 mars 1990. Föredrag och KBS-MEDIA demo. Lund 22 mars 1990.)
"KBS-MEDIA Lab.". Föredrag/KBS-MEDIA-demo och diskussion. Läromedelsgruppen för multimedia vid Lunds Universitet. Lund 5 april 1990.
"Ny informationsteknologi i fastighetsförvaltning. Demonstratorprojekt Delphi". Föredrag/KBS-MEDIA-demo. Den XII Nordiska Studentbostadskonferensen. Lund den 29 maj 1990.
"KBS-MEDIA at LTH. ". Lecture/KBS-MEDIA-demonstration. IT-BYGG Seminarium. SISU. Stockholm. 31 maj 1990.
"Tomorrows Information Handling Systems". (+demonstration, discussions) for the SPA (Swedish Practicing Arhitects Association) IT-Group.. Lund August 30 1990.
"IT-BYGG/IT-BUILDING" to Fuktgruppen/Moisture Research Group at Lund University. 4.9.1991
"Knowledgebased media in the Building Process". Conference on Intelligent Flexible Automation. Osaka September 12, 1990. September 21, 1990.
"Knowledgebased systems media" Shimizu Construction Company. Tokyo, September 21, 1990. (Internal Advice to Shimizu)
"ITBL - Informationsteknologi Centrum Bygg vid Lunds Universitet/ITBL at Lund University". Part of presentation for the IT-BUILDING Board of Directors ("Emphasis on areas 3 and 4"). Lund, Architecture School at Lund University. 16.10.91.
(Presentationen supported by MacroMind Director images by Per Christiansson and Ingemar Sekund).
"Information Technology in the Japanese Building Sector". Experiences from visits to companies September 1990. ITBL seminar. Conference room Civil Engineering School, LTH. Lund, October 22, 1990
"Internationella aktiviteter och utvecklingstendenser/International Activities and Development Trends". Perioden maj 1990 och framåt". BFR Expertgrupp för datorstöd vid projektering, byggande och förvaltning/BFR Expert Group for Computer Support in Design, Construction and Maintenance. Stockholm 10 december 1990.
"Informationsteknologi i fastighetsförvaltingen"/"Information Technology in Building Maintenance". Gästföreläsning/Guest lecture i kursen Fastighetsförvaltning för V4. KTH Stockholm, 26 april 1991.
"Multimedia, Databas och Kunskapssystem - Demonstrationer/Multimedia, Database och Knowledge systems" at Människa -Dator-Interaktion/Man-Machine Interaction. Workshop and seminars. Organized by Dataföreningen/Swedish Computer Society and Inst. f. Informationsbehandling-ADB/Department of Information and Computer Science, Lund University. (+Demonstrations and slides). LTH-V:A. 28.5.1991.
Desktop agent seminar at KBS-Media Lab. Lund. 18 december 1991.
"Varuinformation i en föränderlig byggbransch"/"Vendor Information in a Changing Building Sector". NordBygg Fair, älvsjö. 22 januari 1992.
"IT och varuinformation. IT-BYGG/IT and Vendor Information". Product Information User Group. Swedish Building Center. LTH Lund, March 12 1992.(demo)
"Informationsteknologi i byggprocessen/IT in Construction". Department of Structural Engineering Course Datorstödd ritning och konstruktion/Computer Supported Drawing and Design. (+Demonstration). Lund March 24.1992
"Informationsteknologi i Byggprocessen/IT in Construction". Seminar series on Current Research within Building Sciences. LTH-V. Lund March 26.1992.
"Informationssamhället"/"The Information Society". Trelleborg sjöormen Rotary Club. Trelleborg 14 april 1992.
"Ny Informationsteknologi i fastighetsförvaltning/New Information Technology in Building Maintenance" at Lund IDEON seminar Alfa 1, on New IT in Building Maintenance for researchers and companies. +Demonstration of systems developed at KBS-Media Lab . September 16 1992.
"Utvecklingsstrategier och trender i byggandets informationsteknologi. Produktmodeller och kommunikation i internatiomellt perspektiv/Development Strategies and Trends in Construction IT. Product Models and Communication in an International perspective" at ITBL seminarium "Utvecklad Byggprojektering -samverkan - arbetsmiljö - informationsteknologi/Developed Buildling Design - Cooperation - Working Environment - Information technology". IDEON Lund /C37/ and
Jörgen Modin "Informationssystem på byggplatsen/Information Systems at the Building Site, the CUBE project" and Anders Follin "Varuinformationsmodellen/The Product Information Model", 26.11.1992.
"Presentation av KBS-Media Lab". Föreläsning och demonstration vid sammankomst om datorstödd utbildning vid Lunds Universitet. Lund. 17 mars 1993
"Kommunikation och samarbete över gränserna/Communication and Coooperation over the Borders". Experiences from visits to USA and Aaustralia. Per Christiansson, Jörgen Modin. Hall V:A, LTH. Lund March 11. 1994.
"IT-Bygg utan gränser/IT-Bulding without limits". Breakfast meeting at Lund IDEON LTH Network Lund. (+demonstration). March 25.1993
"KBS-Media Lab. Dynamiska Kunskapsnät/KBS-Media Lab. Dynamic Knowledge Net". Lund University Library, UB2.April 19 1993.
"IT-Bygg. KBS-Media Lab/IT-BUIIDING. KBS-Media Lab". SVR-Day. (Sveriges Väg- och Vattenbyggares Riksförbund/Swedish Society of Civil and Structural Engineers). LTH, V:A, Lund April 20. 1993.
"Dynamiska Kunskapsnät/Dynamic Knowledge Nets". +Demonstrations at IT-BUILDING day at Chalmers, Gothenburg June 2.1993 (Per Christiansson, JörgenModin).
"Operativsystem och gränssnitt - viktiga aspekter/Operating Systems and Human Interface - Important Aspects". IT-Strategies for Companies and Projects. A qualified development program for the building sector. Organized by BFAB (Institute for Advanced Training in the Construction and Property Sector). Stockholm (organizer). May 27-28, 1994.
"Vad betyder multimedia och IT för bostadsföretagen? Praktik och visioner/What do Multimedia and IT mean for the Housing Companies? Practice ad Visions". At BO'94 Swedish Housing Fair. Umeå. 9.8.1994.
"Information Technology at the Building Maintenance Disposal/ Informationsteknologin i fastighetsförvaltningens tjänst." At Skånehems study tour September 21-23 to Oslo. Helsingborg. Wednesday September 21 1994.
Building Maintenance business requirements/ FASTIGHETS-FöRETAGANDETS FoU-BEHOV. Presentation for ITBL, IT-BYGG Centrum i Lund. Seminar October 26 1994, IVA, Stockholm
"Collaborative Multimedia. Visions and Reality". Distant lecture at the coarse "Information Technology and its Application for Distance Learning and Co-operative Work". Mitthögskolan i Sundsvall. (via Videostudio in Gothenburg connected to Sundsvall). October 27 1994.
The world is shrinking. Knowledge handling and cooperation in the electronic highways". Lund Feb. 16, 1995. Hall V:A, LTH. lecture/workshops for the SIF union in South Sweden.
"Hvilke muligheder indebaerer informationsteknologien for byggepladsens og byggeprocessens effektivisering/Which possibilities do IT give to render the building site and the building process more effective". Organized by the Contractors Educational Fund in Denmark. Copenhagen. (+demonstrations), April 21. 1994.
22.3.95. Föreläsning och diskussionsledare vid Informationsteknologi för gymnasieskolan och Komvux. LTH Helsingborg. Arrangör Högskolan Kristiansstad.
31.3.95. Gästföreläsning i Ritteknik, Bärande Konstruktioner. "Informationsteknologi i byggprocessen".
24.4.1995. "Verksamheten vid KBS-media Lab/The KBS.Media Lab activities." At the research project APTIT, Helsingborg. Helsingborg Commune, FFNS Architects.
"Grafiska beslutsstödsstödssystem. Nya multimedia verktyg/Graphic Decision Support Systems. New Multi Media Tools". Lund April 24, 1995. Hall V:A, LTH. lecture/workshops for the SIF union in South Sweden.
"Knowledge handling in the Global Village. What can we expect during and after the Paradigmshift/Kunskapshantering i den globala byn. Vad väntar oss under och efter paradigmskiftet?". AT IT48h. two day conference, Akademiska Föreningen in Lund. Wednesday Februari 1, 1995
F/90/ also at CITU Idea semiar Oct. 1995. in Lund.
"Multimedia and its prospects/Multimedia och dess möjligheter". Lecture and demonstration at 'Rehabiliteringsteknik'/Rehabilitaion Techniques" course TNX135 at CERTEC, Lund University. 1995
12.10.1995 föreläsning och demonstration för GRUFU, Grundutbildning och Forskningsrådet vid Universiteten i Sverige.Lund
24.10.95 GIMLE föredrag på BFR. "Demonstration av Internet WWW som verktyg för byggbranschen./Demonstration of Inernet as a tool for for the building industry" at the GIMLE opening at the Swedish Building Research Council. Stockholm
Nov 25 1995. "Knowledge Communication in the Global Village" Lund University Science Day. Helsingborg.
Febr 8 1996, Lecture at CITU Idea seminar on "Models and IT-tools for Collaboration". Lund
Febr 21.1996 "Internet as a tool for the Building Industry". at IT-Idea96. Building Center Göteborg.
Oct 1 1996. "Kunskapskommunikation i byggbranschen/Knowledge Communication in the Buiding Sector" at "Idea seminar for the building sector" in Stockholm. KK-Stiftelsen (Mats Brunell) and Byggnet
(Anders Fläcke, Tommy Gustafsson).
Nov. 11 1996. "Framtida Kunskapskommunkation/Future Knowledge Communication", at Lund University Science Day in Hässleholm.
Feb. 6, 1997. " Kunskap och kommunikationsstöd i framtida byggbransch/Knowledge and Communication in the Future Building Process". Seminarium om "IT i Byggandet - nu och sedan" Sektionen för Väg- och Vattenbyggnad, Lunds Tekniska Högskola.

Feb 6, 1997. " Relation Företag - Universitet/The Company University Relations". Seminarium "IT i Byggandet - nu och sedan" Sektionen för Väg- och Vattenbyggnad, Lunds Tekniska Högskola.
April 22-24, 1997. KBS-Media Lab demonstrates projects at boot at Expoit97 fair in Malmö.
April 29, 1997. "IT och Framtiden/IT and the Future". Vid "Lite om IT" seminarieserie för företagare (seminar series for local enterprises). Hässleholm.
May 12, 1997. " IT, Framtiden och PROJEKT/ IT, the Future and Projects Proposals". Presentation vid Idéseminarium anordnat av Landskrona Kommun (Idea seminar arranged by Landskron town local authorities). Hotell öresund, Landskrona.
July 18, 1997. "Knowledge Communication using Internet. Experiences from Research, development and education.". Research seminar at Department of Architecture, University of Sydney.
August 18, 1997. "IT-Multimedia på Kulturen i Lund/Future IT-Multimedia at the Kulturen Museum in Lund" Lund. (Documented as Power Point presentation).
August 22, 1997. "Design av framtiden - Visioner om kommunikationssamhället/Designing the Future - Visions about the communication society". Vid konferensen "Mus i lägenheten? Framtidens Bostad", Bo97 - Bostadsmässan i Staffanstorp. (Housing Fair Bo97).
Oct. 3, 1997, "Möjligheter/Possibilities" Session 'IT - möjligheter, risker och ansvar', Lundakonferensen 1997 'Att förebygga skador/IT-possibilities, risks and responsibility. Damage Prevention'. Lunds Universitet och Skandia. Palaestra.
Oct. 28, 1997. "IT erfarenheter och framtiden i skolan/IT in school. Experiences and the Future. Presentation and seminar. Vårfruskolan i Lund.
Nov. 19, 1997. 'Merkurius. Lunds Universitets Näringslivsnod'/'Merkurius. Lund University Industry Knowledge Node'. Presentation vid 'IT Skåne och Informationsteknologin'. Kulturen, Lund.
December 4, 1997. "Informationsteknologi/Cad". Lecture at PE Course, Semester 2, Basis education. Aalborg University Aalborg.
February 19, 1998, "Design av Framtiden - Visioner om kommunikationssamhället/Designing the Future -Visions about the Communication Society". Presentation for IDA, Ingenjörer i Danmark, efteruddannelseudvalg. Copenhagen.
April 15, 1998, "IT i Byggeriet. Erfarenheter från semester6 kurs och framtidsfunderinger/IT in Civil Engineering. Experineces from the semester 6 course. The Future". Aalborg University, institutet 6, Aalborg.
/F114/ April 28, 1998, "Informationsteknologi i Byggeriet og Internettet/IT in Construction and the Internet". Visit by Rebild Rotary club at Aalborg University. Aalborg.
/F115/ " CITU Lund University visit at Aalborg University, June 10-11, 1998.". Lund University, Sweden.
/ / "WWW-anvendelsen på 6. semester/IT i byggeriet på byggeri- og anlægssektorens ingenøruddannelse" for 'Uddannelsesstyrelsen, Kontor for undervisningsmidler og IT i uddannelserne' Köpenhamn i samband med 'Møde om IT Indsatsen på Aalborg Universitet.' 24 september, 1998.". Aalborg University Denmark
/F116/ ITI Seminar Feb. 12 1999. "ITI samarbete med Lunds Universitet - IT verktyg för distribuerat lärande/ITI collaboration with Lund University - IT tools for distributed learning". Aalborg University.
/F117/ ITI Seminar Feb. 12 1999. " IT support in the semester 6 'IT in the Building Process'" course.. Aalborg University.
/F118/ Monday March 15, 1999, 15.00 - 15.30 at 'ITI Workshop on Distance education'. Langagervej 6, room 506, Aalborg University. Per Christiansson will give a lecture on Erfaringer fra Web-støttet PE kursus og projekt arbejde/Experiences from WWW supported project course and collaboration
/F119/ Friday March 19, 1999, 13.00 at the lecture hall Fredrik Bajers Vej 7, Aalborg University. Introduction of and feed-back on new education Master of Information Technology with 4 directions - Building, Industrial Production, Process Control and Computer Net & Communication.
/F120/ Monday March 22, 1999, 14.30 at St. Restrup Herregård, Denmark, Per Christiansson will give a lecture on " IT i byggeriet og intelligente bygninger/IT in the Building Process and Intelligent Buildings". In connection with 'Fællesmøde for VVS-undervisere'.
/F121/ Inaugural Lecture (Tiltrædelsesforelæsning) by Prof Per Christiansson. Thursday May 20, 1999, 13.00 at Sohngaardsholmsvej 57, Aalborg University " Application of IT in the Building Industry and the Build Environment - history and prospects". (45 pp)
KEYWORDS: IT, building industry, inaugural lecture
/F122/ 8th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DURABILITY OF BUILDING MATERIALS AND COMPONENTS. May 30 - June 3, 1999 Vancouver, Canada. " Properties of the Virtual Building".
/F123/ Visionsmöte, MAN manager utbildning i Landskrona. 24 juni 1999. " Därför behövs MAN Manager utbildningen".
/F124/ Monday August 23, 1999, 13.00 - 16.00 at Fibigerstræde 16, room 1.201, Aalborg University, Per Christiansson " IT i Byggeriet - nu og i fremtiden." B-studienævnet - byggeri og anlægsteknik. Livslang uddannelse 23. - 27. august 1999
/F125/ Friday August 27, 1999, 11.00 - 12.00 at Fibigerstrædede 11, room 3, Aalborg University, Per Christiansson " IT i projektering og projektstyring/IT in Design and Building Process Control" A-studienævnet - arkitektur & design. Livslang uddannelse 23. - 27. august 1999
/F126/ 3rd AECEF International Symposium (Association of Civil Engineering Faculties with participation of civil engineering faculties from non-European countries). September 9 -11, 1999, Cardiff, United Kingdom. " Experiences from Design and Use of IT Supported Distributed Learning Environment", Prof. Per Christiansson.
/F127/ Danish Center for Integrated Design September 23, 1999 A&D, Aalborg University "Models to support team work", Prof. Per Christiansson.
/F128/ Opening of Danish Center for Integrated Design Octobert 25, 1999 Aarhus School of Architecture. Nørreport 20, Aarhus. " IT i byggeriet - nu og i fremtiden / IT in the Building Process - present and future", Prof. Per Christiansson.
/F129/ Villum Kann Rasmussen Fond besøg, Onsdag den 2 Februar, 2000, 14.15 - 15.30 , Sohngaardsholmsvej 57, Aalborg Universitet " Forskning- og uddannelsesaktiviteter inden for IT i Byggeriet, Prof. Per Christiansson, Aalborg University.
/F130/ CITU seminar February 9, 2000, 13.00 - 16.00 Lund University, Sweden. "Modeller och gränssnitt i distribuerat lärande./Models and Interfaces in Distributed Learning", Prof. Per Christiansson, Aalborg University. (68 pp.)
KEYWORDS: Ditributed learning, interface, models
/F131/ DIVERCITY,Distributed Virtual Workspace for Enhancing Communication within the Construction Industry, kick-off meeting Mars 5-6, 2000 Salford, England. "Presentation of the Aalborg University partner".
/F132/ Det Digitale Nordjylland. Workshop om Digital Forvaltning tirsdag den 14. marts 2000 kl. 9-12. , Aalborg Universitet. " Den Digitale Bydel.
/F133/ Danvak årsmøde Mars 29, 2000, 15.10 - 15.40 Cowi, Aalborg, Danmark. " Intelligente Bygninger - andet og mere end IBI.
/F134/ "IT Byg Aalborg". EPSRC Tour Of Leading European Research Institutes. Seminar Hosted by Danmarks Tekniske Universitet & IDA Byg. 8th May 2000. IDA-Byg, 31-33 Kalvod Brygge, 1780 Köbenhavn V. 0930-1700.
/F135/ "IT in Distributred Open Learning Environments" Presentation at 'Construction Information Technology 2000 - Taking the Construction Industry into the 21st century', Reykjavik, Iceland in June 26-30 , 2000.
/F136/ "Knowledge Representations and Information Flow in the Intelligent Building". '8th International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering - ICCCBE-VIII', Stanford University, August 14-17 , 2000.
/F137/ Discussion contribution ' Information and Communication Technology, ICT, in the Building Process - Competencies and change'. Ingeniørforeningen i Danmark (IDA) "Kvalificering af lærere ved ingeniøruddannelserne inden for IT-området" København 14-09-2000, IDA.
/F138/ Kick-Off möte, MAN manager utbildning i Landskrona, tisdag 26 september 2000. "Därför behövs MAN Manager utbildningen - nya tjänster i den digitala staden och de intelligenta husen ".
/F139/ "IT-støttet samarbejde med multimedier og www". Aalborg Handelsskole, Turøgade 1, Aalborg, fredag den 6 oktober, 2000 kl 0810-0950.
/F140/ Per Christiansson, Kjeld Svidt presentation "IT in Collaborative Building Design - DIVERCITY - User Requirements fomulations". CID, Danish Center for Integrated Design, seminar in Århus October 23, 2000.
/F141/ "Development trends within intelligent and responsive buildings". 'LonUserGroup Denmark medlemsmøde' om 'Uddannelse og udviklingstendenser', 2 november 2000. Kl. 14:00 - 16:00. Elfagets Uddannelsesnævn, Højnæsvej 71, 2610 Rødovre.
/F142/ "ICT för nätburet lärande". Presentation vid 'Ett Svenskt Nätuniversitet'. Lunds Universitet, 26 april 2001.
/F143/ "Experiences from Using Internet Based Collaboration Tools". Presentation at 'Konference om Arkitekturforskning og IT'. Arkitektskolen i Aarhus 27.-29. april 2001.
/F144/ "User requirements modelling in design of collaborative virtual reality design systems". Presentation at International Conference on Construction Information Technology. Mpumalanga, Soth Africa, 30 May - 1 June 2001.
/F145/ Presentation of "IT in Civil Engineering and Views IT in the Building Industry" at TEKES-Infra-IT-Club visit in Denmark, Aalborg, September 28, 2001.
/F146/ "Capture of user requirements and structuring of collaborative VR environments". Key note presentation at AVR II & CONVR 2001. Conference on Applied Virtual Reality in Engineering & Construction Applications of Virtual Reality. Chalmers, Gothenburg. October 5, 2001.
/F147/ "ICT för nätburet lärande: ett fält av nya möjligheter". CITU seminarium, Lunds Universitet, den 14 november 2001.
/F148/ "Future communication soluations in the building process". At Byg-IT, Teknik&Data Conference, Odense. February 6,2002.
/F149/ ERFA Gruppe 'Det Digitale Byggeri'. København, Friday May 17, 2002. Presentation on 'ICT Building Research & Education situation in Denmark'. (ppt 3.7 Mbytes)
/F150/ "Virtual Buildings (VB) and Tools to Manage Construction Process Operations". At CIB W78 Conference on 'Distributing Knowledge In Building', Aarhus, Denmark. June 12-14, 2002. (8 pp.)
/F151/ "e-Locus DIVERCITY" [6.9 Mbytes ppt, 34 slides]. Presentation of the DIVERCITY project at the e-Locus (EU IST-2001-38790, Thematic Network) partners presentations. Eibar, Spain, September 2-4, 2002.
/F152/ "Virtual Environments for the AEC sector - The Divercity experience " [6.9 Mbytes ppt, 34 slides]. Presentation at European Conference of Product and Process Modelling (ECPPM). eWork and eBusiness in Architecture, Engineering, Construction. Portoroz, Slovenia, September 9-11, 2002.

Christiansson P, "Construction: Towards strict process specification or improvised yet co-ordinated teamwork?". Panel discussion 'paper'
/F153/ DIVERCITY Review Meeting, September 20, 2002, Helsinki, Finland . "Stakeholder Perspective". Per Christiansson, Aalborg University (Yusuf Arayici, Salford University Mikko Soininvaara, EVATA, Finland) Jens Ove Skjærbæk, COWI (Yves Michel, Spie-Tondella, France).
/F154/ Byggenetværk, Entreprenørskolen Ebeltoft, October 6, 2002. "Demonstration af visionen (EU 6th Framework)"
/F155/ "The EU DIVERICTY project and EU 6th Framework" vid 'Intelligente bygningsmodeller' - DR BYEN, Ørestad, onsdag den 13. november 2002 kl 13.00 - 17.30. Copenhagen.
'Intelligente byggeproduktmodeller' - Byggematerialeindustrien, Dansk Industri i København, onsdag den 27. november 2002 kl. 9.30 - 17.00.
/F156/ "Visioner om bygningsmodellers udvikling" vid 'Bygningsmodeller og byggeproduktmodeller - en helhed', Aalborg Universitet, Institut for Produktion onsdag den 4. december 2002 kl. 9.00 - 17.30.
Tre seminarer om anvendelsen af intelligente bygningsmodeller og byggeproduktmodeller.
/F157/ "Virtuelle Bygningsmodeler og distribueret samarbejde. DIVERCITY projektet" "Trends in EU 6th Framework" Per Christiansson, Aalborg University. At Netværket for 3D GeoInformation - Netværksmøde om '3D byggeri'. Onsdag den 11 december 2002 COWI A/S, Aalborg.
/F158/ Værdien af IT i Byggeriet" (6.8 Mbytes), Presentation at Teknik & Data , Effektiv IT-anvendelse i byggeriet, Odense, 5 Februar, 2003.
/F159/ "Next Generation Knowledge Management Systems for the Construction Industry". W78 Conference 'Construction IT Bridging the Distance", Auckland, New Zealand, april 24, 2003.
/F160/ Presentation at Bygningskonsulentforeningens visit at Aalborg University, VR Media Lab, October 9, 2003. "ICT Building Research & Education at Aalborg University".
/F161/ "ICT i dansk högskoleutbildning/ICT in Danish Construction University education", Presentation at 'Lärarkonferens - IT i byggande och förvaltning' IT Bygg och Fastighet 2002/ITBOF2002, Lunds Universitet, 8 december 2003.
/F162/ "Life long learning for improved product and process modeling support.", Presentation at 'eWork and eBuseiness in Architecture, Engineering and Construction'. 5th European Conference on Product and Process Modelling in the Building and Construction Industry - ECPPM2004. 8-10 September 2004, Istanbul, Turkey.
/F163/ "IT i Byggeprocessen", præsentation for Undervisningsministeriet om Akkreditering af Diplomingeniøruddannelsen i Byggeri og Anlæg Aalborg Universitet. 21 September 2004.
/F164/ Christiansson P (2005) "Building Management and Learning in Civil Engineering Education". ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering. July 12-15, 2005. Cancun/, Mexico. (Invited paper).
/F165/ Christiansson P, Carlsen M (2005) "Virtual Building from Theory to Practice". W78 22nd Conference on Information Technology in Construction. Dresden July 19-21, 2005.
/F166/ Christiansson P (2006) "Usability evaluation of mobile ICT support used at the building construction site". World Conference on IT in Design and Construction, INCITE/ITCSED 2006, New Delhi, India, 15 - 17 November 2006. [Keynote presentation].
/F167/ Christiansson P (2007) "Building Smart Buildings - bSB. Højteknologiplatform". SmartHouse Group Aalborg University. March 01 2007, Aalborg, Denmark.
/F168/ Christiansson P (2007) "Enhanced Buildings Potentials". 24th CIB W78 Conference "Bringing ICT knowledge to work". June 26 - 29 2007, Maribor, Slovenia.
/F169/ Christiansson P (2008) "SmartHouse/City Workshop". January 3, 2008, Aalborg Universtity, Denmark.
/F170/ Christiansson P (2008) "Brugerinvolvering i Byggeprocessen. Virtual Innovation in Construction - VIC. Forskningens Dag. Institut for Byggeri og Anlæg. 8 januar 2008, Aalborg Universitet, Danmark.
/F171/ Christiansson P (2008) " "Interoperability in Virtual Organisations." PhD kursus i ”Handlingsrationeller i interorganisatoriske organisationer. February 2, 2008. Rambøll, Aalborg, Danmark.
/F172/ Christiansson P (2008) "Future Integrated Design environments" CIB-W78 25th International Conference on Information Technology in Construction. Santiago de Chile, July 15-17 2008.
/F173/ Christiansson P (2008) "Building Informatics-education" CIB-W78 25th International Conference on Information Technology in Construction. Santiago de Chile, July 15-17 2008.
/F174/ Christianson P, "User Driven Innovation in the Building Process". 12th International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering. 2008 International Conference on Information Technology in Construction Beijing, (ICCCBE-XII & INCITE2008) China, October 16-18, 2008 .
/F175/ Christianson P. "Præsentation af en projektlederes erfaring - Project VIC". Opstartsworkshop indenfor EBST program Brugerdreven Innovation.København, torsdag 25 juni, 2009. CPH Design. Prags Boulevard 47, København. 25.6.2009. (18 slides).
/F176/ Christiansson P., Sørensen K. B., Steffensen K. G., Svidt K (2009) "User driven innovative building design". CIB W78, 26th International Conference Managing IT in Construction. October 1-3 2009, Istanbul Technical University
/F176a/ Christiansson P.(2009) " Digital aflevering". Kursus ved Teknisk Forvaltning, Aalborg Universitet, Aalborg, onsdag den 11 november 2009.
/F177/ Christiansson P (2010) "Future ICT Supported Integrated Building Process - Potentials and Barriers". De Digitale Dage på UCN University College Nordjylland, Aalborg Universitet, Tech College Aalborg, EUC-Nord and SmartCityDK Aalborg. 21- 23 april 2010 (49 slides).
/F178/ Christiansson P (2010) "Informationsteknologi i byggeriet og intelligente bygninger" Smart Energy Grids netværksmøde. BrainsBusiness ICT NORTH DENMARK. RTX Telecom, Aalborg, 20 maj 2010.
/F179/ Christiansson P (2010) "ICT-supported End User Participation in Creative and Innovative Building Design". 8th European Conference on Product & Process Modelling University College Cork, Cork, Ireland 14-Sept to 16-Sept, 2010.
/F180/ Christiansson P (2011) "Greenland Today". Y’s Men’s Club, Lund, Sweden - 8 september 2011.
/F181/ Christiansson P (2011) "ICT-supported End User Participation in Creative and Innovative Building Design". Carnegie Mellon University, USA. October 26 2011.
/F182/ Christiansson P (2013) "Construction IT projects Selected areas of interest". Dept. of Construction Sciences, Lund University. Thursday February 7, 2013.
/F183/ Christiansson P (2013) "Grönland i dag". Dept. of Construction Sciences, Lund University. Wednesday March 13, 2013.
/F184/ Christiansson P (2013) "IT-drivet paradigmskifte. Hur påverkar informationsteknologin vår framtid?". Lund Ideon Rotary klubb Torsdag den 11 april 2013, Restaurang Ideon, Lund.
/F185/ Christiansson P (2013) "IT och framtiden. Hur påverkar informationsteknologin vår framtid?". Skurup Rotary klubb Måndag den 6 maj 2013 Restaurang Sara, Skurup.
/F186/ Christiansson P (2013) "From Hightech to BIM. Informationteknologins utveckling fram till BIM". Dept. of Construction Sciences, Lund University Tuesday September 17, 2013.
/F187/ Christiansson P (2013) "IT och framtiden. Hur påverkar informationsteknologin vår framtid?". Harlösa Rotary klubb Torsdag den 3 oktober 2013, Harlösa.
/F188/ Christiansson P (2016) "Global Trends with IT". Falsterbo Skytts Rotary club, Vellinge, Sweden 24 februari 2016.
/F189/ Christiansson P (2016) "Vår Digitala Framtid. Pågående Paradigmskifte." Lund Rotary Club, Lund, Sweden. 4 oktober 2019.
/F190/ Christiansson P (2024) " AI nu och i framtiden. Pågående paradigmskife ", Lund Rotary Club, Lund, Sweden. 31 maj 2024.

Courses development /K/

[top] [publications and presentations]

Courses on post masters/doctorial level "Mini computers and computer controlled measuring devices", 1971, 1973, 1976 and 1978 (at VDC). /R3/.
"Programming of Mini Computers" for technicians and laboratory personnel at Lund University, 1982 and 1983.
"Computer Aided Design". 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, and 1989 on masters level. Master Courses.
"Computer Aided Design", 1985. Post Master/doctorial course.
"Knowledge Based Systems in Building Applications". Post Master/doctorial course, 1986.
Christiansson, P., (1991), "The KBS-MEDIA environment". In European course of the COMETT II program "New tools for the city, modeling, simulation, communication". Nantes (France). September 16-20 , 1991. (pp. 27-40). (in English and French).(Course developer, lecture, demonstration, TV recording). Industry.
Christiansson P, Modin J, Sekund I, 1992, "Nya hjälpmedel för kunskapsöverföring - utveckling av hypermediasystem" (New tools for knoweldge transfer within education and research- development of hypermedia systems"). Course for teachers and researchers. Developed and given by KBS-Media Lab. Sponsored by the Section for Staff Development, PUS, at Lund University. 25 hours.
Kurskompendium. November 1992. (38 pp) partly available (in Swedish) at
(Coarse evaluation/Kursutvärdering PUS 1993-01-17, 3 pp).
"Strategies for companies and projects. A qualified development program on information technology for the building and maintenance sectors/Strategier i företag och projekt. Ett kvalifcerat utvecklingsprogram om informationsteknologi för bygg- och fastighetessektorn." A development program in four parts/Ett utvecklingsprogram i fyra delar. Spring 1994. (8 pp). Lidingö. Per Christiansson in course development committee and teacher. Industry.
"IT for Civil Engineers/IT för V-byggare". Internet, communication, collaboration, image processing. authoring. Masters course. 8, 9 November 1994.
Coarse (3 p) in "Internet theory and practice". in Practical Multimedia Technique. and Internet. Lund Institute of Technology/Helsingborg. May 1995. Master course. Also available for library personnel and teachers.
See also
"To use and evaluate MultiMedia". " and "Make your own Multimedia Application". November 1995 at CITU Lund University. Courses for students and teachers.
Design and implementation of Internet exhibitions at Lund University Historical Museum. (Tools used HyperStudio, FileMakerPro, WWW). Teachers.
Spring 1997. A World Wide Web low cost PBL, Problem Based Learning, environment with base tools for video/sound communication with shared white board in a structured environment providing support for communication, access to learning material, personal annotations, etc. (One day course) Teachers.
Course: "Basic WWW for secretaries and teachers"
An introductory course in WWW-publishing for secretaries and teachers at institute 6, Aalborg University . Teacher. (1998)
From the content: What is Internet? Web basics. Associative thinking. Hypertext. Presentation media. Use of basic and advanced html editors. Acrobat, PDF formats, plug-ins. Image editors, image formats (with guest remote lecturer from KBS-Media Lab, Lund University using parallel video conferencing and application sharing over Internet), QuickTime VR. Communication with http-server. Make your own 'home-page'.
Course: "IT in the Building Process".
Year 3 of Civil Engineering education at Aalborg University. Master level. (First given 1998-)
Goal: To give an overall understanding of IT use in the building process in historic, present and future perspectives. and especially to mediate knowledge about: concepts, techniques and methods for capturing, dissemination and re-use of company and project knowledge and how building process models can be built-up, techniques and methods for structuring relational databases, techniques and methods for communication support within project work, techniques and methods for design and implementation of multimedia web interfaces, tools to support the design, implementation and use of group project webs.
Short course: "Digital Interactive Presentations"
Year 3 of the Architecture&Design education at Aalborg University. Master level.. (1999)
From the content: Concepts, techniques and methods to structure, integrate and present project results for interactive access from the World Wide Web, WWW.
Course: "IT in Building Management. Virtual Buildings."
Year 4 of the Building Management Civil Engineering education at Aalborg University. . Master level.. (First given 1999-)
From the content: (Product- and process model focus) Knowledge management principles. Principles for meta-structuring in web based structures. Semantic Web. Knowledge representations in practice. Web database integration. Conceptual and data modelling techniques. Cad system properties and object-oriented product models. Building 3D models for the Web. IT infra structures and intelligent buildings
Course: "IT in Building Management. IT Tools - Multimedia & Knowledge Management"
Year 4 of the Building Management Civil Engineering education at Aalborg University. . Master level.. (First given 2000-)
From the content: (HCI focus) Methods and technologies for multimedia human machine interface design. Contextual design methodology, incremental prototyping and participatory design. Computer supported collaborative work, graphical decision support, virtual reality environments and tools. Graphic editing and interactive digital film tools. Multimedia communication channels properties. Authoring tools, interactive story telling. Usability engineering and testing of HCI tools.
Course: "Intelligent Models"
Year 3 of the Architecture&Design education at Aalborg University. . Master level.. (2000, 2001)
From the content: (Modelling focus) Use of Cad (computer aided design) tools in the design process. Organisation and structure of product information in connection with use of Cad. Primer in relational database modelling. Classification of building objects.
Course: "Human Computer Interaction and communication - HCI"
Year 1 of the open 'Master of IT' education at Aalborg University. Open education. (2000, 2001, 2002)
From the content: Background and history of Multimedia development. Psychlogical/cognitive, perceptual and communication aspects of HCI. Principles and methods for evaluation and design of graphical user interfaces. Advanced multimodal user interfaces Integration and interpretation of information from different modalities. Web usability design.
Course: "Multimedia interface design and Computer Supported Collaborative Work"
Year 2 of the open 'Master of IT' education at Aalborg University. . Open education. (2001, 2002)
From the content: The Multimedia paradigm. Multimedia interface properties and underlying models. 3D models in the WWW. Contextual design and user requirements formulation. Usability tests during design. Collaboration and knowledge transfer tools. Data sources content, editing and formats. Limitations and possibilities.
Course: "Knowledge Management within Companies and Projects"
Year 2 of the open 'Master of IT' education at Aalborg University. . Open education. (2000, 2001, 2002)
From the content: Concepts, techniques and methods for capturing, dissemination and re-use of company and project knowledge Intranet specification and organisation. Organization analyses from IT perspective. IT and change strategy formulation and implementation. Virtual companies and organizations. Application software communication protocols. Data mining and meta classification. E-commerce and Extranets. Knowledge search and navigation tools. Data acquisition and information filtering. Knowledge representation properties.
Course: "Intelligent Buildings and the Digital City"
Year 3 of the open 'Master of IT' education at Aalborg University. Open education. (2001, 2002)
From the content: Services and systems in the intelligent and responsive building. User services systems, and administrative system. Information networks in the intelligent building. User services interaction. Intelligent building design. Home automation. Design and maintenance of intelligent building systems. Intelligent installations. Embedded systems and communication protocols. Relations between Intelligent buildings and the digital city. Present and new services and systems in the digital cities. Citizen networks.
Course: "IT in Construction -now and in the future"
In Aalborg University 'Life long education' aimed at industry. (1999)
Goal: To give an overall understanding of present and future building process in an IT and historic perspective. (Three times 45 minutes lectures).
Course: " IT in design and building process control"
In Aalborg University 'Life long education' aimed at industry. (2000)
From the content: The building and surrounding processes. Intelligent building and digital cities. Supply information. Logical information containers . Multimedia and VR. Intranets. Computer stored models. The Virtual Building concept. Team work and collaboration support. (Two times 45 minutes lectures).
Course: " IT tools to support collaboration and knowledge management in companies now and in the future"
In Aalborg University 'Life long education' aimed at industry. (2001)
In collaboration with COWI A/S and CarlBro A/S.
From the content: Tools for collaboration and knowledge representation. Experiences from knowledge management within companies. New models for the building process. Object oriented product models. From pre-cad to intelligent buildings and cities. Demonstrations in the Aalborg University Virtual Reality Media lab. (One day)
Course: " Computer Supported Cooperative Working"
At the open 'Master of IT' education at Aalborg University. Open education. (2003)
Course: " Virtual Buildings"
Virtual Buildings . Building product and process models in practice. At the open 'Master of IT' education at Aalborg University. Open education. (2003).
Course: " Building Simulations"
At the open 'Master of IT' education at Aalborg University. Open education. (2003).
Course: "Knowledge Representations and Semantic Web"
Year 4 of the Building Management Civil Engineering education at Aalborg University. . Master level.. (First given 2005-)
The goal of the Building informatics course in 'Knowledge Representations and Semantic Web' is to mediate knowledge about fundamental concepts, technologies and methods to analyse and develop models which describes a building, the building process and the digital infrastructures from design to application as well as mediation of knowledge about how the future services, systems, and infrastructures for knowledge management can be built and integrated.
New Education, November 2007: " in Civil Engineering " with specialisation in Building Informatics . See also and Broschure.
Cand. scient. techn. in Civil Engineering with Building Informatics focus is a 2 years education on top of Construction Engineer bachelor level. I give courses within 'ICT and Building Information Modelling', 'Information technology and knowledge management', 'ICT and system developmen'. Student project work are done within 'IT supported building design and construction', 'Virtual buildings and knowledge representations', and 'ICT supported collaboration and usability engineering'.
Uddannelsen i Bygningsinformatik er en toårig overbygning på en bachelor-, diplomingeniør- eller bygningskonstruktøruddannelse. Kandidaterne vil typisk arbejde i spændingsfeltet mellem softwareudviklere/systemleverandører og brugerne af IKT-systemer i byggeriets virksomheder. Uddannelsen fokuserer såvel på kompetencer indenfor identifikation af brugerbehov, systemudvikling og -evaluering som på en dyb forståelse for byggebranchens forretningsprocesser, informationsbehov kommunikation og samarbejde samt modeller af produkter og processer.
Projektenhedskuser gives indenfor bland andet Design af brugermiljøer og støttesystemer, Intelligente og responsive bygninger, Grundlæggende IKT, IT på byggepladsen samt CAD og virtuelle bygninger.
Lectures in the Cand. scient. techn. in Civil Engineering with Building Informatics, within IT and Knowledge Management Semantic Web and WEB-Database Connections, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2016 and 2017. Aalborg University, Building Informatics.
Lectures at Lund University, Lund Institute of Technology, Dept of Construction Science, within Building Information Modelling (BIM) at courses 'Practical building design with BIM' and 'BIM modelling and visualisation'. Areas covered are 'Background to the IT, CAD and BIM development' (2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019), 'BIM Introduction' (2017, 2018, 2019), 'BIM in Practice 1' (2017, 2018, 2020).

10.11 Patents /X/

[top] [publications and presentations]

"Kapacitiv givare" ("Capacative Transducer for dynamic measuring of vehicle loads"). Inlämnad 8 april 1975. Nr 7503998-2. Per Christiansson.
"BALK". ("High strength Steel Beam with Depressions) nr. 76 12374-4. Inlämnad. 1 april 1977. Patentet släppt 1989. Per Christiansson, Lars östlund.



Aalborg University, Denmark
Lund Student Union Dwelling Center
Institute for Advanced Training in the Construction and Property Sector.
Swedish Council for Building Research
National Board of Housing Building and Planning
Dynamic Knowledge Net
Center for Information Technology in Education at Lund University
Erhvervs- og Boligstyrelse
The foundation for Information on Economic Research in Lund
Swedish Council for Planning and Coordination of Research
Science Park in Lund. The first in Sweden opened 1983.
Information and Communication Technology
The International Society for Knowledge Organization
Lund Institute of Technology at Lund University
Lecture hall A at Civil Engineering School, LTH
Lund University
Knowledge Based Systems Media
Advisory group at Lund University under Pro Rector on IT-strategies and distance education. (name created by Per Ch. and later used as a concept in my research)
The Swedish Foundation for Knowledge and Competence Development (KK-Foundation) (KK)
The Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm
Swedish National Board for Industrial and Technical Development
Nordic Building Research Cooperation Group (NBS), Working Group for Information Technology (DATA)
Section for Staff Development at Lund University (later UPC)
Swedish Institute for Computer Science
The Development Fund of the Swedish Construction Industry
The Swedish Association of Practicing Architects
Swedish Society of Civil and Structural Engineers.
Swedish Telecom
Lund University Library Building 2. Lund Institute of Technology, Mathematics and Natural Sciences and Faculty of Medicine
The Civil Engineering Computing Center at Lund University
Civil Engineering School at Lund Institute of Technology, Lund University